Book 4, Chapter 17: Return to Tur Morva  

Prerequisite: Book 4, Chapter 16: The Watchful Presence
Series Name: Volume III, Book 4: Rise of Isengard
Leads To: Book 4, Chapter 18: The Captive
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Gravenwood
Start Location: Rohirrim Scout-camp
Start Mob: Theodred (Rohhirm Scout-camp)
Flags: Epic, Solo
Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 500 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 32s 55c
Exp Granted: 15296
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 72
Min Level: 67
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Lheu Brenin
    Theodred (Rohhirm Scout-camp)
    Tal Methedras


'It is time you returned to Lheu Brenin with what you have learned of Dunland, Name. But I ask you to keep this in mind: there are Dunlendings and there are Dunlendings. This Falcon-clan may oppose Saruman, and for that I am thankful, but they still bear no love for my people.

'Do not mistake them for friends in anything but necessity.'


You have travelled through the regions mentioned by Lheu Brenin's prisoner, and have learned much about the state of things in Dunland.


Objective 1

  • Help the people of the Gravenwood as much as you can, and when you are ready to move on, report to Lheu Brenin in Tur Morva
  • You should help Theodred's men deal with the mysteries of the Gravenwood before returning to Lheu Brenin with what you have learned in Dunland.