The Anniversary Event  

Series Name: Anniversary Event
Start Zone: Middle-earth
Start Area: Global
Start NPC Type: Other
Started By Item:Repeat Time: 1d
Flags: Solo, Repeatable
Items Rewarded:Cash Granted: 42c
Quest Level: 1
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Locations with maps: The Shire | Bree-land | Bree-town | Thorin's Hall | Middle-earth
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    Angeline Greenpasture
    Winston Peartree
    Market Square


Dear friend,

This letter is to inform you that a very special event is going on: our very own Anniversary! We are happy to invite you to participate in the festivities while the Anniversary Event lasts.

While the event is under way, you will find that there is a Beer-brawl in Thorin's Hall, Fireworks Shows in Bree and the Shire, Horse-races at the Horse-fields and the Delving fields, and a great number of tokens for special gifts and profit greatly from such simple tasks as fighting evil in Middle-earth.

I hope you enjoy our offerings and know that, as always, your continued support is heartfully appreciated!


Every year in the spring, the Anniversary Event takes place to celebrate a very special occasion.


Objective 1

  • Visit the beer-fight areba in Thorin's Hall
  • Visit the site of the Shire race-track
  • Visit the site of the Bree race-track
  • Visit the fireworks area near Bree's North-gate
  • Visit the Methel-stage in the Shire

Fireworks shows can be found in northern Bree-town and at the Methal-stage in the Shire. The Glorious Beer Area can be found in the inn at Throin's Hall. The races-tracks can be found both at the Festival Grounds in Bree and near the Michel Delving housing neighbourhoods in the Shire.