Drum's of War  

Series Name: Moria: Durin's Way
Included in Quest: Likmund's Companions
Start Zone: Durin's Way
Start Area: Durin's Way
Start Location: The Chamber of the Crossroads
Start Mob: Fostolf
Flags: Solo
Reputation Increased: 500 Iron Garrison Guards
Cash Granted: 25s 90c
Item Exp Granted: 4155
Quest Level: 53
Min Level: 48
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    The Hall of the High Stair


'Forgive me, Name, for any rudeness. I am not permitted to leave my post here, but those incessant drums are driving me mad! I've not had any decent sleep since we arrived here.

'The band of goblins responsible for that din are encamped just north of here in the Hall of the High Stair. Could you do me a favour and silence those drummers?

'What I would not give to have just one night's peace!'


The dwarves at the Chamber of the Crossroads have gotten little sleep since arriving. The goblins nearby have been pounding on drums without respite, sending booming echoes throughout Durin's Way.


Objective 1

  • Destroy the drums (0/6)

The goblin-drummers are encamped in the Hall of the High Stair, north of the Chamber of the Crossroads.

Fostolf has asked you to destroy the goblin-drums so that he and his companions can get some sleep.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Fostolf at the Chamber of the Crossroads

Fostolf is at the Chamber of the Crossroads, south of the Hall of the High Stair.

All of the goblin drums have been silenced. Fostolf should be able to get some rest at last.