Mobs by NPC Type: Townsfolk

Adelard TookThe Shire Great Smials 
AglarchenEred Luin Ringdale 
Agnes MartletNorth Downs Amon Raith 
AilsaAngmar Aughaire 
Alf GoodcliffThe Shire Little Delving 
Alken ChubbThe Shire The Green Dragon Inn 
Alti Spider-baneArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet Dale, Hunting Lodge (pre-instance) 
AmarionNorth Downs Amon Raith 
AmdirArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance), Blackwold Camp 
AnhebirRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Ann GrangerArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet Dale, Hunting Lodge (pre-instance) 
AnornanethRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Apprentice HalfdanBree-town Bree 
Apprentice MasonEred Luin Gondamon 
Archet RecruitArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance) 
ArdoThe Shire Overhill 
Aric the Stone-speakerLone-Lands Ost Haer 
ArinoraLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
ArohirNorth Downs Esteldin 
AskellEred Luin Gondamon 
Asphodel FroghornBree-land Widow Froghorn's Farm 
Assistant FallohideThe Shire Michel Delving 
Atherol TookBree-land Adso's Camp 
Ballard WilmerEvendim Ost Forod 
Barton TyneBree-land Midgewater Marshes 
BavorThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall 
Biddy DogwortBree-land Eastern Bree-fields 
Bill FernyBree-land Old Sweetgrass Farm 
Birgir ListmakerNorth Downs Othrikar 
Birrungur BlacksteelTrollshaws Thorenhad 
BlacksmithThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall - The Forging Hall 
BlacksmithArchet (pre-instance), Bree-land, Rivendell Archet (pre-instance), Rivendell Valley, Thornley's Work Site 
Bob ProudfootEvendim Oatbarton 
Bodo GoodbodyThe Shire Brockenborings 
Boll NeedlerBree-land  
BolliEred Luin, Thorin's Gate Gondamon, The Berghold 
BounderBree-land, The Shire Buckland, Buckland Gate, Bucklebury Ferry, Little Delving, Michel Delving 
Bounder CaptainBree-land Buckland 
Bree-town WatcherBree-town Bree 
Brigand PrisonerArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance) 
Builder BorinArchet Archet 
Builder EarurArchet Archet 
Burl BeemanBree-land Combe 
Cal SprigleyArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet, Archet Dale (pre-instance), Sprigley's Farm, Sprigley's Farm (pre-instance) 
CalengladEvendim The Flooded Ward, Tinnudir 
Camilia PeakeNorth Downs Amon Raith 
Camilla PeakeNorth Downs  
CanaAngmar Fail-a-Khro 
Candac BrightwoodLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Captain BrackenbrookArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance) 
Captain-General Tordur (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Glain Vraig 
CardavorEred Luin Celondim 
Carver GreenlakeBree-land Thornley's Work Site 
Cheiftain TaunEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Clan HerderAngmar Aughaire 
Clan HunterAngmar Aughaire 
Clark StandishEvendim Ost Forod 
Clayton ColeBree-town  
Clem WhitethorneBree-town Bree 
Constable BolgerBree-land Staddle 
Constable Bram AshleafLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Constable SagefordBree-land Combe 
Constable TanglerushBree-land Staddle 
Constable WrenBree-land Combe 
CorunirAngmar Aughaire 
CrannogAngmar Aughaire 
CuinthornAngmar Aughaire, Buth Sankhas 
Dallin EndholderNorth Downs Trestlebridge 
DannasenLone-Lands Agamaur, Barad Dhorn 
Dawn StockardArchet Archet 
Deloric (Bowyer)Angmar Aughaire 
DelurosRivendell Elrond's Library 
Dirk MudbrickArchet (pre-instance) Archet Dale (pre-instance) 
Dob SandheaverBree-town Bree 
Dora LongburrowBree-town  
Dorset OakesBree-land The Yellow Tree 
DrunkardBree-land, Bree-town, The Shire Bree, The Prancing Pony 
Dwarf WarriorNorth Downs Fields of Fornost 
Efi PlateshaperEred Luin Gondamon 
EiligAngmar Aughaire, Buth Luikh 
Eldo SwatmidgeBree-land Staddle 
ElladanThorin's Gate, Trollshaws Thorenhad, Thorin's Gate 
Ellie CutleafBree-land Combe, Ellie Cutleaf's House 
ElrohirThorin's Gate, Trollshaws Axe-head Path, Thorenhad 
Ember HayesBree-land Combe Lumber Camp 
EmelinLone-Lands Ost Haer 
Eriac the StrongLone-Lands Agamaur 
Esmerelda BurrowsThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
Ethelinda BurrBree-land Staddle 
Falco GreenhandBree-land Staddle 
Falster the FoxLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
FarmerBree-land, Bree-town Bree 
FarmhandArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet, Archet (pre-instance), Archet Dale (pre-instance) 
Ferdibrand TookBree-land Staddle 
Ferumbras AttereeveBree-land Staddle 
Filbert BurrowsBree-land  
Fim the Worm (Snowreap)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Flint OakhewerBree-town Bree 
FonghalaAngmar Aughaire, Buth Sankhas 
Fredegar BolgerBree-land Crickhollow 
Gail CatchpoleBree-land Combe 
GailthinEred Luin Gondamon 
Gale CatchpoleBree-land Combe 
Gammy BoggsBree-land Staddle 
GeitirEred Luin Noglond 
Geoffrey FullerBree-land Combe 
Gile ChadwickNorth Downs Trestlebridge 
GisliEred Luin Noglond 
Glasi IronhandThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall - The Forging Hall 
GloinMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
GlorenglirRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Glynn HarperLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Godwig the LazyArchet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance) 
GolhadorRivendell Rivendell Valley 
GonediadRivendell Rivendell Valley, The Spire of Meeting 
Grimkell StonebearerEred Luin Noglond 
Guardsman FinchwaterArchet Archet Dale 
GwaemithrinMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
Gytha LaineyBree-land Adso's Camp 
Hal GamgeeEvendim Oatbarton 
Ham RushlightBree-land Staddle 
HannarNorth Downs Othrikar 
Harry GoatleafBree-town Bree 
Harry WheelwrightRivendell Elrond's Stables 
Harvi the MapmakerBree-town The Prancing Pony 
HawkerBree-town Bree 
Hazel KentonBree-town Bree 
Hilton HarperBree-land Thornley's Work Site 
Hlaja SagasongNorth Downs Othrikar 
Holger TannerNorth Downs Esteldin 
Holly SprigleyArchet (pre-instance) Archet, Archet (pre-instance) 
HornboriNorth Downs Othrikar 
Hungry HobbitThe Shire The Marish 
HunterArchet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree-land Adso's Camp, Archet Dale, Hunting Lodge (pre-instance), Rusfold 
Imbert TookThe Shire The Great Willow 
Ingi SteambeardEred Luin Gondamon 
IngolfrEred Luin Northern Barricade 
Isembard Took IIThe Shire The Great Willow 
Ivo BrockhouseThe Shire Brockenborings 
Jailor Ned PrunerArchet (pre-instance) Archet Jail (pre-instance) 
Jolly CottonThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Jon WhetstoneBree-town Three-farrow Crafting Hall 
Kenton ThistlewayBree-land Thornley's Work Site 
Kobbi StonestarLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Kolskegs GemcounterEred Luin Gondamon 
LakhinaAngmar Aughaire 
Larus SharpshardMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
LatharnaAngmar Aughaire, Buth Sankhas 
Leighton HowardBree-land Combe 
Leland UnderhillBree-town Bree 
LenglinnBree-land Brandy Hills 
Lily SandheaverBree-town Bree 
Lily UnderhillBree-land Staddle 
LindirRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Lolo WendingwayBree-land Staddle 
Longo BurrowThe Shire Longo Burrow's Farm 
Longo DaegmundBree-land Staddle 
MacharAngmar Aughaire, Buth Sankhas 
Maida WoodwrightBree-land Combe 
MalthenorRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Maribel ThistlewayBree-land Brigand's Watch 
Mason ThorneBree-land Combe Lumber Camp 
Mat HeathertoesBree-town Beggar's Alley 
Matt HaywoodBree-town Bree 
Mayor Graeme TenderlarchBree-town Bree, Bree-town Hall 
MerilosRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Millicent GreenlakeBree-land Thornley's Work Site 
Milo BolgerThe Shire Bridgefields 
MinstrelBree-land, Bree-town Bree, The Prancing Pony 
MournerArchet, Bree-land, Bree-town Archet, Bree 
Mundo Sackville-BagginsArchet (pre-instance), The Shire Archet (pre-instance), Little Delving 
NarlinnTrollshaws Thorenhad 
NarthanLone-Lands Agamaur 
Nathan HodgesNorth Downs Amon Raith 
Ned PiersonBree-land Andrath 
Nefi GemcutterThorin's Gate Thorin's Gate 
Newbold LeafcutterBree-town Scholar's Stair Archives 
Nibs ChubbEvendim Oatbarton 
Nick CottonThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Nod GardenerEvendim Oatbarton 
Odo PipesThe Shire The Bird & Baby Inn 
OlafrEred Luin Noglond 
Old BaumanBree-land  
Ollie RedbrushBree-town Bree 
Orc ArcherBree-land  
OrmrThorin's Gate Frerin's Court 
OrodlinThorin's Gate Thorin's Gate 
OrthonnNorth Downs Ost Lagoros 
Oswin LeekBree-town  
OtkellEred Luin Gondamon 
OttarNorth Downs Othrikar 
OturThorin's Gate The Berghold 
Pete ShadetreeBree-town Bree 
Piper PrescottBree-town The Prancing Pony 
Polo ProudfootThe Shire Tookland 
Ponto HornblowerThe Shire Brockenborings 
Ponto UnderhillBree-land Staddle 
Posco BurrowsBree-land Combe Lumber Camp 
Postman DigwellThe Shire Scary 
Postman MoresbyThe Shire Brockenborings 
Postman TwofootThe Shire Waymeet 
Primrose BurrowsBree-town Bree 
PrisonerBree-land, Bree-town Bree 
Ragnarr HornsounderNorth Downs Rusfold 
RefugeeArchet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree-land, Bree-town Archet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree 
Robb ThornleyBree-land Northern Bree-fields 
Roderick Neeker-friendBree-land Midgewater Marshes 
Roger HawklingBree-land Adso's Camp 
Rollo BunceThe Shire The Plough and Stars 
Rose ThornleyBree-land Thornley's Work Site 
RothgarEred Luin Noglond, Vale of Thrain 
Rurik FennelBree-land Combe 
Sarabeth LowbanksBree-land Staddle 
Saradoc BrandybuckBree-land Brandy Hall, Buckland 
ScholarBree-land, Bree-town Bree 
Second-watcher HeathstrawBree-land, Bree-town Bree, Market Square 
SentryNorth Downs Esteldin 
Sergeant RedrootArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet (pre-instance), Archet Dale 
Seward ProudfootBree-town Bree 
ShepherdBree-land Crickhollow 
Shirriff Hob HaywardBree-land Buckland Gate 
Slade RansfordLone-Lands Ost Guruth 
SmithNorth Downs Othrikar 
Soldier ApsdufEttenmoors Lugazag 
Soldier AzriEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier Burzdargum (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier FimuzhornEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier GazlupEttenmoors Lugazag 
Soldier GrausEttenmoors Gramsfoot 
Soldier Ishdagalur (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier Kurub (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Lugazag 
Soldier Mogurzgor (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier Mugsh (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Lugazag 
Soldier NarfikskumEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier Nurzurzfim (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier Olozer (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier QuilbubEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Soldier UfrantEttenmoors Lugazag 
Solvi ScrollbearerEred Luin Gondamon 
Sorel DorsonLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Sterling ProudfootBree-land Brandy Hall, Buckland 
Supervisor BeecherNorth Downs The Trestlespan 
SupplierNorth Downs Fields of Fornost 
SvanrEred Luin Haudh Lin 
TanbennaisBree-town Bree 
TaranAngmar Aughaire 
Taskmaster GazgortagEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Taskmaster GukthorEttenmoors Dar-gazag 
Taskmaster Hindulug (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Taskmaster IzubuzriEttenmoors Isendeep 
Taskmaster PizdurEttenmoors Lugazag 
Taskmaster Radsripsh (Ongburz)Ettenmoors Dar-gazag 
Tate PuddifootBree-town The Prancing Pony 
Tearlach (Supplier)Angmar Aughaire 
Ted PickthornBree-land Combe 
Thomas ThistlewoolBree-town Bree 
ThrasiEred Luin Haudh Lin 
Toly BrockhouseBree-land Buckland 
ToradanBree-land Brigand Cave (Blackwold Hideout), Combe, The Comb and Wattle Inn 
TorquilAngmar Aughaire 
TorthannBree-land Midgewater Marshes 
TownspersonArchet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree-land, Bree-town, Evendim, Lone-Lands, The Shire Archet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree, Bree-town Auction Hall, Bree-town Hunting Lodge, Combe, Festival Grounds, Hobbiton, Little Delving, Oatbarton, Ost Guruth, South Bree, The Forsaken Inn, The Prancing Pony, Trestlebridge, West Bree 
Tralli HammerfistEred Luin Northern Barricade 
TravelerBree-town Bree 
TrumswithLone-Lands Ost Guruth 
UglashEttenmoors Gramsfoot 
Ultan FoebaneBree-land Staddle 
Vighar RoadwalkerMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
WaliEred Luin Noglond 
War-Tyrant Akulhun (Krahjarn Tribe)Ettenmoors Gramsfoot 
WatcherArchet, Archet (pre-instance), Bree-land, Bree-town, Lone-Lands, Rivendell, Thorin's Gate Archet, Bree, Bree-town Hall, Combe, Greenway, Ost Guruth, Rivendell Valley, The Berghold, Trestlebridge 
Watcher RedweedBree-land Staddle 
Watcher ReedyBree-land Staddle 
Watcher TanglerushBree-land Staddle 
Watchman CardoonBree-town Bree 
WegeirThorin's Gate Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall 
WhittlerLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
William PeakeNorth Downs Amon Raith 
WillowsongBree-land Silverwater Spring 
Wine EnthusiastEred Luin Celondim 
WoodcutterBree-land, Bree-town Bree, Combe 
WorkerBree-land Adso's Camp