Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Golodir)  

Prerequisite: Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Corunir)
Series Name: Epic - Vol. III. Book 5: The Prince of Rohan
Leads To: Book 5, Chapter 1: Separate Ways (Calenglad)
Start Zone: Dunland
Start Area: Gravenwood
Start Mob: Golodir (Gravenwood)
Flags: Epic, Solo
Items Rewarded:Reputation Increased: 500 The Grey Company
Cash Granted: 13s 44c
Exp Granted: 10714
Item Exp Granted: 5602
Quest Level: 75
Min Level: 70
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Locations with maps: Dunland
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    Calenglad (Gravenwood)
    Golodir (Gravenwood)
    The Tree of Tribute


'I thought you would come with me to take vengeance upon Lheu Brenin, Name, but it seems your road lies elsewhere. I am sorry you will not be there. I know you would gladly join me, if urgent matters did not drive you elsewhere.'

Golodir does not seem to be listening to you. He gestures to the south, in the direction of the Tree of Tribute.

'Calenglad is over that way, if you wish to bid farewell to him. It feels like he has been staring at that tree for hours.'


The time has come for your path to diverge from that of the Grey Company, and you should say your farewells.


Objective 1

  • Talk to Calenglad by the Tree of Tribute in the Gavenwood
  • Calenglad is at the Tree of Tribute, in the Gavenwood.

    Golodir has sent you to say your goodbyes to Calenglad.