Chapter 8: Further Secrets  

Prerequisite: Chapter 7: Attack on Zudrugund
Series Name: Volume III, Book 3: Echoes of the Dead
Leads To: Chapter 9: Ergothorn's Last
Start Zone: Enedwaith
Start Area: Nar's Peak
Start Location: Zudrugund
Start Mob: Corunir (Zudrugund)
Flags: Solo, Epic
Cash Granted: 11s 34c
Item Exp Granted: 5602
Quest Level: 65
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Locations with maps: Enedwaith
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    Corunir (Zudrugund)
    Halbarad (Lhanuch)
    Nar's Peak
    Untidy Bookshelf


'Before the attack, Nar became very excited, and no amount of calming words from Frithgeir could settle him. He moved from shelf to shelf in a certain section of the library, and in his agitated state, I could not even get his attention!

'I will point out to you the shelves. Perhaps, this time, you will find some relevant information that will help us get to the bottom of our mysterious dwarf!

'The shelves are on the upper level, on the north side of the library.'


You have repelled an attack on Zudrugund by the Grishguk uruks, but Nar's curious behavior before the attack causes Corunir concern.


Objective 1

  • Search the bookshelves on the upper level of Zudrugund (0/3)
  • The bookshelves that so agitated Nar are on the upper level, on the north side of the library in Zudrugund.

    Corunir has noted the bookshelves that Nar spent so much time at in the moments before the attack and wants you to search them for information that might be of use.

    Objective 2

  • Talk to Nar in Zudrugund
  • Nar is in Zudrugund.

    You have searched the bookshelves pointed out to you by Corunir, and should speak to Nar to see if he can shed any light at all on what you found there.

    Objective 3

  • Talk to Corunir in Zudrugund
  • Corunir is in Zudrugund.

    You have spoken with Nar, but yet again he has provided very little with which you can piece together a solution.

    Objective 4

  • Talk to Halbarad in Lhanuch
  • Halbarad is among the huts on the western side of Lhanuch.

    You have defended Zudrugund from the uruks, and Corunir now wants you to report of your success to Halbarad.