Mobs by NPC Type: Supplier

Afast, SupplierEred Luin Gondamon 
Aglallen (Supplier), SupplierEred Luin Celondim 
Atharbain (Elves of Rivendell), SupplierRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Authun (Thorin's Hall), SupplierThorin's Hall Blue Stone Garrison 
Bachwen (Supplier), SupplierLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Barchiril (Duillond Housing Broker), SupplierEred Luin Celondim, Duillond, Falathlorn 
Binir (Supplier), SupplierThorin's Gate Crafting Hall (Thorin's Gate) 
Bob Rosethorn (Tailor's Guild Legendary Recipes), SupplierNorth Downs Tailor's Guild Hall  
Bonny Thatcher (Supplier), SupplierBree-town Three-farrow Crafting Hall 
Bordhreg (Rangers of Esteldin), SupplierNorth Downs Craft-hall of Esteldin 
Bungo Puddifoot (The Mathom Society), SupplierThe Shire The Mathom House 
Buth Luikh Wound-counter, SupplierAngmar Aughaire, Buth Luikh 
Celegdes (Wardens of Annuminas), SupplierEvendim Tinnudir 
Colveril (Supplier & Provisioner), SupplierAnnuminas Echad Garthadir 
Culang (Quartermaster), SupplierEnedwaith Harndirion, Thror's Coomb 
Daervunn (Quartermaster), SupplierEnedwaith Echad Daervunn 
Dale Sageford (Traveling Supplier), SupplierBree-land Weather Hills (Bree-land) 
Dalwin (Iron Garrison Miners), SupplierThe Great Delving Dolven-view 
Dringil (Fireworks Vendor), SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
Dunlending Quartermaster, SupplierGaltrev Galtrev 
Duthi (Thorin's Hall), SupplierThorin's Hall Blue Stone Garrison 
Eine (Supplier), SupplierForochel Pynti-peldot 
Farald (Supplier), SupplierEvendim Ost Forod 
Farald, SupplierNorth Downs Othrikar 
Fengur (Iron Garrison Miners), SupplierRedhorn Lodes The Orc-watch 
Fimgris, SupplierTrollshaws Thorenhad 
Gair (Iron Garrison Guards), SupplierRedhorn Lodes The Orc-watch 
Galar Deep-pouches, SupplierLone-Lands Ost Guruth 
Garbert, SupplierTrollshaws Garbert's Cottage 
Gilfiniel (Supplier), SupplierRivendell The Hall of Fire 
Govan (Supplier), SupplierEnedwaith The Hall of Making 
Hafgrim (Council of the North), SupplierAngmar Gath Forthnir 
Hatt (Supplier), SupplierThorin's Hall Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall 
Hutoniel (Supplier & Provisoner), SupplierEregion Echad Dunann 
Jana (Supplier), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Jarmarr (Tailor's Guild) (Pattern Recipes), SupplierNorth Downs Tailor's Guild Hall  
Jaska (Supplier), SupplierForochel Kuru-leiri 
Joy Bloomer (Fishing Supplier), SupplierBree-land Staddle 
Kate Henseed (Supplier), SupplierArchet, Archet (pre-instance) Archet, Archet (pre-instance) 
Kettil, Son of Athils (Iron Garrison Miner Trader), SupplierZelem-melek The Twenty-first Hall 
Leoflac (Faction Rewards), SupplierLone-Lands Ost Guruth 
Leofric Brandybuck, SupplierBree-land Buckland 
Lini (Supplier), SupplierMisty Mountains Vindurhal 
Maenasdir (Lothlorien Crafting Guild Emissa), SupplierLothlorien The Vinyards of Lorien 
Maggie Smallwood (Men of Bree), SupplierBree-town Bree 
Malenfang (Rangers of Esteldin), SupplierNorth Downs Esteldin 
Maneser Goodbody (The Mathom Society), SupplierThe Shire The Mathom House 
Marigold Grubb, SupplierThe Shire Michel Delving 
Mimu (Furnisher), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Misty Bolger (Fishing Supplier), SupplierThe Shire Hobbiton-Bywater 
Nadon (Supplier), SupplierLothlorien Crafting Hall (Caras Galadhon) 
Naerelen (Supplier), SupplierMirkwood Crafting Hall (Ost Galadh) 
Naeremil, SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
Naermil, SupplierEred Luin Duillond 
Nokki (Fishing Supplier), SupplierEred Luin Vale of Thrain 
Ongli (Council of the North), SupplierAngmar Gath Forthnir 
Raenfer (Supplier), SupplierRivendell The Forges of Rivendell 
Raskulf, SupplierNorth Downs Free People's Camp 
Reifnir (Metalsmith's Guild Crest Recipes), SupplierThorin's Hall Metalsmith's Guild Hall  
Rob Greenfield (Weaponsmith) (Guild Legendary Recipes), SupplierThorin's Hall Weaponsmith's Guild Hall  
Rombrennil (Elves of Rivendell), SupplierRivendell Imlad Gelair 
Rosebud Bolger, SupplierEvendim, The Shire Budgeford, Oatbarton 
Rudbereth (Supplier), SupplierNorth Downs Craft-hall of Esteldin 
Rudbessain, SupplierNorth Downs Esteldin 
Rudbessain, SupplierEvendim Tinnudir 
Rusu (Supplier), SupplierForochel Great Lodge of Suri-kyla 
Sally Marshfell (Men of Bree), SupplierBree-town Bree-town Hunting Lodge 
Serlo Brockhouse, SupplierThe Shire Brockenborings 
Supplier (Cuthstan), SupplierThe Great River The Cuthstan 
Supplier (General Store), SupplierThe Wold Langhold General Store 
Supplier (Haldirith), SupplierThe Great River Haldirith 
Supplier (Idmar's Camp), SupplierThe Great River Idmar's Camp 
Supplier (Mansig's), SupplierThe East Wall Mansig's Encampment 
Supplier (Stangard) , SupplierStangard Stangard 
Supplier (Woodmen), SupplierThe Great River The Rushgore, Woodmen Camp 
Terho (Supplier), SupplierForochel Kauppa-kohta 
Thillosil (Supplier & Provisoner), SupplierEregion Gwingris 
Thorth Splintershield (Iron Garrison Guard Trader), SupplierZelem-melek The Twenty-first Hall 
Todd Brushwood (Supplier), SupplierBree-land Combe Crafting Hall 
Tralli Gemfinder, SupplierMisty Mountains Gloin's Camp 
Tully Hopwood (Men of Bree), SupplierBree-town Bree-town Hunting Lodge 
Ulfar, SupplierThe Shire Needlehole, Pinglade 
Viliar (Supplier), SupplierEvendim Tinnudir 
Wigthor (Supplier), SupplierThorin's Hall Blue Stone Garrison