Trouble in Buckland  

Leads To: Old Forestry
Start Zone: Bree-town
Start Area: Bree
Start Location: The Prancing Pony
Start Mob: Barliman Butterbur
Cash Granted: 60c
Exp Granted: 491
Quest Level: 14
Min Level: 10
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Locations with maps: Bree-town
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    Barliman Butterbur


'A word if you've a moment, though if you're as busy as me, you haven't. What with al lthe troubles hereabouts, I think someone like you could be of help.

'There's trouble in Buckland, or so I've heard. Gates broke apart, Little Folk frightened, and worse yet, rumours of Black Riders in Buckland, like those seen moving through Bree. They say the Master of Brandy Hall is looking for help by way of his young neice, Celandine.

'Brandy Hall is atop a high hill in the centre of Buckland on the east side of the Brandywine River. Follow the road west from Bree until you see the Brandywine Bridge, then turn south into Buckland.'


According to Barliman Butterbur, there is trouble in Buckland that could use your talents.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Celandine Brandybuck
  • Brandy Hall is at the centre of Buckland. Follow the road west from Bree until you see the Brandywine Bridge, then turn south into Buckland.

    Talk to Celandine Brandybuck at Brandy Hall.

    'Oh! Your're the one who rescued Mundo and me from the Blackwolds! What brings you to Buckland?

    'Mr. Butterbur sent you? He is such a pleasant fellow, always kind to travellers and reasonably honest and diligent. Well, at least he's honest.

    'There have been strange happenings here in Buckland, as of late. If you've need for work, or adventure, I'm certain that you'll find some here.'