FR Quest:Delicious Goo'd Candy  

Free Realms
To Start: Speak to Halloween Harry in Sanctuary.
Halloween Harry says,"Why, do I spy with my empty eye some ectoplasmic goo on you?

Kekekek! Why, did you know that there is a wonderful candy hidden in there?

Use my candy bag to collect the treat from the goo! "

Halloween Harry swears that there's a sugary treat in the ectoplasmic goo. Can you really trust the tastebuds on a skeleton?
This is a Minigame quest. This quest is repeatable.

Halloween Harry at Sanctuary would like you to find the hidden sugary treats in the ectoplasmic goo you've collected.
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  • This quest can be repeated any time you have at least 15 Ectoplasmic Goo in your inventory.

Closing Comments

Halloween Harry says, "Delicious! I want you to take this special Halloween candy. Come back whenever you have enough ectoplasmic goo for some more! Kek!"

The Great Scare Super Spooktacular
Quest Series
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This article refers to items, events, personae and activities introduced in 2009, and available in-game during the Super Spooktacular celebration. For 2013, Spooktacular begins on October 1st.

TpyoWe know there's an error in the closing comments, but it's accurate to the in-game text. When they fix it, so will we.

This page last modified 2013-10-03 02:08:37.