Bloody Nose  

Prerequisite: Missing Persons
Series Name: Dunland: Bonevales
Leads To: A Glimpse of the Fall
Leads To: Finding Rest
Leads To: Rising Tide
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Bonevales
Start Location: Echad Naeglanc
Start Mob: Naeglanc
Flags: Solo
Items Needed:Reputation Increased: 500 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 30s 45c
Exp Granted: 9635
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 66
Min Level: 65
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Dievlig Ambusher
    Dievlig Sentry
    Dievlig Warrior


'Thank you for coming to our rescue, Name. Several of the local Dunlendings have played an important role in bringing members of the Grey Company through the Bonevales. These fine people have risked their lives to help us, and we must do the same in kind.

'I would have you seek out the Dievlig and lay them low, both to avenge the folk who have fought at our side and to secure our passage through the Bonevales.

'Travel north and up the hill...there you will find the remnant of the patrol that attacked us. Bring me their sigils as evidence that the deed is done.'


After their rescue, Naeglanc and his allies returned to their encampment.


Objective 1

  • Defeat Dievlig in the Bonevales (0/8)
  • Collect sigils (0/3)
  • The Dievlig patrol can be found upon the hill north of Echad Naeglanc.

    Naeglanc has asked you to defeat the remnant of the patrol which attacked him and his allies and bring him their sigils.

    Objective 2

  • Talk to Naeglanc at Echad Naeglanc in the Bonevales
  • Naeglanc is at Echad Naeglanc, south of the hill where you fought the Dievlig patrol.

    You should bring the sigils you collected to Naeglanc with news of your victory.