A Shape on the Shore  

Series Name: Epic - Vol. III. Book 6: Mists of Anduin
Included in Quest: Book 6, Chapter 11: The Vanished Rider
Start Zone: The Great River
Start Area: The Great River
Start Location: Thinglad
Start Mob: Limthir
Flags: Epic, Solo
Cash Granted: 13s 44c
Exp Granted: 10714
Item Exp Granted: 5602
Quest Level: 75
Min Level: 71
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Locations with maps: The Great River
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    The Great River


'It was dark as pitch, in the cold watches of the night, and I walked the shore of Anduin. I thought I saw... no, I did see... a darker patch of shadow in the space between the trees. When I approached, it fled. It moved with a lurching step, sliding low upon the ground, but it moved quickly, and for some reason I cannot explain I was loath to close the distance. I lost it in the dark.

'But I know the name of this apparition.'

Limthir looks from side to side, and then speaks in a voice barely above a whisper.

'Its name is Nazgul. Bring word to Fimloth at Haldirith that one of these fell creatures is loose somewhere in Thinglad.'


Limthir saw something on the banks of Anduin, but speaks of it only in hushed tones: it was one of the Nine, one of the Nazgul.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Fimloth

Fimloth is at Haldirith, in Thinglad.

Limthir saw the shape of what he believes to be a Nazgul on the shores of Anduin, and wants you to warn Fimloth that such a creature is loose in Thinglad.


This quest is required for the deed:
Deed: The Vanished Rider (0 of 6)