Book 3. Chapter 1: An Overzealous Explorer  

Prerequisite: Book 2. Chapter 8: The Twenty-first Hall
Series Name: Volume II, Book 3: The Lord of Moria
Leads To: Book 3. Chapter 2: A Long Way from Home
Start Zone: Zelem-melek
Start Area: The Twenty-first Hall
Start Location: The Chamber of Leadership
Start Mob: Brogur (Leadership)
Flags: Epic
Cash Granted: 26s 55c
Exp Granted: 5965
Item Exp Granted: 4688
Quest Level: 54
Min Level: 50
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Locations with maps: Zelem-melek
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    Brogur (Leadership)
    The Twenty-first Hall


'The time of the dwarves is truly at hand, Name! How ludicrous we were to fear that some curse might lie upon Moria after all these years. Had we returned before now, Moria might be thriving already.

'What's done is done. We are here now, and many of the dwarves of our expeditions have ventured forth into deep tunnels, seeking great riches that must surely lie untouched within the caves of Moria.

'If you come across Rokur or Utrygg during your explorations of Zelem-melek, be sure to lend them any assistance they may require. They set out from the southern passage from the Twenty-first Hall, but where they went from there I do not know.'


Brogur is confident that the time is nigh for the dwarves to retake Moria, and he is not the only one: many dwarves are making dangerous excursions into the deep tunnels.


Objective 1
Find Rokur and lend him your aid
Find Utrygg and lend him your aid

Rokur and Utrygg are exploring Zelek-melek. They departed from the southern passage exiting the Twenty-first Hall, but from there no one knows where they went.

Brogur has asked you to lend any assistance to the dwarves Rokur or Utrygg if you come across them while exploring Zelek-melek.

Objective 2
Defend Rokur from the uruk scout
Defend Utrygg from the uruk scout

Objective 3
Talk to Brogur

Brogur is in the Chamber of Leadership off the Twenty-first Hall, in Zelem-melek.

You have protected an overzealous dwarf from defeat at the hands of an uruk scout, and should report back to Brogur.


To get to Utrygg easily, exit the south arch ad turn left. When you come to the broken floor Utrygg is directly below you. Hop down, talk to him, and defend him from the Uruk Scout.

To get to Rokur, exit via the South Arch but turn right then just follow the hall and then the stairs to The Great Hall of Durin. When you get there he will be just south of you at [7.4S 105.8 W].