Mobs by Zone: Dunland

Alun (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
Amlan (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Ancient Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
Andras Dunland Starkmoor 
Andras (Avardin)Dunland Avardin 
Andreg (Ally of Your Name) (Ally of Your Name)Dunland Gravenwood, Rohirrim Scout-camp, The Tree of Tribute 
Andreg (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Andreg (Instance) (Grey Company)Dunland The Slade of Shadows 
Angler-stranglerDunland Dunbog 
Anurin (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
ArgelDunland Barnavon Mine 
Arwel (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Asgurn-captenDunland Plas-maru 
Baby Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
Bain (Avanc-luth)Dunland Lhan Rhos 
Baldgar (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
BedwurDunland Avardin 
BervunDunland Barnavon Mine 
Bethan (Avanc-luth)Dunland Starkmoor 
Big BloodtuskDunland Bloodtusk's Den 
Black WargDunland Starkmoor, The Hound's Rest 
Blaire (Boar-clan)Dunland Boar-clan encampment, Dunbog 
Blaire (Instance)Dunland Cartrev Andras  
Blaire (Lhan Colvarn)Dunland Lhan Colvarn 
BledhunDunland Bonevales 
BloodmawDunland The Withered Stones 
Bog TurtleDunland Cors Avanc, Dunbog, The Withered Stones 
Bog-beetleDunland Dunbog 
Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
Bog-tanglerDunland Dunbog 
Bog-toadDunland Dunbog 
Braigiar (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Braigiar (Trum Dreng)Dunland Trum Dreng 
Bright LightDunland Dunbog 
BuganDunland Barnavon Mine 
Bugan ChieftainDunland Barnavon Mine 
Bugan RuffianDunland Barnavon Mine 
Bugan SkirmisherDunland Barnavon Mine 
CadaDunland Barnavon Mine 
CadelhDunland Lhan Tarren 
Cadugan (Boar-clan)Dunland Durgors 
CadvanDunland Avardin 
Calenglad (Gravenwood)Dunland The Tree of Tribute 
CaptiveDunland The North Pass 
CaronDunland Bonevales 
Common Forest-boarDunland Pren Gwydh 
Common Wood-stalkerDunland Cartrev Andras , Pren Gwydh, Starkmoor 
Corpse of DondhregDunland Prison-caves 
Corunir (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Crawling Arm (Ally of Cuthraul Fear-caster)Dunland The Slade of Shadows 
Crawling AvancDunland Tal Methedras 
CunbelDunland Rhuvel-cadlus 
Cungen (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Cuthraul Fear-casterDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Cuthric Dunland Gravenwood 
Cuthric (Instance) (Theodred's Riders)Dunland Mustering Tree 
DafDunland Lower Barnavon 
Dark CuthraulDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Defiler's Totem (Ally of White Hand Defiler)Dunland Ak-ghru 
Delwin (Boar-clan)Dunland Boar-clan encampment, Dunbog 
Delwin (Instance)Dunland Cartrev Andras  
Delwin (Lhan Colvarn)Dunland Lhan Colvarn 
DeormundDunland Talan Mallelas 
Dewitt the Explorer (1) (Dunland)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
Dievlig AmbusherDunland Bonevales 
Dievlig ArcherDunland Lhan Bach, Lhan Gogledh 
Dievlig OverseerDunland Lhan Bach 
Dievlig SentryDunland Lhan Bach, Lhan Gogledh 
Dievlig WarriorDunland Bonevales, Lhan Gogledh 
Dievlig WightDunland Bonevales, Lhan Gogledh, Plas-maru, The Bone Quarry 
Dievlig Wight-captainDunland Plas-maru 
Diseased RatDunland Dunbog, Lhan Colvarn 
DondhregDunland Prison-caves 
Dragon Clan Chief (Dragon Clan)Dunland Dragon-clan Settlement 
Dragon-clan Betrayer (Dragon Clan)Dunland The White Hand Outpost 
Draig-luth ArcherDunland Mustering Tree 
Draig-luth ArcherDunland Uvel-cadlus 
Draig-luth CaptainDunland Mustering Tree 
Draig-luth CaptainDunland Uvel-cadlus 
Draig-luth RaiderDunland Cartrev Andras  
Draig-luth RiderDunland Mustering Tree 
Draig-luth RiderDunland Uvel-cadlus 
Draig-luth ShieldbearerDunland Mustering Tree 
Draig-luth ShieldbearerDunland Uvel-cadlus 
DruggavarDunland Gravenwood, The Slade of Shadows 
DrugrirDunland Gravenwood 
DulhisDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Dun AvancDunland Cors Avanc, Dunbog, The Withered Stones 
Dun BullDunland Carreglyn, Cartrev Andras  
Dun CalfDunland Carreglyn, Cartrev Andras  
Dun CowDunland Carreglyn, Cartrev Andras  
Dun CrabanDunland Gravenwood 
Dun CrabanDunland Trum Dreng 
Dun CrowDunland Dunbog, The Pristine Glade 
Dun GoatDunland Cartrev Andras  
Dunlending AbominationDunland Lhan Colvarn 
Dunlending Archer (Dragon Clan)Dunland Dragon-clan Settlement, Flam-cadlus, The Galtrev Lumber-camp  
Dunlending Captain (Dragon Clan)Dunland Flam-cadlus 
Dunlending Guard (Ox Clan)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
Dunlending Guard (Dragon Clan)Dunland Dragon-clan Settlement, The Galtrev Lumber-camp  
Dunlending Guard (Boar Clan)Dunland Cors Avanc, Dunbog, Lhan Rhos, The Pristine Glade 
Dunlending LookoutDunland The North Pass 
Dunlending Raider (Dragon Clan)Dunland Flam-cadlus 
Dunlending Rider (Dragon Clan)Dunland Flam-cadlus 
Dunlending Scout (Dragon Clan)Dunland Flam-cadlus 
Dunlending Warrior (Dragon Clan)Dunland Dragon-clan Settlement 
Dusk-houndDunland Gravenwood 
EdarDunland Lower Barnavon 
Edhow (Avanc-luth)Dunland Lhan Rhos 
EilunedDunland Bonevales 
Eiviona (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
ElainDunland Lhan Tarren 
Elder Dein (Avanc-luth)Dunland Lhan Rhos 
Elder Kedivor (Avanc-luth)Dunland Lhan Rhos 
Elder RiaganDunland Lhan Tarren 
Elder Wood-stalkerDunland Starkmoor, The Fanged Lair 
ElfrithDunland Gravenwood 
Elfrith (Instance) (Theodred's Riders)Dunland Mustering Tree 
ElhudanDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Elite Dunlending ArcherDunland The Culling Pit 
Elite Dunlending CaptainDunland The Culling Pit 
Elite Dunlending WarriorDunland The Culling Pit 
Elladan (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Elladan (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Elrohir (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Enraged AvancDunland Tal Methedras 
EresDunland Lower Barnavon 
EvaDunland Avardin 
FionDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Flickering LightDunland Dunbog 
Floid (1) (The Mighty Pony)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
FolantDunland Avardin 
Franis (Guide), PedlarDunland Dunbog 
Gaenor (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Gaenor (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
GalvinDunland Lower Barnavon 
Gemma (Avanc-luth)Dunland Lhan Rhos 
GeralhtDunland The Culling Pit 
GerwunDunland Bonevales 
Gethen (Boar-clan)Dunland Durgors 
Glowing LightDunland Dunbog 
GlundurDunland Bonevales 
Golodir (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Golodir (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Golodir (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
GoronuDunland Pren Gwydh 
Grasping Pool-lurkerDunland Dunbog 
Great AvancDunland Lhun Avanc 
Guard AmbrasDunland The Pristine Glade 
Guard CaiDunland The Pristine Glade 
Guard EdrudDunland The Pristine Glade 
Gurgling AvancDunland Dunbog 
GwilumDunland Lower Barnavon 
Gwin (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
Gwin (Ally of (players name)Dunland The Withered Stones 
Gwin (Lhan Colvarn)Dunland Lhan Colvarn 
Gwyllion, (Old Woman of the Mountain)Dunland The Slade of Shadows 
Gwynna (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
HadunDunland Lower Barnavon 
Halbarad (Pren Gwydh)Dunland Pren Gwydh 
Halbarad (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Halbarad (Rohhirm Scout-camp)Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Halbarad (TM, Wandering)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Halbarad (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Half-orc ArcherDunland The White Hand Outpost 
Half-orc GruntDunland The White Hand Outpost 
Half-orc InvaderDunland The White Hand Outpost, White Hand Encampment 
Half-orc InvaderDunland The Pristine Glade 
Half-orc LeaderDunland The White Hand Outpost 
HardfangDunland The Fanged Lair 
Hardy Forest-boarDunland Bloodtusk's Den 
Harri (Avanc-luth)Dunland Cors Avanc 
HaulDunland Echad Naeglanc 
Healer (Tal Methadras) (Healer), HealerDunland Tal Methedras 
Hebog-luth Warrior (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves, Tal Methedras 
HerestanDunland Tal Methedras 
Herestan (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
HevinaDunland Avardin 
Hobby Master (Durgors)Dunland Durgors 
HogawiseDunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Hogawise (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Hogawise (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
HormgratDunland The Hound's Rest 
Hostile Scout (Dragon Clan)Dunland Trum Dreng 
Hunting Dusk-houndDunland Gravenwood 
HuwelaDunland Gravenwood 
IantoDunland Avardin 
Idele (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Idwal (L Barnavon)Dunland Lower Barnavon 
Iestin (Boar-clan)Dunland Boar-clan encampment, Dunbog 
IlarDunland Bonevales 
Ilar (Instance)Dunland Bonevales 
Immature Bog-toad (Ally of Pale Bog-toad)Dunland Cors Avanc 
Immature Bog-toad (Ally of Bog-toad)Dunland Dunbog 
InirDunland Barnavon Mine 
Injured Guard (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
Iwan (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
KaiDunland Lower Barnavon 
KnotfistDunland Lhan Colvarn 
LeofwardDunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Leofward (Instance) (Theodred's Riders)Dunland Mustering Tree 
Leolin (Gravenwood) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Gravenwood 
Leolin (Instance) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Leolin (Prison-caves) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves 
LevelhaDunland Avardin 
Lheu Brenin (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Lheu Brenin (Instance)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Lheu Brenin (Prison-caves) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves 
LhucuDunland Bonevales, Plas-maru 
Lhucu (Instance)Dunland Bonevales, Lhan Gogledh 
LhurDunland Lower Barnavon 
Little Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
LongstrideDunland Mustering Tree 
Lothrandir (Prison-caves)Dunland, Isengard Prison-caves, The Gates of Isengard 
Lothrandir (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Luarch (Avanc-luth)Dunland Cors Avanc 
LunwenDunland Lower Barnavon 
MabonDunland Cartrev Andras  
Madin BreninDunland Upper Barnavon 
Maelona (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Mair (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Mair (Bonevales)Dunland Bonevales 
Mair (Instance) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Mair (Missing Persons)Dunland Bonevales 
Mange-riderDunland Pren Gwydh 
Matho Dunland Barnavon Mine 
Maugan (Avanc-luth)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
MelvunDunland Barnavon Mine 
Menacing TurtleDunland Dunbog 
Mossy Pool-lurkerDunland Dunbog 
Mossy TurtleDunland Dunbog 
Mostun (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Mostun (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Mostun (Lhan Gogledh)Dunland Lhan Gogledh 
Mostun (Plas-maru)Dunland Plas-maru 
Muck-romperDunland Dunbog 
Munfaeril (Shrine)Dunland Mundfaeril's Shrine 
Naeglanc (Grey Company)Dunland Echad Naeglanc 
Naeglanc (Bonevales) (Grey Company)Dunland Bonevales 
NagrutDunland Naur-maudhul 
Nai (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves 
Nakhmau GoblinDunland Naur-maudhul 
Nakhmau ScoutDunland Naur-maudhul 
Nakhmau WargDunland Naur-maudhul 
NestaDunland Lower Barnavon 
NevidDunland Upper Barnavon 
NiaDunland Lhan Bach 
Nona 'Wadu's Ghost'Dunland Pren Gwydh 
Nona (Lower Barnavon)Dunland Lower Barnavon 
Nona (Starkmoor)Dunland Starkmoor 
Nona (Starkmoor, 2nd location)Dunland Starkmoor 
NulchulthDunland The Tree of Tribute 
Nye (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
Old SnappyDunland Dunbog 
Olwen (Hobbit Quest) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Olwen (Youthful Fighter) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Orc AbominationDunland Dunbog, Lhan Colvarn 
Orc GuardDunland Starkmoor 
OutcastDunland The North Pass 
Outcast ChiefDunland The North Pass 
Owein (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Ox-clan ArcherDunland Carreglyn 
Ox-clan ArcherDunland Mustering Tree 
Ox-clan ArcherDunland Rhuvel-cadlus 
Ox-clan CaptainDunland Carreglyn 
Ox-clan CaptainDunland Mustering Tree 
Ox-clan CaptainDunland Rhuvel-cadlus 
Ox-clan GuardDunland Carreglyn, Lower Barnavon, Upper Barnavon 
Ox-clan HunterDunland Upper Barnavon 
Ox-clan RiderDunland Carreglyn 
Ox-clan RiderDunland Rhuvel-cadlus 
Ox-clan RiderDunland Mustering Tree 
Ox-clan SentryDunland Hen Turrau 
Ox-clan Shield-bearerDunland Mustering Tree 
Ox-clan Shield-bearerDunland Rhuvel-cadlus 
Ox-clan Shield-bearerDunland Carreglyn, Hen Turrau 
Pale Bog-toadDunland Cors Avanc 
ParruDunland Lhan Bach 
Penrod (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Penrod (Instance) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Prestadir (Bonevales)Dunland Bonevales 
Prestadir (Echad Naeglanc)Dunland Echad Naeglanc 
Prestadir (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Protective Bog-beetleDunland Dunbog 
Provisioner (Tal Methadras) (Provisioner), ProvisionerDunland Tal Methedras 
PrudwenDunland Upper Barnavon 
Prudwen's GuardsDunland Upper Barnavon 
Radanir (Gravenwood)Dunland Gravenwood 
Radanir (Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Radanir (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Red-eyeDunland Dire Hollow 
Rhodri (Avanc-luth)Dunland Cors Avanc 
RhonwenDunland Lower Barnavon 
Rhus (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Rhus (Prison-caves) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves 
RhuwalhanDunland Upper Barnavon 
River TurtleDunland Dunbog 
River-dwelling OxDunland Trum Dreng 
RookDunland Rook's Hut 
Roosting CrabanDunland Pren Gwydh 
Ruthless Tom (White Hand Guard)Dunland Pren Gwydh 
Saeradan (Rohhirm Scout-camp)Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Saeradan (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Saruman (White Wizard)Dunland Avardin 
SawulDunland Lhan Bach 
Searl (Avanc-luth)Dunland Dunbog 
Seren (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Seren (Rohhirm Scout-camp) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Seren (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
SiamDunland Barnavon Mine 
Slavering WargDunland The Howling Caverns 
SlickslitherDunland Dunbog 
Slippery ToadDunland Tal Methedras 
Snarly AvancDunland Dunbog 
Sors (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Stable-master (Echad Naeglanc), Stable-masterDunland Echad Naeglanc 
Stable-master (Rohirrim Scout-c), Stable-masterDunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Stable-master (Tal Methedras)Dunland Gravenwood 
Stable-master (Trum Dreng), Stable-masterDunland Trum Dreng 
Summoned Elhudan (Ally of Elhudan)Dunland The Slade of Shadows 
Summoned Elhudan (Ally of Flickering Light)Dunland Dunbog 
Swamp GasDunland Dunbog 
Taf (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
TafinDunland Lower Barnavon 
Tal Methedras OxDunland Tal Methedras 
Tamed CrowDunland Pren Gwydh, Rook's Hut 
Tecwin (Boar-clan)Dunland Durgors 
Terrible LightDunland Dunbog 
Theodred (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Theodred (Rohhirm Scout-camp)Dunland Rohirrim Scout-camp 
Theodred (Tal Methedras) (Prince of Rohan)Dunland Talan Mallelas 
ThurbaldDunland Gravenwood 
Thurbald (Instance) (Theodred's Riders)Dunland Mustering Tree 
TomosDunland Dragon-clan Settlement 
Torch Bearer (White Hand)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
Trained WargDunland Pren Gwydh, The Howling Caverns 
Trehearn BreninDunland Lhan Gogledh, Plas-maru 
Troll AbominationDunland Lhan Colvarn 
Trum Dreng Pack-wolfDunland Dire Hollow, Trum Dreng 
Tur Morva Villager (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Tur Morva Villager (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Tur Morva Villager (Prison-cave) (Falcon Clan)Dunland Prison-caves 
Ugly Bog-slugDunland Dunbog 
Uruk Invader (White Hand)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
UsbailDunland Lower Barnavon 
UsgawunDunland Uvel-cadlus 
Vengeful ToadDunland Tal Methedras 
VevinnDunland Lower Barnavon 
Wenda (Stag Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
White Hand BerserkerDunland Ak-ghru 
White Hand CaptainDunland Ak-ghru 
White Hand DefilerDunland Ak-ghru 
White Hand EnvoyDunland White Hand Encampment 
White Hand GuardDunland Avardin 
White Hand SkirmisherDunland Gravenwood 
White Hand Warg-tamerDunland Pren Gwydh, The Howling Caverns 
White Hand WarriorDunland Gravenwood 
Wight of the GurachDunland The Slade of Shadows 
Wild Thorn-tuskerDunland Trum Dreng 
WilimDunland Barnavon Mine 
Win (Avanc-luth)Dunland The Pristine Glade 
Wolfhound (Ally of Hebog-luth Warrior)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Wounded MinerDunland Barnavon Mine 
Wundod (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Wundod (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Wynfor (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras 
YagoDunland Barnavon Mine 
Yevan (Falcon Clan)Dunland Tal Methedras