A long time ago, if the enemy came to town and rustled up some trouble, it meant they were looking for a fight. Lowbies would log in on their main toons and fight back something fierce. After a while, the enemy would call for reinforcements, and a huge battle would rage for hours on end.
These days, a bunch of punks come rolling into town, and everyone just stands there with their PvP flags off-- with this sort of "ignore them and they'll go away attitude."
Nobody puts their heart into battlegrounds anymore. I mean-- lets all stand around and talk about hot girls and how much we hate fatties until we get mom aggro and leave in the middle combat. Fun times . A long time ago I use to get by on the fairly decent gear I had, doing everything I could to help win. These days, I'm still pretty casual when it comes to PvP gear. I don't claim to be the best. I'm actually far from it-- yet somehow I end up feeling like I am carrying my team. I am not that good. I am casual. So when I find myself on the top of the scoreboard at the end of the battle, I feel really bad that the rest of the people on my team, even on the enemy team, were just not good at all, or even trying.
I've been gone for a long time. So maybe I'm not quite tired of PvP action like others are. Maybe people just find it pointless killing an enemy when they will just respawn and come right back. Maybe there is just no feeling of mortality. I wonder what things would be like if there were harsher penalties for dying in PvP. Like if there could be a short battleground that worked like Counter Strike, where you get one life until the battle is over. That could be the start of something maybe.