Mobs by Zone: Durin's Way

ArnodDurin's Way Tharakh Bazan 
BorgarDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
Bori (Command)Durin's Way The Chamber of Command 
Bosi (Crossroads)Durin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Brogur (Command)Durin's Way The Chamber of Command 
Broin (Peaceful Path)Durin's Way The Peaceful Path 
Broin (Throne of Durin)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
BukkDurin's Way Tharakh Bazan 
Captain GomigDurin's Way Mudmulzarak 
Cave QueenDurin's Way Skoiruzg 
Cave-batDurin's Way Mekeb-faham 
Conscripted DefenderDurin's Way Ninknakh Faltor, The Hall of the High Stair 
Conscripted GuardDurin's Way Mudmulzarak 
Conscripted KeeperDurin's Way Ninknakh Faltor 
CorunothielDurin's Way Buzun-ghar, Lossathrod 
Corunothiel (Throne of Durin)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Darri (Iron Garrison), TraderDurin's Way Hadudbab 
Dewitt the Explorer (7) (Moria)Durin's Way Durin's Way 
Dwarf GuardDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Eilag (Relic-master), Relic-masterDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Elder Moria-riderDurin's Way Durin's Crossing, Durin's Way, Gloku-ru, Manarbul, Ninknakh Faltor, The Hall of the High Stair 
Elder Morvul-defilerDurin's Way The Fanged Pit 
Elder Morvul-guardDurin's Way Durin's Way, The Fanged Pit 
Elder Morvul-workerDurin's Way The Fanged Pit 
Floid (7) (The Mighty Pony)Durin's Way Durin's Way 
FostolfDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Frirek (Forge-master), Forge-masterDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Galadhrim (Hadudbab) (Reputation Trader), TraderDurin's Way Hadudbab 
GansiDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
GerwithDurin's Way Tharakh Bazan 
Giant Cave-batDurin's Way Mekeb-farak 
Gimbul (Relic-master), Relic-masterDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
Globsnaga SkirmisherDurin's Way Buzun-ghar 
Globsnaga WarriorDurin's Way Buzun-ghar 
Goat to the Fanged PitDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
Grawulun the CaerogDurin's Way Buzun-ghar 
Guthrik (Forge-master), Forge-masterDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
HamallDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
Harassing Dark-claw (Ally of Conscripted Keeper)Durin's Way Ninknakh Faltor 
Healer (Door to the Clouds), HealerDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
Healer (Jazargund) (Healer), HealerDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
HrolfurDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
IonDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
KalmanDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
KrumDurin's Way Durin's Way 
Lesser Dark-clawDurin's Way Khulturg 
Lesser Dark-claw (Ally of Morvul Bat-handler)Durin's Way Ghar-khafush (the Bat Cave) 
Lesser Dark-claw (Ally of Morvul-worker)Durin's Way Mekeb-faham 
Lesser Dark-claw (Ally of Morvul-worker)Durin's Way Mekeb-farak 
LikmundDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
ListeinDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
MazogDurin's Way, Mirkwood, Nud-melek Mirk-eaves, The Throne of Durin, Zabadgathol 
Mazog's Aged Cave TrollDurin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Moria CaptainDurin's Way Gloku-ru, Ninknakh Faltor, Uflump-mur 
Moria DefenderDurin's Way, The Great Delving Durin's Way, Gazatmur, Gloku-ru, Ninknakh Faltor, The Hall of the High Stair, Uflump-mur 
Moria KeeperDurin's Way, The Great Delving Gazatmur, Gloku-ru, Ninknakh Faltor, The Great Delving, Uflump-mur 
Moria Orc-warrior (Throne)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Moria Warg-riderDurin's Way Durin's Way 
Moria Warg-rider Durin's Way Durin's Way 
Morroval-defenderDurin's Way The Fanged Pit 
Morroval-scoutDurin's Way Durin's Crossing, Durin's Way 
Morroval-slayerDurin's Way Durin's Way, Jundul-dum, Salab Nurjundul 
Morroval-slingerDurin's Way The Fanged Pit 
Morroval-stalkerDurin's Way Durin's Way, Uflump-mur 
Morvul Bat-handlerDurin's Way Ghar-khafush (the Bat Cave) 
Morvul Pain-singerDurin's Way Mekeb-faham 
Morvul Pain-singer Durin's Way Mekeb-farak 
Morvul-workerDurin's Way Mekeb-faham 
Morvul-worker Durin's Way Mekeb-farak 
NimphelegDurin's Way Buzun-ghar, Lossathrod 
Nimpheleg (Throne of Durin)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
OrvarDurin's Way Buzun-ghar, Lossathrod 
Orvar BellhammerDurin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Orvar Steeleye (Iron Garrison), TraderDurin's Way Hadudbab 
OxiDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
Piercing Dark-clawDurin's Way The Hall of the High Stair 
Provisioner (Crossroads) (Provisioner), ProvisionerDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Provisioner (Door to the Clouds), ProvisionerDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
Provisioner (Tharakh Bazan), ProvisionerDurin's Way Tharakh Bazan 
Provisoner (Jazargund) (Provisoner), ProvisionerDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
RambiDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Rangi (Stable-master), Stable-masterDurin's Way Jazargund, The Stone Hall 
RinkDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Shrieking Dark-clawDurin's Way Ghar-khafush (the Bat Cave) 
Sibbi (Stable-master), Stable-masterDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
SigdanDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
SiggirDurin's Way The Door to the Clouds 
SkaftiDurin's Way Jazargund 
SlothiDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Sori (Healer), HealerDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
SporrDurin's Way Manarbul 
Stable-master (Tharakh Bazan), Stable-masterDurin's Way Tharakh Bazan 
Styrlak (Stable-master), Stable-masterDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
ThalfiDurin's Way The Chamber of the Crossroads 
Unstable Mushroom (Ally of Globsnaga Skirmisher)Durin's Way Buzun-ghar 
UxiDurin's Way Manarbul 
White Hand EmissaryDurin's Way Durin's Crossing, Gloku-ru, Ninknakh Faltor 
ZahofDurin's Way Fehem-dum