A Shredded Bag  

Series Name: Dunland: Starkmoor
Included in Quest: Scattered Delivery
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Dunland
Start Location: Starkmoor
Start Mob: Bag
Start NPC Type: Other
Started By Object:Flags: Solo
Items Needed:Reputation Increased: 500 Men of Dunland
Cash Granted: 31s 50c
Exp Granted: 13186
Item Exp Granted: 9277
Quest Level: 69
Min Level: 64
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The bag is mostly empty, but a few of the bandages it once held remain. They are soft and damp to the touch. Your skin feels soothed when your fingers glide over them. No doubt these bandages are very valuable, and the Dragon-clan raiders would have taken them.


The bag was filled with bandages soaked in healing salves, items that would fetch decent coin at auction.


Objective 1

  • Collect bandages (0/8)
  • The bandages were taken by raiders from the Dragon-clan who have a camp in the ruins to the east of the cart.

    You should recover the stolen bandages.

    Objective 2

  • Return the bandages to the shredded bag
  • The shredded bag the bandages belong in is at Andras' cart in the north of Starkmoor.

    The bandages should be placed back inside the bag they originally came from.