Mobs by Type: Hobbit

A Young BrandybuckBree-town Bree 
A Young TookBree-town Bree 
Adalgrim GoodbodyThe Shire The Party Tree 
Adaric BurrowsEvendim Oatbarton 
Adelard TookThe Shire Great Smials 
Adelgar Brandybuck (Heavy Armour, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Adsiltia Madcorf, Relic-masterEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Adso HaybankBree-land Adso's Camp 
Ailward Chubb (Inn League Member)The Shire The Party Tree 
Albin NorthcottonEvendim Northcotton Market Grounds 
Albra Lowbanks (Burglar Trainer), Burglar TrainerBree-town The Lowbank's Estate 
Aldo Topleaf, Medium Armour TraderThe Shire Bywater 
Aled MadcoreEnedwaith The Fishing Hole 
Alf Earthenway (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Grothum 
Alf GoodcliffThe Shire Little Delving 
Alken ChubbThe Shire The Green Dragon Inn 
Alric Banks (Inn League Taxidermist), TraderThe Shire Inn League, The Bird & Baby Inn 
Amaranth Gamgee, Novice ScholarEvendim Oatbarton 
Amber Whitfoot, AuctioneerThe Shire The Shire Auction Hall 
Andfast Tunnelly, Stable-masterThe Shire Michel Delving 
Andy Brockhouse (Michel Delving Housing Broker)The Shire The Delving Fields 
Andy Deepwell, Stable-masterEvendim Oatbarton 
Andy Smallburrow (Light Armour, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Angelica Bolger, ProvisionerThe Shire Budgeford 
ArdoThe Shire Overhill 
Ardo Aleford, Minstrel TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
Asphodel Burrows, ProvisionerBree-land Buckland 
Asphodel FroghornBree-land Widow Froghorn's Farm 
Assistant FallohideThe Shire Michel Delving 
Aster Bracegirdle (Head Caretaker)Shire Homesteads  
Atherol TookBree-land Adso's Camp 
Avan Brocktull, Stable-masterEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Aytrop BolgerThe Shire Inn League 
Balbo BrockhouseEvendim Oatbarton 
Balbo Grubb, Novice WeaponcrafterThe Shire Michel Delving 
Baldo MudfootThe Shire The Party Tree 
Baldwin Foxtail (The Mathom Society)The Shire Mathom House 
Bando Brandybuck (Race-master)Middle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Bando WendingwayShire Homesteads  
Barl Audley, Light ArmoursmithLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Barmy Rootknot, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Green Dragon Inn 
Bartelot TookNorth Downs Free People's Camp 
Basil Goodbody (Party Planner)Shire Homesteads  
Belba Bracegirdle, Novice WoodworkerThe Shire Michel Delving 
Belco BrockhouseThe Shire Tuckborough 
Belgo Brockhouse (Inn League Games-master)The Shire Greenfields 
Belgo Brockhouse (Town Crier)Shire Homesteads  
Belgo Redsmith, BowyerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Bellflower Pitts (Minstrel Trader), TraderEttenmoors Glain Vraig 
Benegar Longbottom Bree-land Everclear Lakes 
Beneger Bolger, Novice ScholarThe Shire Budgeford 
Berangar HighknollBree-land Buckland 
Bert Cotton (Medium Armour, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Beryl Deepwell (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderNorth Downs Skirmish Camp (North Downs) 
Berylla Goodchild, Novice JewellerThe Shire Michel Delving 
Betony Diggins (Crafting, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Betony Hornblower, Novice JewellerThe Shire Budgeford 
Bilbo Baggins, NotableRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Bill Shakesburrow (Director)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Bingo BolgerThe Shire Budgeford 
Birn Hornblower, BowyerEvendim Oatbarton 
Black RiderThe Shire Budgeford 
Blossom GamgeeEvendim Northcotton Pipe-weed House 
Blossom Proudfoot (Mistress of Apprentices), Master of ApprenticesThe Shire Michel Delving 
Bluebell Grubb (Inn League Member)The Shire The Plough and Stars 
Bluebell Hornblower (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderBree-town Skirmish Camp (Bree) 
Bluet Bracegirdle (Race-master)The Shire The Delving Fields 
BobNorthern Barrow-downs Northern Barrow-downs 
Bob BurrowsThe Shire Inn League 
Bob GreeneavesEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Bob ProudfootEvendim Oatbarton 
Bodo Burrows (Know-It-All)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Bodo GoodbodyThe Shire Brockenborings 
Bogo Chubb, Stable-masterThe Shire Hobbiton 
Bollo BolgerThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Bolo Boffin, Hunter TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
BounderBree-land, The Shire Buckland, Buckland Gate, Bucklebury Ferry, Little Delving, Michel Delving 
Bounder BoffinEvendim The Northcotton Farm 
Bounder Boffin (Bywater)The Shire Bywater 
Bounder CaptainBree-land Buckland 
Bounder ChubbThe Shire Needlehole 
Bounder PrimstoneThe Shire Brockenborings Watch Office, Greenfields Warren 
Bowman Whitfoot, ProvisionerThe Shire Michel Delving 
Brago Puddifoot (Hobby Master), TraderThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Briffo Burrows, Novice JewellerThe Shire Bywater 
Brinley Gardener, One-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Britho Woodvine, Medium Armour TraderThe Shire Budgeford 
Brumbald TunnellyBree-land Buckland 
Bungo Bolger (Skirmish Exchange), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Bungo Brockhouse (Crafting Trophy Trader)North Downs Esteldin 
Bungo Chubb, AuctioneerThe Shire The Shire Auction Hall 
Bungo GrubbEvendim Oatbarton 
Bungo Puddifoot (The Mathom Society), SupplierThe Shire The Mathom House 
Burdy Gamwich (Contestant)Middle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Buttercup Grubb (Outfitter), OutfitterThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Buttercup North-took (Maze-master)Bree-land The Horsefields 
Cadel Balchtrod, ProvisionerEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Cam PuddifootThe Shire Budgeford 
Caradog HenbuchEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Carl Proudfoot (Race-master)The Shire The Delving Fields 
Carlo Blagrove, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Carlo WilliamsThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Celandine BrandybuckArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance), Brandy Hall 
Celandine Brandybuck (Buckland)Bree-land Newbury 
Citrina Brockhouse, Novice ScholarThe Shire Brockenborings 
Clem Underhill (Escrow Broker)The Shire Michel Delving 
Cloaked FigureThe Shire The Haunted Burrow 
Clover Diggins, AuctioneerThe Shire The Shire Auction Hall 
Clover Took (Jewellery and Cloaks), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Coid Isbrun, Forge-masterEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Constable BolgerBree-land Staddle 
Cora Brownlock (Inn League Member)The Shire The Party Tree 
Cotman Brown, Novice MetalsmithThe Shire Michel Delving 
Cotman Gamgee, Novice MetalsmithEvendim Oatbarton 
Cottar Tunnelly (Weaponsmith's Guild Leader), TraderThorin's Hall Weaponsmith's Guild Hall  
Crocus StonybanksThe Shire Overhill 
Curious HobbitThe Shire Green Hill Country 
Daddy TwofootThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Daffodilly Hayward (Contestant)Middle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Daisy BrockhouseThe Shire Michel Delving 
Daisy HornblowerThe Shire Woodhall 
Daisy Newbuck, BowyerThe Shire Budgeford 
Daisy Sandyman (Overworked Vendor)The Shire Bywater 
Dark RunnerShire Homesteads  
Daylily Bolger (Inn League Member)The Shire The Floating Log Inn 
Dob Deepfurrow, TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Dob Proudfoot (Crafting Guild Trainer), Crafting Guild TrainerThe Shire Michel Delving 
Dodder Twofoot (Race Trader), TraderMiddle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Doderic BrandybuckThe Old Forest Bald Hill 
Donna Brandybuck (Healer), HealerEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Dono Boffin, Weapon TraderBree-land Crickhollow 
Dora Brandybuck, BowyerBree-land Crickhollow 
Dora BrownlockThe Shire Waymeet 
Dora LongburrowBree-town  
Dora Proudfoot (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Drogo Boffin, ProvisionerThe Shire Bywater 
Drogo Whitfoot (Keeper of Gifts), TraderThe Shire Michel Delving 
Dudo ChubbThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Dudo Greenacre, Two-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Edilina ProudfootThe Shire Tuckborough 
Edulf TunnellyEvendim Northcotton Wind-mill 
Egbert Dirchins (Burglar Trader), TraderEttenmoors Glain Vraig 
Egbert Took (Trickster)The Shire The Party Tree 
Eldo SwatmidgeBree-land Staddle 
Emerald BoringsThe Shire Michel Delving 
Emerald TwospadeEttenmoors Hoarhallow 
Emissary Pip Diggins (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Erling GoodbodyBree-town Bree 
Ernald Boffin (Outfitter), OutfitterThe Shire The Golden Perch 
Ernulf Brandybuck (Inn League Member)The Shire The Golden Perch 
Ernwyd Brandybuck (Quartermaster), TraderThe Shire The Party Tree 
Esilia Diggerly (Novice Cook), Novice CookBree-land Combe Crafting Hall 
Esilia Took (Grocer), GrocerThe Shire Tookland 
Esmerelda BurrowsThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Estmar Bolger (Hobby Master), TraderThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Ethelinda BurrBree-land Staddle 
Eustoma Muddybanks (The Mathom Society)The Shire The Mathom House 
Everard HolebourneThe Shire Overhill 
Evil Dwarf (Actor)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Falco Broadhouse, Burglar TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
Falco GreenhandBree-land Staddle 
Farmer Maggot (Respected Farmer), GrocerThe Shire Bamfurlong 
Farmer SandsonThe Shire Sandson's Farm 
Felderic Willowwood, Light Armour TraderThe Shire Brockenborings 
Fenric BanksEvendim Oatbarton 
Ferdibrand TookBree-land Staddle 
Ferumbras AttereeveBree-land Staddle 
Festival Announcer (Shire) (Stable-master)The Shire Michel Delving 
Festival Announcer (Town Crier), TraderThe Shire Bywater 
Filbert BurrowsBree-land  
Filibert BolgerThe Shire Needlehole 
Filimer Took, One-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire Bywater 
Flambard Took, Hunter TrainerBree-town  
Fogo FallohideThe Shire The Golden Perch 
Folco Boffin, GrocerThe Shire Scary 
Fosco Boffin, GrocerThe Shire Scary 
Foxglove Grubb (Inn League Member)The Shire Brockenborings 
Foxglove TunnellyThe Shire The Party Tree 
Frago Sandheaver (Inn League Trader), TraderThe Shire Inn League 
Fredegar BolgerBree-land Crickhollow 
Frodo Baggins, NotableRivendell Bilbo's Room 
Frodo Baggins (Cerin Amroth), NotableLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Frodo Baggins (Frostbluff) (Actor)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Frodo Baggins (Player)The East Wall Parth Galen 
Fuchfia Proudfoot, Novice WeaponcrafterThe Shire Bywater 
Fuchsia Proudfoot, Novice WeaponcrafterThe Shire Bywater 
Fulk Proudfoot (Inn League Member)The Shire The Green Dragon Inn 
Fundo Delver (Armour Trader), Heavy ArmoursmithEvendim Oatbarton 
Gabby Burrows (Skirmish Captain), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Gaffer Gamgee (Respected Gardener), GrocerThe Shire Hobbiton 
Gammer Boffin, GrocerThe Shire Overhill 
Gammer Took (Bard of the Shire), BardThe Shire Michel Delving 
Gammer TunnellyThe Shire Tuckborough 
Gammy BoggsBree-land Staddle 
GardenerEvendim Oatbarton 
Gardenia Bracegirdle, HealerThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Gardenia Chubb (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderAngmar Skirmish Camp (Angmar) 
Gardenia Chubb (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderEregion Skirmish Camp (Eregion) 
Gardenia Grubb, Novice WeaponcrafterThe Shire Brockenborings 
Gareth Somerset, One-handed Weapon TraderBree-land Staddle Arms 
Garnet Brockhouse (Legendary Items), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Garnet Grubb, Novice TailorThe Shire Bywater 
Gentian Bolger (Provisions, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Geranium Took (Aspirants' Quartmaster), TraderEnedwaith Harndirion, Thror's Coomb 
Gerard DeepholeEvendim Northcotton Animal Pens 
Gerd Whitfoot, GrocerThe Shire Bywater 
Gerebert TookThe Shire Old Odo's Leaf-farm 
Gil SandheaverBree-land Hengstacer Farm 
Gilda Sweetwater (Light Armoursmith Trader), Light ArmoursmithThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Gillemin BrandybuckThe Old Forest Old Forest 
Gilly Bracegirdle (Medium Armour Trader), Medium ArmoursmithThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Glad Goodbody (Fireworks Vendor), GrocerThe Shire Methel-stage, The Party Tree 
Gladdy Chubb-baggins (Contestant)Middle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Glass BlowerEvendim Dwaling 
Glory Hornblower, Novice ScholarThe Shire Bywater 
Gogo Bracegirdle (Barter Vendor), TraderThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Goldie TunnellyThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Gorhendad Greenholm, One-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire Budgeford 
GossipEvendim Oatbarton 
Graland WhitefootThe Shire The Delving Fields 
Gredlan Mugwort (Curious Novelties), TraderBree-town  
Greta FallohideThe Shire Budgeford 
Greylond Bottomley (The Mathom Society )The Shire Mathom House, Michel Delving 
Griffin Bunce, BowyerThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Griffo BoffinThe Shire Needlehole 
Grimnir (Metalsmith's Guild) (Legendary Recipes), Expert MetalsmithThorin's Hall Metalsmith's Guild Hall  
Grobo DogwortBree-land Grobo Dogwort's House 
Gundabald Gardner, Novice WoodworkerEvendim Oatbarton 
Gunderic Grubb, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Golden Perch 
Gundo Bracegirdle, Stable-masterThe Shire Brockenborings Watch Office 
Gwin CurgononEnedwaith Khoblun Utot 
Haggo Boffin (Flying Feathers Captain)Bree-land The Horsefields 
Hal GamgeeEvendim Oatbarton 
Hal HornblowerThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Hal TillerMirkwood The Scuttledells 
Halfred Bolger, Novice TailorThe Shire Michel Delving 
Halfred Greenhand, Novice TailorThe Shire Brockenborings 
Halson Tubwort, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Hammy MaggotThe Shire The Marish 
Hamo Brockhouse, Novice JewellerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Hardo Thorney, Two-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire Bywater 
Harigar Mudbottom (Inn League Member)Evendim Oatbarton 
Hart HolemanThe Shire Overhill 
Hasculf Goodbody (Healer), HealerShire Homesteads Homestead Provisions (The Shire) 
Hasculf TookThe Shire Inn League 
Heartsease Whitfoot (Spring Provisioner), Tavern KeepThe Shire The Party Tree 
Heartsease Whitfoot (Lithe Festival Provisioner), Tavern KeepThe Shire The Party Tree 
Heartsease Whitfoot (Harvest Provisioner), Tavern KeepThe Shire The Party Tree 
Hending Gamgee, Stable-masterThe Shire Needlehole 
Hending Greenhand, Novice WeaponcrafterEvendim Oatbarton 
Hereward Loamsdown, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Ivy Bush Inn 
Hildibras Took, Novice ScholarThe Shire Michel Delving 
Hildifons Took IIEred Luin The Eastway 
Himloc Grouse, GrocerBree-land Staddle 
Hoarhallow Farmer (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Hoarhallow 
Hoarhallow Gardener (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Hoarhallow 
Hob HillbrowEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Hobbit (Stage Manager)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Hobbit (User)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Hobbit Home-ownerThe Shire Stock 
Hobbit (Bear)The Shire The Haunted Burrow 
Hobbit (Concessions) (Concessions), TraderFrostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Hobbit (G.L.O.B.E.)Frostbluff Winter-home 
Hobbit (Ghost)The Shire The Haunted Burrow 
Hobbit (Skeleton)The Shire The Haunted Burrow 
Hobson Cotton, Novice FarmhandEvendim Oatbarton 
Hodor Thornberry, Weapon TraderArchet (pre-instance) Archet 
Hodric BracegirdleBree-land Buckland 
Holba Blackiron, Light Armour TraderThe Shire Bywater 
Holfast BurrowsThe Shire The Party Tree 
Holly HornblowerThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Honesty Goodbody (Cook's Guild Recipe Vendor), Expert CookThe Shire Cook's Guild Hall  
Hugo BroadbeltThe Shire Michel Delving 
Humbert SandheaverBree-land Festival Grounds 
Hungry HobbitThe Shire The Marish 
Hyacinth TookThe Shire Tuckborough 
Iago GlennudhEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Ida Mabbitt, Expert JewellerEvendim Oatbarton 
Iger Brockhouse (Dance Leader)The Shire The Party Tree 
Imbert TookThe Shire The Great Willow 
Indor Weaver, One-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire The Michel Delving Vendor Hall 
Inn League Tavern KeepThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall, Thorin's Hall Inn 
InnkeeperThe Shire The Golden Perch 
InulaThe Shire Overhill 
Ioco Underhill (Inn League Member)The Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Iolo BrochtuEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Iris ChubbThe Shire Needlehole 
Iris Goodbody (Town Crier)The Shire The Delving Fields 
Isembard Took IIThe Shire The Great Willow 
Isenbard BolgerEvendim The Northcotton Farm 
Isengar Bolger, Novice MetalsmithThe Shire Budgeford 
Ivo BrockhouseThe Shire Brockenborings 
Ivy Tunnelly (Inn League Barmaid), Tavern KeepThe Shire Inn League 
Jack LewisdownThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Jaspera Noakes, Novice CookThe Shire Bywater 
Jewel Underhill, Expert CookThe Shire Michel Delving 
Jolly CottonThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Jolly SmallburrowThe Shire The Delving Fields 
Jorgen (Jewellery and Cloaks), TraderNorth Downs Skirmish Camp (North Downs) 
Keeper Brombard FoxtailThe Shire The Mathom House 
Kened BaltrodEnedwaith The Fishing Hole 
LaliaNorthern Barrow-downs Northern Barrow-downs 
Lara Boffin, Light ArmoursmithBree-land Crickhollow 
Largo Proudfoot (Novice Farmhand), Novice FarmhandThe Shire South Fields 
Laurel Sackville (Inn League Recruiter)Thorin's Gate Frerin's Court 
Leland Underhill (Instance)Bree-land Holt Adderson’s Grotto 
Leofric Brandybuck, SupplierBree-land Buckland 
LeofwennaLone-Lands Minas Eriol 
Lilabet Roper, Burglar TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
Lili Gardhur, HealerEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Lily ProudfootThe Shire Scary 
Lily SandheaverBree-town Bree 
Lily UnderhillBree-land Staddle 
Linda BolgerThe Shire Budgeford 
Lobelia Sackville-BagginsThe Shire Bag End, The Haunted Burrow 
Lolo WendingwayBree-land Staddle 
Longo BurrowThe Shire Longo Burrow's Farm 
Longo DaegmundBree-land Staddle 
Lorgo BoffinThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Lotho Sackville-BagginsThe Shire Bag End, The Plough and Stars 
Madulas Brandybuck, Novice WoodworkerThe Shire Budgeford 
Madulas Brandybuck (Buckland), Novice WoodworkerBree-land Buckland 
Maggie Twilburr, HealerEvendim Oatbarton 
Malvo Goldworthy, Medium ArmoursmithBree-land Crickhollow 
Maneser Goodbody (The Mathom Society), SupplierThe Shire The Mathom House 
Marigold Grubb, SupplierThe Shire Michel Delving 
Marigold TwospadeThe Shire Michel Delving 
Marigold WinterdownEttenmoors Hoarhallow 
Marmadoc Bolger, HealerThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Mary Boffin (Escrow Broker)Shire Homesteads  
Mary HornblowerThe Shire Inn League 
Mat HarfootThe Shire Stock 
May GamgeeThe Shire The Party Tree 
May Gardner, Novice TailorEvendim Oatbarton 
Mayor Wat MudbottomEttenmoors Hoarhallow 
Mayor Will Whitfoot (Mayor of the Shire)The Shire Michel Delving 
Melilot HaywardThe Shire The Party Tree 
Melongene Took (Scholar's Guild Recipe Vendor), Expert ScholarRivendell Scholar's Guild Hall  
Meriadoc Brandybuck, NotableRivendell Bilbo's Room 
Meriadoc Brandybuck (Bain Gwalot, NotableLothlorien Bain Gwaloth 
Merimas Brandybuck, Novice ScholarBree-land Buckland 
Merry (Parth Galen)The East Wall Parth Galen 
Merry (Troubled Dreams)The Great River Thinglad 
Milo BolgerThe Shire Bridgefields 
Milo Brockhouse (Fireworks Announcer)The Shire Methel-stage 
Milo HornblowerThe Shire Frogmorton 
Milo LongfurrowEvendim Longfurrow's House 
Mimosa Cotton, ProvisionerEvendim Oatbarton 
Mimosa Proudfoot, Novice WeaponcrafterThe Shire Budgeford 
Miner From Scary The Shire The Plough and Stars 
Minstrel (Minstrel Trader), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Mirabell Gammidge, Medium Armour TraderThe Shire Brockenborings 
Misty Bolger (Fishing Supplier), SupplierThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Moonlight Sandheaver (Inn League Member)The Shire The Ivy Bush Inn 
Moro Brockhouse, Novice MetalsmithThe Shire Brockenborings 
Mosco Bracegirdle, Novice MetalsmithBree-land Buckland 
Mosco SmallburrowThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Mudric Rumble (Contestant)Middle-earth The Taste of Hobbiton  
Muli (Server)Bree-land Festival Grounds 
Mundaric SandheaverEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Mundo Hornblower (Curiosities), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
MundolBree-land The Mustering Cave 
Mungo BurrowsThe Shire Greenfields 
Myrtle Brandybuck, Novice CookBree-land Buckland 
Myrtle OddfootThe Shire Frogmorton 
Narrator (Actor)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Ned DigginsThe Shire Michel Delving 
Ned LongbottomThe Shire The Party Tree 
Ned Sandheaver (Legendary Items), TraderNorth Downs Skirmish Camp (North Downs) 
Neddie Grub (Quartermaster), TraderThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Neldo Oaklane, BowyerThe Shire Bywater 
Nibs ChubbEvendim Oatbarton 
Nibs Cotton (Farmer)The Shire  
Nick CottonThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Nob Hornblower (Quartermaster), TraderThe Shire The Party Tree 
Nod GardenerEvendim Oatbarton 
Odo Chubb (Skirmish Trainer), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Odo MudbottomThe Shire Frogmorton 
Odo PipesThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Odovacar Bolger (Prominent Bolger)The Shire Budgeford 
Oger Brockhouse (Dance Leader)The Shire The Party Tree 
Old MugwortLone-Lands Eglain Camp 
Olo Brockhouse, Novice WoodworkerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Olo Proudfoot (Expert Farmhand), Expert FarmhandThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Opal GoodbodyThe Shire The Hill, The Party Tree 
Opal Stonefield, Two-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire Budgeford 
Opaline GrubbEvendim Oatbarton 
Orrick Fleetfoot, Two-handed Weapon TraderBree-land Staddle Arms 
Osbert Fallowhide, Vault-keeperThe Shire Michel Delving 
Otho BroadbeltThe Shire Overhill 
Otwell Gowen, Light Armour TraderBree-land Staddle Arms 
Owen FarfieldThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Pansy ProudfootThe Shire The Golden Perch 
Pansy TunnellyThe Shire Scary 
Parr ChopleyEvendim Ost Forod 
Party PlannerThe Shire The Party Tree 
Party-goerThe Shire Bywater 
Pasco GrubbThe Shire Michel Delving 
Pearl GoodbodyEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Peaseblossom Tunnelly, Clerk of KinshipsThe Shire Michel Delving 
Pell Stoneleaf, BowyerBree-land Staddle Arms 
Penny TookNorth Downs Free People's Camp 
Peony Burrows, Novice JewellerBree-land Buckland 
Peony GrubbThe Shire Michel Delving 
Percy Newbanks (Provisioner), ProvisionerEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Peregrin Took, NotableRivendell Bilbo's Room 
Peregrin Took (Lothlorien), NotableCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Peridot Bolger, HealerThe Shire Budgeford 
Pervinca TookThe Shire Great Smials 
Petunia Greenhand, Novice CookThe Shire Michel Delving 
Petunia HornblowerThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Pink TunnellyThe Shire Inn League 
Pippin (Parth Galen)The East Wall Parth Galen 
Pippin (Troubled Dreams)The Great River Thinglad 
Polo BrockhouseThe Shire Michel Delving 
Polo ProudfootThe Shire Tookland 
Polo PuddifootThe Shire The Party Tree 
Ponto Hopsbloom, Tavern KeepThe Shire The Floating Log Inn 
Ponto HornblowerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Ponto OatsEvendim Oatbarton 
Ponto UnderhillBree-land Staddle 
Poppy CottonThe Shire The Party Tree 
Poppy GrubbThe Shire Scary 
Porto Brownlock, Novice FarmhandThe Shire Hobbiton 
Porto Chubb, Novice WoodworkerThe Shire Bywater 
Porto Hornblower (Jeweller's Guild Reward Vendor), Expert JewellerNorth Downs Esteldin, Jeweller's Guild Hall 
Posco Boffin, GrocerThe Shire Scary 
Posco BurrowsBree-land Combe Lumber Camp 
Posey ChubbThe Shire Inn League 
Postman BoffinThe Shire Overhill 
Postman BolgerThe Shire Budgeford 
Postman CottonThe Shire Bywater 
Postman DigswellThe Shire Scary 
Postman DigwellThe Shire Scary 
Postman GrubbThe Shire Hobbiton 
Postman MoresbyThe Shire Brockenborings 
Postman Newbuck (Barter Exchange Trader), TraderThe Shire Little Delving 
Postman OddfootThe Shire Frogmorton 
Postman RedsmithThe Shire Needlehole 
Postman SmallburrowThe Shire Brockenborings Watch Office 
Postman SpinnerThe Shire Woodhall 
Postman TookThe Shire Tuckborough 
Postman TwofootThe Shire Waymeet 
Postmaster ProudfootThe Shire Michel Delving 
Primrose ProudfootThe Shire Stock 
Primula Diggins, Expert WoodworkerThe Shire Overhill 
Prisca UnderhillThe Shire Scary 
Raf Silverwind, Medium Armour TraderBree-land Staddle Arms 
Rasco Chubb, Light Armour TraderThe Shire Budgeford 
Redric Woolytoes (Master Crafter), Master CrafterThe Shire Michel Delving 
Rhus CornchuthurEnedwaith Gloomglens 
Rob Burrows (Master of Crafting Guilds), Master CrafterBree-land Combe, Combe Crafting Hall 
Rob Hemming (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
Roland Ambermoon, BowyerLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Rolf Bracegirdle, Housing FurnisherShire Homesteads Homestead Provisions (The Shire) 
Rollo Boffin, GrocerThe Shire Woodhall 
Rollo BunceThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Rollo HamsonBree-land Newbury 
Rollo Hemming, Guardian TrainerThe Shire The Michel Delving Training Hall 
Rollo MaggotThe Old Forest Abandoned Cottage, Old Forest 
Rollo NewbuckThe Shire Michel Delving 
Ronald DwaleEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Rorimac Bolger, Weapon TraderBree-land Crickhollow 
Rory Bolger (Expert Farmhand), Expert FarmhandMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Rory Primstone, Stable-masterThe Shire Brockenborings 
Rosa BrockhouseEvendim Northcotton Bakery 
Rosa Hornblower (Fall Festival Trader), TraderThe Shire The Party Tree 
Rosalind Brandybuck (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderEvendim Skirmish Camp (Evendim) 
Rosalyn SmallburrowEvendim Oatbarton 
Rose Burrows, Novice WeaponcrafterBree-land Buckland 
Rosebud Bolger, SupplierEvendim, The Shire Budgeford, Oatbarton 
Rowan Brandybuck, Novice TailorBree-land Buckland 
Ruby Bolger (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderLone-Lands Skirmish Camp (Lone Lands) 
Ruby HollowbanksThe Shire The Floating Log Inn 
Ruby PrimstoneThe Shire Michel Delving 
Rue Goodbody, Expert ScholarThe Shire The Mathom House 
Rundo Delver, Weapon TraderEvendim Oatbarton 
Saffron Proudfoot (Cosmetics), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Sam (Parth Galen)The East Wall Parth Galen 
Samwise Gamgee, NotableRivendell Bilbo's Room 
Samwise Gamgee (Cerin Amroth), NotableLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Sancho Chubb, ProvisionerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Sapphira BolgerThe Shire Budgeford 
Sarabeth Gardener (Spring Rewards Vendor), TraderThe Shire The Party Tree 
Sarabeth LowbanksBree-land Staddle 
Saradoc BrandybuckBree-land Brandy Hall, Buckland 
Sawlo Puddifoot (Game-master), TraderThe Shire The Party Tree 
Scared HobbitThe Shire The Haunted Burrow 
Second Shirriff Bodo BunceThe Shire Michel Delving 
Serlo Brockhouse, SupplierThe Shire Brockenborings 
Seward ProudfootBree-town Bree 
Shallot GoodbodyThe Shire Inn League 
Sheep FarmerThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Shirriff Hob HaywardBree-land Buckland Gate 
Shirriff Robin SmallburrowThe Shire The Ivy Bush Inn 
Sigismond North-tookThe Shire Greenfields 
Skinner Grubb (Hide Worker)The Shire Bindbole Wood 
Sorrel North-tookThe Shire The Party Tree 
Sperling Took (Overworked Supplier)The Shire Bywater 
Statdor Proudfoot (Critic)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Sterling ProudfootBree-land Brandy Hall, Buckland 
StorytellerThe Shire The Green Dragon Inn, The Ivy Bush Inn 
Sully Brandybuck, Stable-masterBree-land Buckland 
Tad Boffin (Champion Trader), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Tala Handyman, Two-handed Weapon TraderThe Shire Brockenborings 
Talebot Took (Supplier & Provisioner), ProvisionerShire Homesteads Homestead Provisions (The Shire) 
Tanner Boffin, Leather WorkerThe Shire Bindbole Wood 
Ted SandymanThe Shire Hobbiton 
Ted Woolytoes (Weaponsmith's) (Guild Emblem Trader), TraderThorin's Hall Weaponsmith's Guild Hall  
Thain Paladin Took IIThe Shire Great Smials 
Theobald LongfurrowEvendim Bullroarer's Sward 
Thoughts of BilboThe East Wall Amon Hen 
Till Bramble (Warden Trader), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Tob Sandyman (Inn League Member)Bree-land The Horsefields 
Tobias Brockhouse (Inn League Games-master)The Shire Greenfields 
Tobias Took (Burglar Trainer), Burglar TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Toby Sandheaver (Novice Woodworker), Novice WoodworkerBree-land Combe Crafting Hall 
Toly BrockhouseBree-land Buckland 
Tom Muddyfoot (Legendary Items), TraderLone-Lands Skirmish Camp (Lone Lands) 
Tortmund CliffsideEttenmoors Hoarhallow 
TownspersonBree-land The Hedge Maze 
TownspersonMiddle-earth, The Shire Brockenborings, Budgeford, Frogmorton, Hobbiton, Little Delving, Michel Delving, Needlehole, Scary, The Bird & Baby Inn, The Hill, The Ivy Bush Inn, The Mathom House, The Taste of Hobbiton , Tuckborough, Waymeet, Woodhall 
TownspersonEred Luin The Festival Garden 
Trumric RagwortBree-land Buckland Gate 
Tulip Chubb (Barber), BarberThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Tulip Goodbody (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderThe Shire Skirmish Camp (The Shire) 
Tulip GrubbEvendim The Northcotton Farm 
Turbert Took (Pipeweed Vendor), GrocerThe Shire The Party Tree 
Uffo Bracegirdle, Novice MetalsmithThe Shire Bywater 
Viola Brockhouse (Woodworker's Guild Leader), TraderNorth Downs Woodworker's Guild Hall 
Violed IsbrunEnedwaith Maur Tulhau 
Violet UnderhillThe Shire Green Hill Country 
Visiting TookThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
WaiterThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Wald HillburrowEvendim Glass-blower's Camp 
Wald Mugwort (Inn League Member)Lone-Lands Ost Haer 
Wald SandsonThe Shire Sandson's Farm 
Waldo Tunnley (Critic)Frostbluff The Frostbluff Theatre 
Waldric Goodsmials (Legendary Items), TraderEregion Skirmish Camp (Eregion) 
Waldric Goodsmials (Legendary Items), TraderAngmar Skirmish Camp (Angmar) 
Walerand Bolger, Novice TailorThe Shire Budgeford 
Walkelin Bolger, Novice CookThe Shire Brockenborings 
Wanno Proudfoot, Novice CookThe Shire Budgeford 
Wilcome Grubb (Legendary Items), TraderEvendim Skirmish Camp (Evendim) 
Wilcome TunnellyThe Shire Scary 
Wilibald Goodchild, Novice CookEvendim Oatbarton 
Wilimar BolgerThe Shire Budgeford 
Will Whitfoot (Mayor)The Shire Bywater 
William Asquith, GrocerEvendim Oatbarton 
Wilmac BrandybuckBree-land Newbury 
Wistan Whitfoot (Notary), NotaryThe Shire Michel Delving 
Wydo BoffinThe Shire Little Delving 
Wymarc Grubb (Festival Organizer)The Shire Sandson's Farm 
Wytha Brandybuck (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperShire Homesteads Homestead Provisions (The Shire)