Wiki:WAR Database Layouts  

< Database Layouts

The following tables define the Warhammer Online db tables that can be referenced using the Database Access Functions.

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Warhammer Online


idsmallint(5) unsignedA unique number defined by our system at the time the itemset record is first created
namevarchar(100)The anme of this item exactly as it appears in-game
item_counttinyint(3) unsignedThe number of items in this itemset
set_bonusestextThe complete text of all bonuses that apply when multiple pieces of this set are equipped. Each line is separated with
so that the field may be macro'd directly into a wiki page without the need for further manipulation
itemname0varchar(100)The exact name of this item
itemslot0varchar(30)The slot this item equips in, if known. Item Slot is not known until we actually capture the item from WarReader, even though we can create an itemset record from a single item in that set.
itemnamexvarchar(100)x has a value range of 0 to 20. Content is the same as itemname0, above.
itemslotxvarchar(30)x has a value range of 0 to 20. Content is the same as itemslot0, above.
career_idtinyint(3)A number representing the career
careervarchar(25)The full text expansion of career_id
min_ranktinyint(5)Minumum PvE rank required to use this item
min_rrtinyint(5)Minumum Renown (PvP) rank required to use this item


armorintArmor value
blockratingintFor shields
bonus_duration_xintRange for x: 1 to 10
bonus_reference_xintRange for x: 1 to 10
bonus_totalCooldownTime_xintRange for x: 1 to 10
bonus_type_xintRange for x: 1 to 10
bonus_value_xintRange for x: 1 to 10
brokenIconNumintThe # of the icon to show for this item when it is repairable
brokenNamevarchar(100)The name of the repairable version of this item
careersintA binary switch set that toggles which careers can use this item
craftingSkillRequirementintSkill level required for a crafter to use this item, if it is a crafting component
dpsfloat(5.2)Damage per Second
entereddatetimeDate and time this record was created in our database
entryidintWarhammer ID number for this item
equipSlotinthash value indicating slot(s) this item can be used in
iLevelintItem Level
iconNuminticon number
itemSetintItemSet ID Number indicating that this item is a member of an item set.
levelintRank this item can be equipped at
namevarchar(100)The name of this item exactly as it appears in-game.
rarityint1=Grey, 2=White, 3=Green, 4=Blue, 5=Purple, 6=Gold
renownintMinimum Renown Rank required for use
repairPriceintin Brass
repairedIconNumintWhen repaired, what will it's icon be?
repairedNameintWhen repaired, what will it be called?
sellPriceintin Brass
skillsintAny special skills required to use this item? Hash value...
speedintHow fast does this weapon auto-attack?
submitter_idintZAM ID # of WarReader submitter
submitter_ipvarchar(15)IP address of WarReader submitter
uniqueIDintGenerated by our system






Warhammer Online

Category: Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2008-10-31 13:00:30.