Mobs by Type: Elf

AchardorLothlorien, Mirkwood Fennas Guldur, Gadorgar, Gathburz, Imlad Lalaith, Mirk-eaves, Rad Cened, Rad Iorist, The Bleak Cellar 
AecthorCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Aegdil (Herald of Rivendell)North Downs Esteldin 
AeglasMisty Mountains Slave Pens 
Aegoniel (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
AemeldirMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Aergurel (Town Crier)Rivendell The Last Homely House 
AesbrennilLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
AesgylCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Aessel (Expert Cook), Expert CookLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Aesseledh (Cook's Guild Leader), TraderThe Shire Cook's Guild Hall  
Aesseryn (Barterer), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Aessoneth (Provisioner), ProvisionerLothlorien Mekhem-bizru 
Aeswe (Expert Cook), Expert CookLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Aglallen (Herald of Rivendell)Trollshaws Thorenhad 
Aglallen (Supplier), SupplierEred Luin Celondim 
AglarchenEred Luin Ringdale 
AglardirNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
Agorin (Lore-master)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Agorin (Instance)Mirkwood Mirk-eaves 
Agorin (Ost Galadh) (Lore-master)Mirkwood Ost Galadh 
AlfirimbesMirkwood Echad Sirion 
AlfrohirThe Great River Thinglad 
AlphlancLone-Lands The Last Bridge 
Althrendir (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
AmbendelLothlorien Echad Andestel 
Amrunwen (Supply Officer)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Andambeth (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Andidhiel (Friend of the Malledhrim Rewards), TraderMirkwood Thangulhad 
Anglamel Caras Galadhon Telain Melthin 
Anglor (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
AnhebirRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Anhebron (Keeper of Gifts), TraderEttenmoors Glain Vraig 
AnornanethRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Anorthint, Novice MetalsmithEred Luin Celondim 
Antheron (Gift-lord)Eregion Glad Ereg 
AnurandirEregion Barad Morlas 
AradiaSouthern Barrow-downs Southern Barrow-downs 
AranellethRivendell The Last Homely House 
Archer of RivendellTrollshaws High Moor 
Archivist Arodel (Historian), Novice ScholarEred Luin Scholar's Enclave 
Ardir (Expert Tailor), Expert TailorMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
ArrodTrollshaws Bruinen Gorges 
ArwenRivendell Imdolen 
Arwen (Instance)Rivendell The Last Homely House 
Atharbain (Elves of Rivendell), SupplierRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Atharovor (Novice Scholar), Novice ScholarRivendell Elrond's Library 
Athradir, Lore-master TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
AthradnirMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
AthrandirMirkwood The Dourstocks 
Authellon (Skirmish Exchange), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
AuthlancEregion Echad Dunann 
Avorthal (Instance)Ered Luin Rath Teraig 
Avorthal (Rescue By Moonlight)Ered Luin Kheledul Docks 
Bachwen (Supplier), SupplierLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
BadennasEred Luin Duillond 
BahannethLothlorien Fanuidhol, Talan Fanuidhol 
Baidhrochiel, Stable-masterEregion Gwingris 
Bailinn, Minstrel TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
BaillindielEred Luin Celondim 
Bainien (Rune-keeper Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Bainien, TraderCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Bainil (Provisoner), ProvisionerMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Bainol (Skirmish Trainer)Lothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
BainthirTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Bainwen (Herald of Rivendell)Lone-Lands Ost Guruth 
BalvaerMirkwood Helethir 
BarachenTrollshaws Barachen's Camp 
Baradal (Healer), HealerMirkwood Amon Angened 
BaranwenNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
BarbethnirRivendell The Last Homely House 
Barchiril (Duillond Housing Broker), SupplierEred Luin Celondim, Duillond, Falathlorn 
Bariel (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Barthavron, Housing FurnisherFalathlorn Homesteads  
BarvessainMirkwood Minas Celebolf 
Bassiril (Barterer), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Behilivril (Provisoner), ProvisionerMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Belegdaniel (Forge-master)Lothlorien Mekhem-bizru 
Beleglaer (Novices' Quartermaster), TraderEnedwaith Harndirion, Thror's Coomb 
BelegothLothlorien Talan Gwilith 
Belleth (Legendary Items), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
BelvagorCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Belvagor (Instance)Lothlorien Fanuidhol 
Berenin (Two-handed Weaponsmith), Two-handed Weapon TraderRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
BereninEred Luin Isferon's Study 
BlacksmithRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
BordhristCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Braigelen (Expert Metalsmith), Expert MetalsmithMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
BraiglinnLothlorien Imlad Lalaith 
Brangloth (Practised Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Branhiril (Crafting, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Bregabed (Relic-master), Relic-masterMirkwood Amon Angened 
BregarEred Luin Duillond 
Bregedmor (Malledhrim Rewards Vendor), TraderMirkwood Echad Sirion 
BregedurEred Luin Celondim 
Breglaw (Friend of the Malledhrim Rewards), TraderMirkwood Thangulhad 
Breglobor, Stable-masterTrollshaws Thorenhad 
BregradelCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Brethilas, Light ArmoursmithEred Luin Duillond 
Brethilor, HealerFalathlorn Homesteads  
Brethilwen (Vintner), Tavern KeepEred Luin Limael's Vineyard 
Brethilwen (Grocer), GrocerNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
BruicheronCaras Galadhon Telain Glorelloth 
Bruigandir (Auctioneer), AuctioneerLothlorien Auction Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Bruinir (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Cachunir (Elves of Rivendell), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
CairchesLothlorien Egladil 
Cairelledh (Hunter Trainer), Hunter TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Caladnif (Legendary Minstrel Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Calbeniel (Notary), NotaryRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
Caledhrin (Jewellery and Cloaks), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
CalellothEregion Gwingris 
Calendos (Skirmish Exchange), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
CalenduiEred Luin Duillond, Falathlorn 
Calengil, GrocerEred Luin Duillond 
Calengoth (Launch Officer)Lothlorien Egladil 
Calengoth (Mirk-eaves) (Launch Officer)Mirkwood Mirk-eaves 
Calenhen (Bowyer), BowyerRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
CalenthonTrollshaws Nan Tornaeth 
Calthendin (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
CandellethTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Candiel (Stable-master)Mirkwood Thangulhad 
Cannasgam, Novice TailorEred Luin Celondim 
Captain-General Bordagor (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Hithlad 
Captain-General Lainedhel (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Captain-General Tordur (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Glain Vraig 
Caras Galadhon WardenCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Caras Galadhon WardenLothlorien Telain Neduil 
CardavorEred Luin Celondim 
Cardavor (Instance)Ered Luin Crookdell 
CaredwenLothlorien Talan Fanuidhol 
Carfinnel (Legendary Items), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Celebeth, Vault-keeperEred Luin Celondim 
Celeblas (Champion Trainer), Champion TrainerRivendell The Spire of Meeting 
Celeblas (Curiosities), TraderBree-town Skirmish Camp (Bree) 
Celeborn, NotableCaras Galadhon Telain Neduil, The House of Celeborn 
CelebrandirEregion Gwingris 
Celebwe (Vault-keeper)Lothlorien Vault 
CelechestCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
CeleguienLothlorien Echad Andestel 
Celia Greenweed (Consumable Trader), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Cerebthos (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerRivendell Elrond's Library 
CerysTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Ciryalen (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Clerk of Kinships, Clerk of KinshipsRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Colchyl, Stable-masterEred Luin Duillond 
Coldfells Hunter (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Coldfells 
Collos (Medium Armour, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Corudan Caras Galadhon Telain Neduil 
Corudan (Haldirith)The Great River Haldirith 
Corudan (Parth Celebrant)The Great River Parth Celebrant 
Corudan (The East Wall) The East Wall The East Wall 
Corugirion (Light Armour, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
CorunothielDurin's Way Buzun-ghar, Lossathrod 
Corunothiel (Throne of Durin)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Crisdur (Expert Weaponcrafter), Expert WeaponcrafterRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Crisgyl (Champion Trainer), Champion TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
CucheronLothlorien, Mirkwood Egladil, Fennas Guldur, Gadorgar, Gathburz, Mirk-eaves, Rad Cened, Rad Iorist, The Bleak Cellar, The Haunted Inn 
Curugardh (Classic), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Curuhen (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Curuiel (Mistress of Apprentices), Master of ApprenticesLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Cweneron (Barter Exchange Trader), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
DaegennanEregion Gwingris 
Daegoth (Barter Exchange Trader), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Daerlaw (One-handed Weaponsmith), One-handed WeaponsmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
DaervellasTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Dagfinn, Hunter TrainerEred Luin Gondamon 
DagorchielMirkwood Echad Mothelen 
DanfennasMirkwood Helethir 
DannaswenMirkwood Amon Angened 
Dantlassil, Novice WeaponcrafterEred Luin Celondim 
Danumnir (Curiosities), TraderAngmar Skirmish Camp (Angmar) 
Dardur (Rune-keeper)Ered Luin Gondamon 
Defender of Imlad GelairRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Deluraw (Festival Shoe-maker)Ered Luin Duillond 
DelurosRivendell Elrond's Library 
DemlindethCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Desperate SoldierMirkwood Mirk-eaves 
Dialath (Stable-master)North Downs Meluinen 
Digloriel (Keeper of Gifts), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Diloriel (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperFalathlorn Homesteads  
Dimbassoneth (Cosmetics), TraderNorth Downs Skirmish Camp (North Downs) 
DindirithLothlorien Echad Andestel 
Dinedhrin (Infuriated Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Dior (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerEred Luin Gondamon 
DithalionRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
DithaliwennFoundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
DolengylEred Luin Duillond 
DonndagethCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
DornhadorEregion Echad Eregion 
Dorniel (Survivor of Edhellion)Thorin's Gate (pre-instance) Refuge of Edhelion (pre-instance) 
DorollasThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
Dorongur WhitethornThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Refuge of Edhelion (pre-instance) 
Dorongur Whitethorn (Duillond)Ered Luin Duillond 
Drambar, Champion TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
Drambin (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
Dringil (Fireworks Vendor), SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
Dringlinn (Novice Metalsmith), Novice MetalsmithRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
DundurionMirkwood Audaghaim, The Dourstocks, The Haunted Inn 
Dunumnir (Curiosities), TraderEregion Skirmish Camp (Eregion) 
Durphent (Legendary Hunter Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Durvenel (One-handed Weaponsmith), One-handed WeaponsmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Durvenel (Explorer of Eregion)Bree-town Bree 
Edenithil, BowyerEred Luin Celondim, Thorin's Gates 
EglamirEred Luin Celondim 
EilianEred Luin Falathlorn 
EirienMirkwood Mithechad 
Elf of RivendellRivendell Elrond's Library, The Hall of Fire, The Last Homely House 
Elf-archerAngmar Faelbenn's Bulmark, Malenhad, North Bulmark, Northern Bulmark, Northernmost Bulmark, Rammas Deluon, South Bulmark, Southern Bulmark, Western Malenhad 
Elf-archerLothlorien Eastern Pass, Northern Pass, Western Pass 
Elf-bowmasterLothlorien Fanuidhol 
Elf-championAngmar Faelbenn's Bulmark, Malenhad, North Bulmark, Northern Bulmark, Northernmost Bulmark, Rammas Deluon, South Bulmark, Southern Bulmark, Western Malenhad 
Elf-championLothlorien Fanuidhol 
Elf-champion Ered Luin Rath Teraig 
Elf-healerAngmar Faelbenn's Bulmark, Malenhad, North Bulmark, Northern Bulmark, Northernmost Bulmark, Rammas Deluon, South Bulmark, Southern Bulmark, Western Malenhad 
Elf-healerLothlorien Eastern Pass, Northern Pass 
Elf-hunterEred Luin Rath Teraig 
Elf-maidenTrollshaws Delossad (Sithad) 
Elf-singerRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Elf-smithRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
Elf-warriorLothlorien Eastern Pass, Northern Pass, Western Pass 
Elgirion, Light ArmoursmithEred Luin Celondim 
ElladanThorin's Gate, Trollshaws Thorenhad, Thorin's Gate 
Elladan (Instance)Rivendell The Hall of Fire, The Last Homely House 
Elladan (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Elladan (Skirmish)Trollshaws High Moor, The Ford of Bruinen 
Elladan (Tal Methedras)Dunland Tal Methedras 
Elladan (Thorin's Gate)Thorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
EllunenMirkwood Thangulhad 
Elmo Brown, Burglar TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Elnestad, HealerEregion Gwingris 
ElrohirThorin's Gate, Trollshaws Axe-head Path, Thorenhad 
Elrohir (Instance)Rivendell Elrond's Library, The Hall of Fire, The Last Homely House 
Elrohir (Mirkstone)Thorin's Gate (pre-instance) Mirkstone Tunnels, Mirkstone Tunnels (oustide) 
Elrohir (Mirobel)Eregion Mirobel 
Elrohir (Prison-caves) Dunland Prison-caves 
Elrohir (Rivendell)Rivendell Rivendell Valley 
Elrohir (Skirmish)Trollshaws High Moor, The Ford of Bruinen 
Elrond, NotableRivendell Elrond's Library 
Elrond (Lost Temple)Trollshaws Lost Temple 
Elufael (Herald of Rivendell)Rivendell The Last Homely House 
Elven ArtisanRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Elven GardenerRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Elven MusicianRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Elven OratorRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Elven ScholarRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Elven SoldierRivendell Imlad Gelair 
ElwelethTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Elwen, Lore-master TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Enefan (Clerk of Kinships), Clerk of KinshipsRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
Eregriel (Friend of the Malledhrim Rewards), TraderMirkwood Mithechad 
ErestorRivendell The Haven of Orladion 
Erydhriel, Hunter TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
ErymbesMirkwood The Verdant Shrine 
ErymeldirThe Great River Limlight Glade 
Erynwen, NotableEred Luin Frerin's Court 
Erythrandir (Curiosities), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Estellien (Malledhrim Rewards Vendor), TraderMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Ethuillos (Explorer of Eregion)The Shire Michel Delving 
Exhausted SoldierMirkwood Mirk-eaves 
Faelbenn (Supplier & Provisoner), ProvisionerEregion Echad Eregion 
FaelleronLothlorien Eryn Laer 
FaellienEregion Echad Mirobel 
Faellindiel (Bard of Celondim), BardEred Luin Celondim 
Faemir (Forge-master), Forge-masterMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
FaengalphCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Faengamil, Novice CookEred Luin Celondim 
FaenhilithEregion Echad Eregion 
FaerchirilMirkwood Barad Angol 
FaillothRivendell The Last Homely House 
FaimirRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Fainglos (Guardian Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
FalasgonMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Fanhir, One-handed WeaponsmithThorin's Gate Thorin's Gates 
Fanhir, One-handed WeaponsmithEred Luin Duillond 
Farasdur (Huntsmaster)Lothlorien Egladil 
FaronielMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Faruith (Forge-master), Forge-masterMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Farvil (Tailor's Guild Pattern Trader), TraderNorth Downs Tailor's Guild Hall  
Fathrem, ProvisionerTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Faugrien (Crafting, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Fearn (Loremaster Trader), TraderLothlorien Echad Andestel 
FernacharMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Festival Announcer (Celondim) (Stable-master)Ered Luin Celondim 
Fileglin (Bard of Rivendell), BardRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Filegnaneth (Novice Cook), Novice CookRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Fimgris, SupplierTrollshaws Thorenhad 
FimlothThe Great River Haldirith 
Fimriel (Provisoner), ProvisionerMirkwood Helethir 
Fingwen (Barber), BarberRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Firitharu (Healer), HealerLothlorien Mekhem-bizru 
Firithnir (Healer), HealerMirkwood Thangulhad 
First Marshal Helegmir (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Fladdan (Expert Tailor), Expert TailorLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Fladron (Expert Tailor), Expert TailorLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Flet-runnerCaras Galadhon Telain Glorelloth, Telain Neduil, The House of Celeborn 
Forgamdir (Light Armour, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Forgamthan (Expert Scholar), Expert ScholarRivendell Elrond's Library 
ForglinnFoundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
Forlad (Annoyed Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Fuirgam (Malledhrim Commander)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Fuirgam (Instance)Mirkwood Mirk-eaves 
Fuirgam (Ost Galadh) (Malledhrim Commander)Mirkwood Ost Galadh 
Gaellien (Quartermaster), TraderEred Luin Celondim 
Gaerchwes (Healer), HealerMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
GaerfalasMirkwood Amon Angened 
Gaeriel (Pipeweed Vendor), ProvisionerEred Luin Duillond 
GailthinEred Luin Gondamon 
Gailthin (Grocer), GrocerEred Luin, Thorin's Gate Gondamon, Thorin's Gate 
Gailthin (Instance)Ered Luin Rath Teraig 
GaladhrimMirkwood Estolad Mernael, Ost Galadh 
GaladhrimMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
GaladhrimCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Galadhrim (Gharaf-fehem) (Reputation Trader), TraderRedhorn Lodes Gharaf-fehem 
Galadhrim (Hadudbab) (Reputation Trader), TraderDurin's Way Hadudbab 
Galadhrim (Mezer-serej) (Reputation Trader ), TraderZelem-melek Mezer-serej 
Galadhrim ArcherLothlorien Echad Andestel, Nan Celebrant, Nimrodel, Talan Haldir 
Galadhrim ArcherMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Galadhrim ArcherCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Galadhrim GuardLothlorien Caras Galadhon 
Galadhrim LookoutLothlorien Nimrodel 
Galadhrim SoldierMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Galadhrim WardenMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Galadhrim WardenLothlorien Echad Andestel, Nan Celebrant, Nimrodel, Talan Haldir 
Galadhrim WardenMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Galadhrim WardenCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Galadriel, NotableCaras Galadhon Galadriel's Garden, Telain Neduil, The House of Celeborn 
Galamann (Expert Farmhand), Expert FarmhandLothlorien Egladil 
GaldorRivendell Elrond's Stables 
GalhirilLothlorien The Peaceful Glade 
Galuoneth (Novice Weaponcrafter), Novice WeaponcrafterRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
GandelinNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
Ganneldur (Barterer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
GardenerEred Luin The Festival Garden 
GelirdurEred Luin Falathlorn 
Gelirora (Legendary Lore-master Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Gelirwen (Gwathrendath)Foundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
Gelirwen (Mirobel)Eregion Echad Mirobel 
Gelirwen (Shadowed Refuge)Foundations of Stone The Shadowed Refuge 
Gelluigon, Heavy ArmoursmithTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Gelnir (Relic-master), Relic-masterMirkwood Thangulhad 
Gilbor, WeaponsmithEred Luin Celondim 
Gildor InglorionNorth Downs Esteldin Library, Lin Giliath 
Gilfalas, BowyerEred Luin Duillond 
Gilfiniel (Supplier), SupplierRivendell The Hall of Fire 
GladielMirkwood The Scuttledells 
Gladiel (Forge-master), Forge-masterMirkwood Thangulhad 
GladmeldisCaras Galadhon The Company's Pavillion 
Glambaen (Lore-master Trainer), Lore-master TrainerNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
GlamirEred Luin Haudh Lin 
GlamodudMirkwood Echad Glamodud 
Glanelleth (Jewellery and Cloaks), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Glanwen (Hunter Trainer), Hunter TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
GlasnirLothlorien Egladil 
GlathirelAngmar The Rift of Nurz Ghasu 
GlavroletEregion Echad Dunann 
GlavrolethEregion Echad Dunann 
GlavrolnenEred Luin Nen Hilith 
Gliriel (Bard of Lothlorien), BardLothlorien Echad Andestel 
GlordirithLothlorien Egladil 
Gloredhriel (Keeper of Gifts), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
GlorellothFoundations of Stone The Shadowed Refuge 
Glorelloth (Gwathrendath) Foundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
Glorengail (Melladhrim Rewards Vendor), TraderMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
GlorenglirRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Gloreniel (Trickster)Ered Luin Falathlorn 
Glorennidh (Lore-master Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Glorenthol (Watch Captain)Trollshaws Delossad (Sithad) 
GlorfindelRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Glorielhen (Herald of Rivendell)Angmar Himbar 
Glorielhen (Explorer of Eregion)Forochel Suri-kyla 
Glorielvir (Light Armoursmith), Light ArmoursmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
GlorwenMisty Mountains Slave Pens 
Glosmir (Supplier & Provisioner), ProvisionerFalathlorn Homesteads  
Gloswen, ProvisionerMirkwood Mithechad 
GoldagnirMirkwood Thangulhad 
Goldagnir (Skirmish)Mirkwood Dol Guldur 
GoldberryThe Old Forest Goldberry's Spring 
GoldinwenMirkwood Echad Glamodud 
Golfeth (Champion Trainer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
GolhadorRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Golphednir, Master of ApprenticesEred Luin Celondim 
Golweniel (Heroes' Quartmaster), TraderEnedwaith Harndirion, Thror's Coomb 
GonediadRivendell Rivendell Valley, The Spire of Meeting 
Grafinn (Provisioner), ProvisionerRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Grafinn (Provisioner), ProvisionerRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
GruingalasMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Gruinthir (Medium Armoursmith), Medium ArmoursmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Gruinwen (Provisions, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
GuardTrollshaws Delossad (Sithad) 
GulenethEred Luin Celondim 
Gurdagnir (Malledhrim Rewards Vendor), TraderMirkwood Echad Sirion 
GwaemithrinMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
GwalothEred Luin Celondim 
Gwathdal (Light Armoursmith), Light ArmoursmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Gwathel, Guardian TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
Gwelwen (Cosmetics), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Gwenhiril, Clerk of KinshipsEred Luin Celondim 
GwesgyllielNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
Gwilithfan (Skirmish Captain), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
GwindethEvendim Gwindethrond, The Flooded Ward 
Gwindeth (Troubled Dreams)Evendim Tyrn Fornech 
Gwindil (Rewards Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Gwingloth, Clerk of KinshipsRivendell Rivendell Valley 
HadhelenLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Hadoriel (Skirmish Trainer), TraderFalathlorn Homesteads  
HadronethLothlorien Talan Haldir 
Haerel (Herald of Rivendell)Evendim Tinnudir 
Haerel (Explorer of Eregion)The Shire Michel Delving 
Haerel, Medium ArmoursmithTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Haldan, Novice JewellerEred Luin Celondim 
HaldirLothlorien Talan Haldir 
Haldir (Nan Celebrant)Lothlorien Nan Celebrant 
Haldur (Hobby Master), TraderRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Hambrennil (Tailor's Guild Leader), TraderNorth Downs Tailor's Guild Hall  
Hambrennil (Outfitter), OutfitterEred Luin Celondim 
Hammadelen (Oufitter), OutfitterRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Handelen (Malledhrim Tactician)Mirkwood Thangulhad 
Hanhir (Herald of Rivendell)Misty Mountains Vindurhal 
HaradirTrollshaws Tal Bruinen 
HarchadorMirkwood Mithechad 
Harry WheelwrightRivendell Elrond's Stables 
Hatheldir (Weaponsmith's Guild) (Emblem Recipes), Expert WeaponcrafterThorin's Hall Weaponsmith's Guild Hall  
Healer (Haldirith) , HealerThe Great River Haldirith 
Hebinias (Curiosities), TraderNorth Downs Skirmish Camp (North Downs) 
HelhathelEred Luin Nen Hilith 
Helheryn (Relic-master), Relic-masterMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
HemeldirRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
HethugurEregion Echad Mirobel 
HimeiniorMirkwood Barad Angol 
Hithbar, Medium ArmoursmithEred Luin Duillond 
Hithbar, Medium ArmoursmithThorin's Gate Thorin's Gates 
Hurien (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Hurien (Caras Galadhon)Caras Galadhon Celurlin 
Hutoniel (Supplier & Provisoner), SupplierEregion Echad Dunann 
Hwethloth (Healer), HealerEregion Echad Eregion 
Hwiniol (Cosmetics), TraderAngmar Skirmish Camp (Angmar) 
Hwiniol (Cosmetics), TraderEregion Skirmish Camp (Eregion) 
Ialadir (Novice Farmhand), Novice FarmhandEred Luin Falathlorn 
IavassulMirkwood Iavassul's Watch 
Iawen (Crafting Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
IdehrenfairMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Idhbrennil, TraderLothlorien Talan Fanuidhol 
IdhrenethTrollshaws Tal Bruinen 
IdhrenfairMirkwood The Dourstocks 
Idhrenwe (Master Craftsman), Master CrafterRivendell Elrond's Library 
Idhrinnion (Skirmish Captain), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Imyl (Elves of Rivendell), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Indis (Rune-keeper Trader), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
InufilegEregion Gwingris 
Inurochon (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Cerin Amroth, Cirin-en-Galadh 
Iorcheryn (Heavy Armour Trader), TraderAngmar Gath Forthnir 
Iorelen Angmar Iorelen’s Camp 
IsdiThorin's Gate Thorin's Gates 
Isdur (Barterer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
IsferonEred Luin Duillond, Isferon's Study 
IssurielLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Issuriel (Hidden Guard)Lothlorien, Mirkwood Egladil, Fennas Guldur, Gadorgar, Gathburz, Mirk-eaves, Rad Cened, Rad Iorist, The Bleak Cellar 
IstarienCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Istemil (Forge-master), Forge-masterMirkwood Amon Angened 
Isthel (Rewards Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Istwe (Expert Scholar), Expert ScholarLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Ithilvir, Medium ArmoursmithEred Luin Celondim 
IthrielTrollshaws Lost Temple 
Ivorel (Scout Commander)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Ivorel (Scuttledells) (Scout Commander)Mirkwood Ivorel's camp, The Scuttledells 
Ivoron (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Ivoron (Craft Hall) (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
LadenthirEregion Echad Eregion 
Ladrochan (Stable-master), Stable-masterRivendell Elrond's Stables 
Laechenn (Legendary Guardian Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Laechenn (Burglar Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
LaegalarMirkwood Helethir 
LaegbrannonRivendell The Last Homely House 
LaeginnMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
LaeglangMirkwood Gathburz 
Laeglang (Instance)Mirkwood The Dourstocks 
LaegonEred Luin Celondim 
Laegriel (Expert Weaponsmith), Expert WeaponcrafterMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Laenin the Glade Watcher (Barter Merchant), TraderEred Luin Celondim 
LaerdabAngmar Gath Forthnir 
LaerdanAngmar Gath Forthnir, Laerdan's Quarters 
Laerdan (Glad Ereg) Eregion Glad Ereg 
Laerdan (Mirobel)Eregion Mirobel 
Laerdan (Rivendell)Rivendell Laerdan's Chamber 
Laergil (Grocer), GrocerEred Luin Celondim, Haudh Lin 
LagordalCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
LagorlamNorth Downs Taur Gonwaith 
LaidhrielMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Laingyl (Heavy Armour, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
LalforEred Luin Duillond 
Lamhador (Medium Armour, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
LamwenMirkwood Gathburz 
Langeredir (Expert Scholar), Expert ScholarLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Langeredir (Expert Weaponcrafter), Expert WeaponcrafterLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Lantwen (Kindred of the Malledhrim Reward), TraderMirkwood Thangulhad 
Lassil (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
LavanferonMirkwood Echad Mothelen 
LavanthirTrollshaws Tal Bruinen 
LefnuichenEregion Echad Mirobel 
Legindir (Relic-master), Relic-masterMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Legolas, NotableRivendell Guest Rooms 
Legolas (Cerin Amroth), NotableLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Legolas (Nan Celebrant), NotableLothlorien Nan Celebrant 
Legolas (Parth Galen)The East Wall Parth Galen 
Legolas (Troubled Dreams)The Great River Thinglad 
Lendaellin, Novice WoodworkerEred Luin Celondim 
Lendasil (Inn League Member)Ered Luin Refuge of Edhelion 
LenglammelFoundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
LenglielEregion Echad Eregion 
Lennasthrieln (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
Lieutenant Estabal (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Lieutenant Lorneleth (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Lieutenant Octa (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Isendeep 
Lieutenant Ovorestel (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Limbrennil (Provisoner), ProvisionerMirkwood Amon Angened 
Limfind (Thinglad Sentinel)The Great River Haldirith 
LimhendethLothlorien Echad Andestel 
LimlaerEregion Nan Sirannon 
Limlor, One-handed WeaponsmithEred Luin Duillond 
Limruineth, One-handed WeaponsmithTrollshaws Thorenhad 
LimthirThe Great River Thinglad 
LindirRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Linglin (Curiosities), TraderEvendim Skirmish Camp (Evendim) 
LintwenCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Lithen (Explorer of Eregion)Ered Luin Duillond 
Lithuifin (Healer), HealerEvendim The Eavespires 
LithuilasEregion Gwingris 
Loboelen (Stable-master), Stable-masterTrollshaws Echad Candelleth, Tal Bruinen 
Loborwen (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Echad Andestel, Nimrodel 
Loenfindiel (Cosmetics), TraderLone-Lands Skirmish Camp (Lone Lands) 
Logethul (Elite Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Lomdognir (Malledhrim Captain)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Lomdognir (Ost Galadh) (Malledhrim Captain)Mirkwood Ost Galadh 
Lomguil, TraderLothlorien Talan Fanuidhol 
LondrandirNorth Downs Greenway 
Lord ElrondRivendell Elrond's Library, The Hall of Fire 
Lorien ElfMoria Azanarukar, The Throne of Durin 
Lorien ElfLothlorien Athmadhul 
LosdirithCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Lothlorien Sentinel (Free Peoples)Lothlorien Echad Andestel 
Lothlorien SentinelLothlorien Nimrodel 
Lothlorien Soldier (Free Peoples)Lothlorien Eryn Laer, Taur Hith 
Lovenglor (Herald of Rivendell)Trollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Lubathred (Notary), NotaryEred Luin Duillond 
LuidhrosCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Luillas (Kindred of the Malledhrim Reward)Mirkwood Thangulhad 
Madhrill (Provisoner), ProvisionerLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Maedbrennil (Sage of Eriador), TraderForochel Suri-kyla 
Maedhrusc (Crafting Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim)Mirkwood Ost Galadh 
MaedlathronEregion Gwingris 
Maegamel, HealerEred Luin Celondim 
MaegamielEregion Echad Mirobel 
Maenasdir (Lothlorien Crafting Guild Emissa), SupplierLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Maenasdur (Master of Apprentices), Master of ApprenticesLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Maendan (Heavy Armoursmith), Heavy ArmoursmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Maengamiel (Leisurely Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
MaenhadorLothlorien Talan Fanuidhol 
Maercherves (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood Helethir 
MaerhiniathRivendell Rivendell Valley 
MaerielLothlorien Talan Gwilith 
MaerwenMirkwood Helethir 
Maethis (Skirmish Bard), BardFalathlorn Homesteads  
MaethoronLothlorien Talan Haldir 
MagorFoundations of Stone Azanarukar 
Maladbes (Vault-keeper)Lothlorien Vault 
Maladmil (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperRivendell The Last Homely House 
Malellam (Herald of Rivendell)Thorin's Gate Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall 
Malellam (Explorer of Eregion)Rivendell The Last Homely House 
MalendolMirkwood Taur Morvith 
Malenfas (Game-master), TraderEred Luin Duillond, Falathlorn 
Malenfileg (Hunter Trainer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Maleniel (Sage of Eriador), TraderEvendim Tinnudir 
Malgannel (Bard of Gondamon), BardEred Luin Gondamon 
MalirielLothlorien Imlad Lalaith 
MallasFoundations of Stone The Shadowed Refuge 
Mallas (Gwathrendath)Foundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
Mallasil (Novice Woodworker), Novice WoodworkerRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
MalledhrimMirkwood Echad Sirion, Mithechad, Ost Galadh, Thangulhad 
Malledhrim ArcherMirkwood Dungeons of Dol Guldur 
Malledhrim CaptainMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Malledhrim GuardMirkwood Mithechad 
Malledhrim Sentinel (Free Peoples)Mirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Malledhrim Sentinel (Free Peoples)Mirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Malledhrim Sentinel (Free Peoples)Mirkwood Minas Celebolf, Ost Galadh 
Malledhrim SoldierMirkwood Amon Angened, Fallug, Mirk-eaves, Mithechad 
Malledhrim WarriorMirkwood Echad Sirion, Mirk-eaves 
Malledhrim WarriorMirkwood Dungeons of Dol Guldur 
MallendathorLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Mallenhadh, Hunter TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Mallenlaer (Heavy Armour, Skirmish), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Mallenwen (Keeper of Gifts), TraderEred Luin Celondim 
Malthendring (Champion Trainer), Champion TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
MalthenorRivendell Rivendell Valley 
MaririelLothlorien Imlad Lalaith 
Meeri (Skirmish Trainer), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Megoreth (Cosmetics), TraderEvendim Skirmish Camp (Evendim) 
Melthindir, Minstrel TrainerEred Luin Celondim 
MeluibrennilLothlorien Bain Gwaloth 
Membes (Cosmetics), TraderBree-town Skirmish Camp (Bree) 
MenassielLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
MeredhrandirLothlorien Nanduhirion 
Merellos (Quartermaster), TraderEred Luin Falathlorn 
Merellos (Spring) (Spring Rewards Vendor), TraderEred Luin Falathlorn 
Merenas (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerNorth Downs Esteldin 
Merenedhel, TraderLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
MerethenThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
Merethir (Head Caretaker)Falathlorn Homesteads  
MerilosRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Methgil (Warden Trainer)Thorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gate 
MibrethilEred Luin Falathlorn 
Midheil (Melladhrim Rewards Vendor), TraderMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Midhram (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood Mithechad 
Millaesil (Kindred of the Malledhrim Reward), TraderMirkwood Thangulhad 
Milnir (Healer), HealerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Miluidan (Novice Tailor), Novice TailorRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
MiluielCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Miluiel (Provisioner), ProvisionerEred Luin Celondim 
MiluimilMirkwood Ivorel's camp, The Scuttledells 
MilvidanRivendell Rivendell Valley 
MilwenLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Minainir (Expert Cook), Expert CookMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
MinathlangCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Mindir (Healer), HealerMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Mirchiril (Jeweller's Guild Recipe Vendor), Expert JewellerNorth Downs Jeweller's Guild Hall 
Mirdi (Expert Jeweller), Expert JewellerLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
MirdirnielMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Mirdoron, Guardian TrainerRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Mirien (Expert Jeweller), Expert JewellerLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Mirkwood Sentinel (Free Peoples)Mirkwood Iavassul's Watch, Mithechad 
Mirkwood SentinelMirkwood Emyn Lum 
MirwenRivendell Elrond's Library 
Mithaeril (Cosmetics), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
MithennCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Mithguen (Legendary Champion Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Mithlas (Herald of Rivendell)Forochel Zigilgund 
Mithlas (Explorer of Eregion)North Downs Esteldin 
Mithlas (Explorer of Eregion)North Downs Esteldin 
Mothelen Mirkwood Echad Mothelen 
MuildirTrollshaws Delossad, Tal Bruinen 
Nadon (Supplier), SupplierLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
NaerdolenMirkwood Helethir 
Naerelen (Supplier), SupplierMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Naeremil, SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
NaerisLothlorien The Peaceful Glade 
Naermil, SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
Naithriel (Survivor of Edhellion)Thorin's Gate (pre-instance) Refuge of Edhelion (pre-instance) 
NarlinnTrollshaws Thorenhad 
NarmelethTrollshaws Delossad (Sithad), Mirobel, Sammath Baul 
Narmeleth (Gador Gularan)Angmar Gador Gularan 
Narmeleth (Gath Forthnir)Angmar Gath Forthnir 
Narmeleth (Glad Ereg)Eregion Glad Ereg 
Naruhel (Restored)Lone-Lands Spring of the Red Maid 
NathronwenEred Luin Duillond 
Nedhrien (Dance Leader)Ered Luin Duillond 
NeighbourFalathlorn Homesteads  
Nelliel (Barterer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
NembesCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Nemelleth (Provisioner), ProvisionerMirkwood Thangulhad 
NenedhelMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Nervous MalledhrimMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Nestadon (Healer), HealerLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Nestadwe (Healer), HealerLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Nestael (Healer), HealerTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Nestael (Explorer of Eregion)Thorin's Gate Thorin's Hall, Thorin's Hall - The Great Hall 
Nestael (Herald of Rivendell)Bree-town West Gate 
NestawenMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Nethmil (Herald of Rivendell)Misty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
NifdirMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
NimphelegDurin's Way Buzun-ghar, Lossathrod 
Nimpheleg (Throne of Durin)Durin's Way The Throne of Durin 
Nimpiel (Expert Jeweller), Expert JewellerMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Nindolfeth (Legendary Burglar Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Nindulus (Relic-master), Relic-masterMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
NinglorilMirkwood Thangulhad 
Ningloril (Skirmish)Mirkwood Dol Guldur, Dungeons of Dol Guldur 
Ninil (Thinglad Sentinel)The Great River Haldirith 
Ninimiel (Town Crier)Falathlorn Homesteads  
Ninimiel, Light ArmoursmithTrollshaws Thorenhad 
NogmeldisMisty Mountains Vindurhal 
NordanMirkwood Echad Glamodud 
Noreth (Festival of Enedhin Provisioner), ProvisionerEred Luin Duillond 
Noreth (Spring Provisioner), ProvisionerEred Luin Falathlorn 
Noreth (Harvest Provisioner), ProvisionerEred Luin Falathlorn 
NorielThe Great River Thinglad 
Noriel (Haldirith)The Great River Haldirith 
Noriel (Your Ally) (Ally of Your Name)The Great River Thinglad 
Norien (Keeper of Gifts), TraderRivendell The Last Homely House 
Norraph (Healer), HealerMirkwood Helethir 
Nosseron (Legendary Captain Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Novice Cook, Novice CookRivendell Rivendell Valley 
NurellethCaras Galadhon Telain Glorelloth 
Nurnauth (Curiosities), TraderLone-Lands Skirmish Camp (Lone Lands) 
Orchalnaw (Curiosities), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
OrdhrienThe Great River Limlight Glade 
Orelleth (Barterer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Ormbes (Escrow Broker)Falathlorn Homesteads  
Ormbes (Escrow Broker)Rivendell The Last Homely House 
OrnrasEregion Echad Mirobel 
Orodlin (One-handed Weaponsmith), One-handed WeaponsmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
OrodlinThorin's Gate Thorin's Gate 
OrophinLothlorien Nimrodel 
OrthirThe Shire Abandoned Elf Camp 
OvorlasEred Luin Nen Hilith 
PadrilLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
PalanaerEregion Echad Dunann 
Pantawarth, HealerMirkwood Mithechad 
Parched ElfCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Pathnen (Skirmish Trainer), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
Pathredil (Provisoner), ProvisionerLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
PenglirEred Luin Duillond 
Pennasdur (Friend of the Malledhrim Rewards), TraderMirkwood Mithechad 
PennassethLothlorien Cerin Nauth 
Pennastan (Lore-master Trainer), Lore-master TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
PentlennFoundations of Stone The Shadowed Refuge 
Pentlenn (Gwathrendath)Foundations of Stone Gwathrendath 
PerenSouthern Barrow-downs Southern Barrow-downs 
PerimbantEregion Echad Dunann 
PerindurMirkwood Mithechad 
PethelenRivendell The Last Homely House 
PigedhrynTrollshaws Thorenhad 
PrestadirMirkwood The Dourstocks 
PrestadirMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Provisioner (Haldirith) , ProvisionerThe Great River Haldirith 
PuiguilMirkwood The Dourstocks 
PuiguilMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Quick-wit CulverBree-town Infiltrators' Headquarters 
RaddirLothlorien, Mirkwood Imlad Lalaith, Mirk-eaves, Rad Cened 
Raddir (Thurimen)Mirkwood Thurimen 
Raenfer (Supplier), SupplierRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
RaindisEred Luin Celondim 
RainenLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
RaingonLothlorien Talan Gwilith 
Rancel (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
RandironCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Rathorm, Lore-master TrainerEred Luin Gondamon 
Refuge GuardianEred Luin Duillond 
RelondirSouthern Barrow-downs Southern Barrow-downs 
Relorim (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerEred Luin Gondamon 
Remmenylf (Boat-keeper)Evendim Northern Emyn Uial, The Eavespires 
Researcher Mallennor (Historian)Ered Luin Scholar's Enclave 
Rilfair (Classic), TraderRivendell Skirmish Camp (Rivendell) 
RilhathelCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
Rimdal (Stable-master), Stable-masterEttenmoors Glain Vraig 
Rimdareil (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Egladil, The Vinyards of Lorien 
Rinfindiel (Woodworker's Guild Legendary Rec), Expert WoodworkerNorth Downs Woodworker's Guild Hall 
RinneldorEregion Echad Dunann 
Rochdur (Stable-master), Stable-masterEregion Echad Eregion, High Hollin 
RocheledhMirkwood Estolad Mernael 
Rocherves (Stable-master), Stable-masterEregion Echad Dunann 
RochwenTrollshaws South Trollshaws 
Roddaneth (Expert Metalsmith), Expert MetalsmithLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Rodelleth (Malledhrim Champion)Mirkwood Thangulhad 
Rodgam (Heavy Armoursmith), Heavy ArmoursmithRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Roherdir, Stable-masterEred Luin Celondim 
Rohiril (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Caras Galadhon, Egladil 
Rombrennil (Elves of Rivendell), SupplierRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Romloth (Lore-master Trainer), Lore-master TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
RongalMirkwood Amon Angened 
Ronhel (Friend of the Malledhrim Rewards), TraderMirkwood Thangulhad 
Rosnir (Expert Woodworker), Expert WoodworkerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Rostellen (Sage of Eriador), TraderAngmar Aughaire 
RostorielEregion Echad Dunann 
Rudhwen (Bard of Mirkwood), BardMirkwood Ost Galadh 
RuidhrielEregion Tal Caradhras 
Ruimbas (Warden Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Ruimbas (Barterer), TraderCaras Galadhon Telain Galadrim 
Ruineth (Expert Metalsmith), Expert MetalsmithRivendell Imlad Gelair 
RumilLothlorien Nimrodel 
Ruthlas, BowyerTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Saelthaliel (Maze-master)Bree-land The Horsefields 
Saerthuithel (Inn League Member)Trollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Saervereth (Festival Patron)Ered Luin Falathlorn 
Salabdur, HealerRivendell The Last Homely House 
Santhiriel (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Caras Galadhon 
Santhiril (Party Planner)Falathlorn Homesteads  
Santmereth (Worried Gardener)Ered Luin The Festival Garden 
Selarfrin (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerEvendim Tinnudir 
Sentinel (Free Peoples)Trollshaws High Moor 
Sentinel (Free Peoples)Eregion Gwingris 
SentinelFoundations of Stone Gwathrendath, The Shadowed Refuge 
Sentinel (Free Peoples)Eregion Echad Dunann 
Sergeant-at-Arms GlorellinRivendell Elrond's Stables 
Sergeant-at-Arms Gwendis (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Sergeant-at-Arms Himthul (Free Peoples)Ettenmoors Ost Ringdyr 
Sergeant-at-Arms Thurimbent (Free People)Ettenmoors Glain Vraig 
Sidhelen (Healer), HealerMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
Sidlinn (Bowyer), BowyerRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
SigilethLothlorien, Mirkwood Fennas Guldur, Gadorgar, Gathburz, Imlad Lalaith, Mirk-eaves, Rad Cened, Rad Iorist, The Bleak Cellar 
Sigileth (Nothgar)Mirkwood Nothgar, Thurimen 
Sigilwen (Provisions, Skirmish), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
SilefalasNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
SileffindCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
SilithNorth Downs Free People's Camp 
Silivremir, One-handed WeaponsmithTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Sogadan (Vintner), Tavern KeepRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Stable-master (Haldirith) , Stable-masterThe Great River Haldirith 
Sulbor (Rewards Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Suldathar (Rewards Vendor) (Aquaintance of the Melledhrim), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
SulthelMirkwood Gathburz 
Supplier (Haldirith), SupplierThe Great River Haldirith 
Taidbes (Sage of Eriador), TraderRivendell Rivendell Valley 
Talagan SilvertongueThorin's Gate Refuge of Edhelion (pre-instance) 
Tanathron (Weaver)Ered Luin Duillond 
Tangwen (Expert Scholar), Expert ScholarMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Tathoron (Minstrel Trainer), Minstrel TrainerMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Tawarbes (Woodworker's Guild Improved Reci), Expert WoodworkerNorth Downs Woodworker's Guild Hall 
Tawariel (Expert Woodworker), Expert WoodworkerLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Tawaril (Expert Woodworker), Expert WoodworkerLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
TecherynLone-Lands The Forsaken Inn 
Techeryn (Instance)Lone-Lands The Weather Hills 
Teithadir (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerBree-land Combe, Training Hall 
Telemnar (Rune-keeper Trader), TraderEttenmoors Glain Vraig 
TethafnelMirkwood Echad Sirion 
Thalamab (Stable-master), Stable-masterLothlorien Mekhem-bizru 
Thalchyl (Minstrel Trainer), Minstrel TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Thorin's Gates 
ThaliollangNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
ThaliondirEregion Gwingris 
Thallanc (Legendary Rune-keeper Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
Thallanc (Captain Trainer), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Tharnelleth, TraderLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Thavroniel, Novice ScholarEred Luin Celondim 
ThavronweLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Thelawen (Heroes' Quartermaster), TraderEnedwaith Harndirion, Thror's Coomb 
Thillosil (Supplier & Provisoner), SupplierEregion Gwingris 
ThindielMirkwood Amon Angened 
Thinglad SentinelThe Great River Haldirith, Thinglad 
ThinglaerEred Luin Celondim 
ThoronielTrollshaws North Trollshaws 
Thoughts of ElrondThe East Wall Parth Galen 
Thoughts of GaladrielThe East Wall The East Wall 
Thurimil (Cosmetics), TraderLothlorien Skirmish Camp (Lothlorien) 
Tincbrennil (Expert Metalsmith), Expert MetalsmithLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Tinuloth (Legendary Warden Trader), TraderLothlorien Egladil 
TinurielEregion Echad Dunann 
Tombes (Lore-master Trainer), Lore-master TrainerThorin's Gate (pre-instance) Frerin's Court (pre-instance) 
Tondalas (Minstrel Trader ), TraderLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Tondrien (Herald of Rivendell)Forochel Suri-kyla 
TongannelTrollshaws Echad Candelleth 
Torcheryn (Provisoner), ProvisionerMirkwood The Haunted Inn 
TordurilRivendell The Market of Rivendell 
Torelleth (Fall Festival Trader), TraderEred Luin Duillond, Falathlorn 
Toriel (Stable-master), Stable-masterMirkwood Ost Galadh 
ToristMirkwood Helethir 
ToronnEred Luin Celondim 
Torveldir (Curiosities), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
TownspersonRivendell Elrond's Library, Rivendell Valley, The Hall of Fire, The Last Homely House, The Market of Rivendell 
TrevadielCaras Galadhon Caras Galadhon 
TuilinnLothlorien Cerin Amroth 
Tullamiel (Auctioneer)Lothlorien Auction Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Tuluthriel (Forge-master), Forge-masterMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Uiguil (Bard of Caras Galadhon), BardLothlorien Telain Galadrim 
Uirod (Gath Forthnir)Angmar Gath Forthnir 
Uithil (Herald of Rivendell)The Shire The Delving Fields 
Uramaith (Keeper of Gifts), TraderMirkwood Ost Galadh 
Vault-keeper (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperRivendell Scholar's Guild Hall  
Visiting ElfNorth Downs Lin Giliath 
Wandering ElfBree-land The Hedge Maze 
WatcherFoundations of Stone Azanarukar 
Wine EnthusiastEred Luin Celondim 
Wounded ElfMirkwood The Scuttledells 
Wounded MalledhrimMirkwood Gathburz 
Wounded ScoutMirkwood Ivorel's camp, The Scuttledells 
Wounded Soldier (Malledhrim Soldier)Mirkwood Echad Sirion 
Wounded SoldierMirkwood Mirk-eaves