Book 4, Chapter 1: The Departure of Lhanuch  

Series Name: Volume III, Book 4: Rise of Isengard
Leads To: Book 4, Chapter 2: Land of the Stag
Leads To: Book 4, Chapter 2: The Valley of Bones
Start Zone: Enedwaith
Start Area: Nar's Peak
Start Location: Zudrugund
Start Mob: Corunir (Zudrugund)
Flags: Epic, Solo
Reputation Increased: 3000 The Grey Company
Cash Granted: 12s 4c
Exp Granted: 5566
Item Exp Granted: 5602
Quest Level: 65
Min Level: 62
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Locations with maps: Enedwaith
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    Braigiar (Lhanuch)
    Corunir (Zudrugund)
    Halbarad (Lhanuch)
    Prestadir (Lhanuch)
    Nar's Peak


'We have delayed too long already. I am ready to go, Name. Return to Halbarad in Lhanuch, and we will decide how best to proceed south into Dunland.

'We will leave this place behind, and none too soon! If we had left earlier, we could have left with Candaith and my fallen brothers, and not without them.'


The time has come for the Grey Company to travel south into DUnland, continuing its dangerous mission to reach Aragorn in time to be of help.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Halbarad in Lhanuch
  • Halbarad is in the centre of the village of Lhanuch, in Nan Laeglin.

    You have been told that Halbarad is assembling the Grey Company in preparation for its departure and should travel to Lhanuch for the last of the preparations before departing.

    Objective 2

  • Talk to Braigiar in Lhanuch
  • Talk to Prestadir in Lhanuch
  • Prestadir and Braigiar, in the centre of Lhanuch, are considering the two paths the Grey Company wil take to enter Dunland.

    Halbarad has asked you to consult with Prestadir and Braigiar about his proposed routes into Dunland.

    Objective 3

  • Talk to Halbarad in Lhanuch
  • Halbarad is in the centre of Lhanuch, in Nan Laeglin.

    You have spoken with Prestadir and Braigiar about the paths into Dunland.


    Now you have the option of which quest you can take, both have the same rewards, but take you to different places in Dunland.

    Book 4, Chapter 2: Land of the Stag
    This quest series takes you to Trum Dreng into Dunland, through the Mournshaws.

    Book 4, Chapter 2: The Valley of Bones
    This quest series takes you to the Bonevales into Dunland, through the Lich Bluffs.