Passage into Dunland  

Prerequisite: Book 4, Chapter 2: Land of the Stag
Series Name: Volume III, Book 4: Rise of Isengard
Leads To: The Stag-clan of Trum Dreng
Includes Quest: Instance: Passage into Dunland
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Trum Dreng
Start Location: The North Pass
Start Mob: Dunlending Lookout
Flags: Epic, Solo
Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 900 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 60s 90c
Exp Granted: 18119
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 66
Min Level: 61
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Elder Riagan
    Lhan Tarren
    Trum Dreng


'Hail, Duvidiad. Will you stay a moment? We have need of a strong warrior like yourself in our little band.

'We can find work for you and reward as well, for there is much to be done, and even more to be gained....'

WARNING: This is a solo instance and cannot be completed in a fellowship.


You have passed very recently into the land of Dunland.


Objective 1

  • Talk to the lookout to join the Dunlendings of Trum Dreng

You should speak with the lookout in the northern pass of Trum Dreng.

Objective 2

  • Find the village of Lhan Tarren

Lhan Tarren, the village of Elain of the Stag-clan, lies to the south of where you found her.

You have been urged to seek the hospitality of the humble Caru-luth clansmen while you pass through Trum Dreng.

Objective 3

  • Find Elain inside the village

Elain made it safely back to her village, Lhan Tarren.

You should speak with Elain briefly before presenting yourself to the Elder of the Stag-clan in Trum Dreng.

Objective 4

  • Talk to the Elder of the Stag-clan

The Elder of Lhan Tarren is inside the bounds of the village

You should speak with the Elder, for he wished to thank you for your kindness to Elain.