Hides for Blankets  

Prerequisite: Stores for the Winter
Series Name: Evendim
Start Zone: Evendim
Start Area: Tyrn Fornech
Start Location: Ost Forod
Start Mob: Rowena Parker
Flags: Solo
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 900 The Wardens of Annuminas
Cash Granted: 19s 60c
Exp Granted: 2830
Quest Level: 35
Min Level: 30
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Locations with maps: Evendim
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    Forest-shambler Matron
    Hardy Forest-shambler
    Young Forest-shambler
    Nan Orngon
    Tyrn Fornech


'The winter cold will chill you to your core if you are not ready for it. It is especially dangerous at night, when one does not awaken from the bitter cold. Blankets are very important if you wish to wake in the morning.

'We had plenty to go around last year, but it seems the robbers are not just pilfering tombs these days. A storehouse was emptied just last week, and we are now short of blankets.

'Bear-hide is the ideal material for making new ones. It is thick and with brushing will be made soft. Plus, there are plenty of bears just south-east of here, at a place we call Nan Orngon.'


Bear-hides make for warm winter blankets, keeping the wind from chilling your bones.


Objective 1

  • Collect bear-hides (0/10)
  • Nan Orngon is south-east of Ost Forod.

    Rowena Parker asked you to venture to Nan Orngon and bring back several bear hides to be turned into blankets.

    Objective 2

  • Bring the bear-hides to Rowena Parker at Ost Forod
  • Ost Forod is west of Nan Orngon.

    Rowena Parker will want to begin turning the hides into blankets.