Mobs by Zone: Forochel

AlttiForochel Janis-leiri 
Amu (Healer), HealerForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Angmarim Cave-scoutForochel Halla-kolo 
Angmarim DiggerForochel Halla-kolo 
Angmarim FirebrandForochel Halla-kolo 
Angmarim InvaderForochel Ja-rannit, Reodh Fuil, The Ironspan 
Angmarim RaiderForochel Ja-rannit, The Ironspan 
Angmarim Scout Forochel Ja-rannit, Reodh Fuil, The Ironspan 
Angmarim Snow-masterForochel Halla-kolo 
Angmarim Snow-trackerForochel Ja-rannit 
Angmarim SorcererForochel Lansi-ma 
Ansa (Expert Tailor), Expert TailorForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Arnmoth the ExactingForochel Foreman's Quarters 
ArreForochel Kuru-leiri 
Arvedui (Last-king)Forochel Hylje-leiri 
Arvo (Heavy Armoursmith), Heavy ArmoursmithForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
AtosForochel Pynti-leiri 
Beleganc (Warm-worm)Forochel Talvi-muri 
Bleak GrimForochel Ita-ma 
Blokk (Red-fang Warg)Forochel Taur Orthon 
BranekForochel Ita-ma 
Brumal GrimForochel Ja-rannit 
Brutal GrimForochel Sari-surma 
Bryok, Spear-masterForochel Lansi-ma 
Burgthryth (Minstrel)Forochel Janis-leiri 
Caged Red-fangForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Cave PeikkoForochel Halla-kolo 
Cave-wormForochel Bregmor's Den 
Cenlieg (Lore-master)Forochel Kauppa-kohta 
Chilling GrimForochel Taur Orthon 
Ciryalen (Rune-keeper Trainer), Rune-keeper TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
CoflugForochel Ja-kuru 
Coldbear (Sari-surma)Forochel Sari-surma 
CrantokForochel Ja-kuru 
Crazed Kalpa-kitaForochel Kissa-sari 
DathiForochel Kauppa-kohta 
DeluchelegForochel Kibilzahar 
Deornyd (Champion), Champion TrainerForochel Pynti-peldot 
Dora Proudfoot (Weapons, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Dourhand CaptainForochel Foreman's Quarters, Icereave Mines, Lansi-ma 
Dourhand LooterForochel Foreman's Quarters, Icereave Mines, Lansi-ma 
Dourhand MinerForochel Foreman's Quarters, Icereave Mines 
Drift WolverineForochel Ja-kuru, Taur Orthon 
Drugoth the Death-mongerForochel Sari-surma 
DunadanForochel Taur Orthon 
DurngarthForochel Talvi-muri 
EijaForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Eindrith (Stable-master)Forochel Zigilgund 
Eine (Supplier), SupplierForochel Pynti-peldot 
Elin (Novice Cook), Novice CookForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
EllaForochel Pynti-peldot 
EmeliForochel Suri-kyla 
EskoForochel Pynti-peldot 
EtuForochel Ita-ma 
FarathlugForochel Talvi-muri 
FeocForochel Voi-teltta 
Ferocious White WolfForochel Bregmor's Den 
Ferocious White Wolf (Ally of Hicca, Spirit-master)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Ferocious White Wolf (Ally of Ythel, Gauradan Warlord)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Fierce Wolf (Ally of Branek)Forochel Ita-ma 
Fierce Wolf (Ally of Feoc)Forochel Voi-teltta 
Fierce Wolf (Ally of Hicca, Spirit-master)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Fierce Wolf (Ally of Gauradan Seer)Forochel Barad Gaurhoth 
Fierce Wolf (Ally of Gauradan Seer)Forochel Norsu-hauta 
FotriForochel Zigilgund 
Frei Strongshield (Crafting, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Frost GrimForochel Halla-kolo 
Frost-wormForochel Ja-rannit 
Frozen WightForochel Sari-surma 
Gauradan BruteForochel Hylje-leiri, Karhu-leiri, Norsu-leiri, Pynti-leiri 
Gauradan HunterForochel Bregmor's Den 
Gauradan HunterForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma, Norsu-hauta, Norsu-leiri 
Gauradan Pack-leaderForochel Lansi-ma 
Gauradan Raid-leaderForochel Ita-ma 
Gauradan RaiderForochel Ita-ma 
Gauradan RaiderForochel Bregmor's Den 
Gauradan Raider (Ally of Ythel, Gauradan Warlord)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Gauradan RavagerForochel Lansi-ma, Talvi-muri, The Lonesome Stones 
Gauradan SeerForochel Barad Gaurhoth 
Gauradan SeerForochel Norsu-hauta 
Gauradan StalkerForochel Bregmor's Den 
Gauradan StalkerForochel Talvi-muri, The Lonesome Stones 
Gauradan ThiefForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma, Norsu-hauta, Norsu-leiri 
Gauradan WandererForochel Ita-ma 
Gauradan WatcherForochel Hylje-leiri, Karhu-leiri, Norsu-leiri, Pynti-leiri 
Gelid GrimForochel Talvi-muri 
Glorielhen (Explorer of Eregion)Forochel Suri-kyla 
Grazing ElkForochel Talvi-muri, The Lonesome Stones 
Great Gauradan ChiefForochel Hylje-leiri 
Great Snow-matronForochel Peikko Den 
Great Winter-tuskForochel Lansi-ma 
Great Winter-worm (Warm-worm)Forochel 10th Dwarf Channel, 4th Dwarf Channel, 7th Dwarf Channel, Lansi-ma 
Guaradan Mammoth Rider (Ally of Torahammas)Forochel Lansi-ma 
Guard (Free Peoles)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla, Ja-rannit, Kuru-leiri, Pynti-peldot, Suri-kyla, Zigilgund 
Gudbrand (Jewellery and Cloaks), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
GuinokhForochel Ja-kuru 
Gun AinForochel Kolo-hampat 
Gwelwen (Cosmetics), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
HaerdorForochel Taur Orthon 
Hale Dourhand CaptainForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Dourhand SapperForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Gauradan ReaverForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Gauradan SkirmisherForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Iron Crown BowmanForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Iron Crown WarriorForochel Ja-kuru 
Hale Vicious Kilpa-kitaForochel Ja-kuru 
Ham Burrows (Legendary Items), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Hannu (Heavy Armour, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Hannu (Healer), HealerForochel Pynti-peldot 
Hasikka (Master of Apprentices), Master of ApprenticesForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Hasikka (Instance)Forochel Hylje-leiri 
HeikkiForochel Pynti-peldot 
Helchuan (Warm Worm)Forochel Zigilgund 
Hicca, Spirit-master (Gauradan)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
HirviForochel Ja-rannit 
Hoary AurochsForochel Ja-kuru, Talvi-muri, Taur Orthon, The Lonesome Stones 
Hulking Red-fangForochel Metsasta-sija 
Hungry PeikkoForochel Ja-rannit 
Hunting Red-fangForochel Metsasta-sija 
Ice Plague-windForochel Kibilzahar 
Ice-crowned MammothForochel Ita-ma 
Ice-giant ChieftainForochel Jotunstath 
Ice-giant ThrowerForochel Jotunstath, Talvi-muri 
Ice-giant WarriorForochel Jotunstath, Talvi-muri 
Ice-shore BearForochel Ja-rannit 
Ice-shore Bear (Ally of Sana)Forochel Suri-kyla 
Ice-shore FisherForochel Ja-rannit 
Ice-shore MatronForochel Ja-rannit 
Ice-shore PeikkoForochel Ita-ma, Ja-rannit 
Ice-shore YearlingForochel Ja-rannit 
Ice-walker CaptainForochel Ja-rannit, Reodh Fuil, The Ironspan 
Ice-wight ColdarrowForochel Kibilzahar 
Ice-wight WarriorForochel Kibilzahar 
Ice-wormForochel Talvi-muri, The Lonesome Stones 
IdaForochel Ita-ma 
IkkaForochel Ita-ma 
IlmaForochel Kauppa-kohta 
IlmoForochel Ja-rannit 
Ilta (Mammutti-heimo)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Inka (Provisions, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Ira (Stabble-master), Stable-masterForochel Pynti-peldot 
Iso-torvi (Moose)Forochel Taur Orthon 
JalmariForochel Suri-kyla 
Jana (Supplier), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Jaska (Supplier), SupplierForochel Kuru-leiri 
Jere (Light Armour, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
JuhaForochel Suri-kyla 
JuhaniForochel Kissa-sari 
JyrkiForochel Hylje-leiri 
KajForochel Pynti-peldot 
Kalervo (Burglar Trainer), Burglar TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
KalevaForochel Suri-kyla 
Kalpa-kitaForochel Leijona-kotin, Pynti-leiri 
Kalpa-kita HunterForochel Leijona-kotin, Pynti-leiri 
Kalpa-kita TrackerForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma 
Kauppi (Healer), HealerForochel Kuru-leiri 
KeliForochel Zigilgund 
Kilfir (Supplier)Forochel Zigilgund 
KimmoForochel Pynti-peldot 
Kirsikka (Stable-master), Stable-masterForochel Kuru-leiri 
Kokas-jokuForochel Ja-kuru 
Kokas-karjuForochel Ja-rannit 
Kolo-hampat GnawerForochel Kolo-hampat 
Kolo-hampat ShamblerForochel Kolo-hampat 
Kolo-hampat WormForochel Kolo-hampat 
Kurja-rakkiForochel Ita-ma 
Kylma-sariForochel Ja-rannit 
Lalli (Stabble-master), Stable-masterForochel Suri-kyla 
Lapa-kitaForochel Ja-kuru 
LassiForochel Suri-kyla 
Laulu-vihajaForochel Kissa-sari 
Launo (Hirvi-heimo)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
LauriForochel Pynti-peldot 
LeitholfForochel Kauppa-kohta 
LindenForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Lofi (Inn League Member)Forochel Zigilgund 
LossothForochel Janis-leiri, Kauppa-kohta, Korkea-jarvi, Kuru-leiri, Pynti-peldot, Suri-kyla, Taur Orthon 
LothrandirForochel Kolo-hampat, Suri-kyla 
Maedbrennil (Sage of Eriador), TraderForochel Suri-kyla 
MahtiForochel Ja-kuru 
MainioForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Mainio (Guardian Trainer), Guardian TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
MalgenForochel Ja-kuru 
MammothForochel Ja-rannit, Kauppa-kohta, Kuru-leiri, Suri-kyla, Taur Orthon 
ManuForochel Ita-ma 
MattiForochel Suri-kyla 
Mawgan the Hunter (Gauradan)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Meeri (Skirmish Trainer), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Menikko (Koira-heimo)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
MikaForochel Lansi-ma 
Mimu (Furnisher), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
MirjaForochel Kauppa-kohta 
MithalagosForochel Ja-kuru 
Mithlas (Herald of Rivendell)Forochel Zigilgund 
Mordrambor (Halla-kolo)Forochel Halla-kolo 
NadelekForochel Barad Gaurhoth 
Nea (Vault-keeper), Vault-keeperForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Nef (Guardian), Guardian TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
NiccaForochel Lansi-ma 
NikoForochel Janis-leiri 
NooraForochel The Ironspan 
NoraForochel Suri-kyla 
OfrathForochel Taur Orthon 
OivaForochel Karhu-leiri 
Okko (Hunter Trainer), Hunter TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
OlaviForochel Ja-rannit 
OraForochel Pynti-peldot 
OsanForochel Sari-surma 
Paha-petoForochel Lansi-ma 
Paksu-karva (Warm-worm)Forochel Ja-rannit 
Panu (Healer), HealerForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
PasiForochel Suri-kyla 
Pasi (Stable-master), Stable-masterForochel Kauppa-kohta 
PeikkoForochel Icereave Mines, Peikko Den 
Peikko HurlerForochel Ja-rannit 
Pentti (Leijona-heimo)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
PinjaForochel Ita-ma 
PiritaForochel Glacier Fortress 
Pitka-hammasForochel Leijona-kotin 
RaijaForochel Karhu-leiri 
Raimo (Bard of Suri-kyla), BardForochel Suri-kyla 
RaunoForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
RavenForochel Metsasta-sija 
Red-fang BehemothForochel Metsasta-sija 
Reginald Ward (Captain), Captain TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Reginald's Ward (Herald)Forochel Ja-rannit 
RikiForochel Zigilgund 
Rikitsa (Hylje-heimo)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Ringdagnir (Warm-worm)Forochel Lansi-ma 
RingorthForochel Talvi-muri 
Risen Wolf (Ally of Hicca, Spirit-master)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
RoibeardForochel The Ironspan 
RuaraikhForochel The Ironspan 
Rusu (Supplier), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Ruthless Kalpa-kitaForochel Kissa-sari 
Sabretooth Kalpa-kitaForochel Kissa-sari 
SaijaForochel Naky-kolo 
Saija (instance)Forochel Halla-kolo 
SampoForochel Norsu-leiri 
Samppa (Skirmish Exchange), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Sana (Lore-master Trainer), Lore-master TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Sanelma (Medium Armoursmith), Medium ArmoursmithForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Santtu (man)Forochel Kauppa-kohta 
Savage Kalpa-kitaForochel Ita-ma, Voi-teltta 
Savage PeikkoForochel Icereave Mines, Peikko Den 
Shaggy Frost-antlerForochel Ita-ma 
Shivering GoblinForochel Taur Orthon 
Shivering GrimForochel Lansi-ma, Norsu-hauta 
SigrikForochel Zigilgund 
Silvan Den-motherForochel Taur Orthon 
Silvan Frost-antlerForochel Ja-kuru, Taur Orthon, Tuli-mait 
Silvan Red-fangForochel Metsasta-sija 
Silvan Silent-pawForochel Ja-kuru, Taur Orthon 
Silvan Thirty-pointForochel Taur Orthon 
SiniForochel Ja-rannit 
Skessa (Red-fang Warg)Forochel Ja-kuru 
Snarling WolverineForochel Taur Orthon 
Snow-mantle BullForochel Ita-ma 
Snow-mantle CowForochel Ita-ma 
Snowbear-wight CubForochel Sari-surma 
Snowbear-wight MatronForochel Sari-surma 
Steppe-elk HartForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma 
Steppe-elk HindForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma 
Sullo (Medium Armour, Skirmish), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Tahvo (Captain Trainer), Captain TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Tamed Tundra BearForochel Jotunstath 
TapioForochel Hylje-leiri 
Terho (Supplier), SupplierForochel Kauppa-kohta 
TeroForochel Zigilgund 
Terrible Winter-tuskForochel Lansi-ma 
ThorthForochel Zigilgund 
Thurmaer (Hunter)Forochel Kuru-leiri 
Tondrien (Herald of Rivendell)Forochel Suri-kyla 
TorahammasForochel Lansi-ma 
Torveldir (Curiosities), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
TugarchForochel Ja-kuru 
Tuima-kitaForochel Ja-rannit 
Tundra BearForochel Ita-ma, Lansi-ma 
TurkkaForochel Pynti-leiri 
Ulfnath (Healer), HealerForochel Zigilgund 
Ulko (Warden Trainer), Warden TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
Ulla (Minstrel Trainer)Forochel Suri-kyla 
Untamo (Light Armoursmith), Light ArmoursmithForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Untamo (Classic), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
Uolevi (Skirmish Captain), TraderForochel Skirmish Camp (Forochel) 
UrhoForochel Hammastus-pesa 
UrmasForochel Ita-ma 
Vahva-hammasForochel Ja-rannit 
Vainamo (Champion Trainer), Champion TrainerForochel Suri-kyla 
VainoForochel Norsu-leiri 
ValioForochel The Ironspan 
ValtteriForochel Kauppa-kohta 
VammaForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Veri-torviForochel Ja-kuru 
Warstang (Burglar), Burglar TrainerForochel Zigilgund 
Watchful Ice-wormForochel Tanunshush 
Wayward BullForochel Ja-rannit 
Weak Dourhand CaptainForochel Ja-kuru 
Weak Dourhand WardenForochel Ja-kuru 
Weak Gauradan SkirmisherForochel Ja-kuru 
Weak Iron Crown BowmanForochel Ja-kuru 
Weak Iron Crown WarriorForochel Ja-kuru 
WethForochel Zigilgund 
White Wolf (Ally of Hicca, Spirit-master)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
White WolfForochel Bregmor's Den 
Wild Kalpa-kitaForochel Ita-ma, Leijona-kotin, Pynti-leiri 
Winter-tuskForochel Norsu-hauta 
Winter-worm (Warm-worm)Forochel 10th Dwarf Channel, 4th Dwarf Channel, 7th Dwarf Channel, Lansi-ma 
Winter-wormForochel Taur Orthon 
Wolf Totem (Ally of Nadelek)Forochel Barad Gaurhoth 
Wolf TotemForochel Ja-kuru 
Wolf Totem (Ally of Ythel, Gauradan Warlord)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Ylermi (Expert Metalsmith), Expert MetalsmithForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Yrjana (Council Elder)Forochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Ythel, Gauradan Warlord (Gauradan)Forochel Bregmor's Den 
Zealot of Pain (Lieutenant of the Enemy)Forochel, Mirkwood Ja-kuru, Thangulhad