Well, the idea behind giving Free 90s to newbies, is that they know how much it sucks to start a game and be standing in Northshire or the Valley of Trials at Lv1, meanwhile everybody you know is in Pandaria doing "interesting" stuff.
You obviously don't want to "waste" large amounts of resources trying to make 1-85 "more interesting" because those levels go by in a flash (but yet there's enough of them that it feels like a drag to level up).
Blizzard wants to keep new players; they know that forcing them to level in ghost towns (even with CRZ) on their first character is a huge turn-off to a lot of people.
Also, the whole "OMG you didn't level from Level 1, you don't know how to play your character!" is... just absolutely ridiculous, because while leveling,
you don't even need to use a fourth of your abilities. If you're Feral, you can easily level till Lv90 and never, ever, ever touch Rip or Savage Roar.
But yet, try going into a dungeon and
not using Rip, Savage Roar, or Tiger's Fury and see what happens. Your DPS will utterly suck.
The leveling path does not teach you much of anything at all about playing at max level in groups, so the Lv1-90 path is nothing more than a time-gated roadblock between starting and "the good stuff" that everybody else is currently enjoying.
They could speed leveling up (again) but it still wouldn't fix this problem. A veteran might go "But you can get Lv90 in a week!" ...... yeah if you know exactly where to go and what to do, sure. And that's assuming you've got the funds and the know-how to get enough money to afford, say, your flying ability at Lv60, or Cold Weather Flying, or Flight Master's License, or Wisdom of the Four Winds. But a newbie might not know some of this stuff and might not know that wowhead is a thing. They might not have any clue whatsoever on how to actually make any decent gold in the game. They might (mistakenly) think they should be buying gear off the AH and might be blowing all of their money and be completely unprepared for Lv60 flying costs (what is that again, like 300g? plus another 250g for the FML?).
So Blizz is now giving a Free Lv90 to anybody who buys WoD. That way a newbie can "jump right into the action". From what I've read, there's already an in-game tutorial (not sure why that isn't sufficient, but then I haven't seen said tutorial so I can't say), and I'm sure that the game probably tells you to go to the Timeless Isle first.
Other than that, and a small in-game tutorial, I'm not sure what else the player should possibly need. The videos that Lore posted... no offense to Lore... but are incredibly basic at best. Going into a dungeon doing what he says to do in the videos will not win you any friends or good reputation. He says "check your spellbook, talents, and glyphs" but surely he could have done a little more in-depth than that.
Look up Mikepreachwow for example. HE does class videos RIGHT. He tells you exactly how you should be playing your class in Single-target or AoE situations, he shows you what talents you should take for 5mans And Raids, and he shows you what Glyphs are good and which aren't.
He goes through the whole schbang. That's what Lore should have done.
DW DK Frost: They only used 4 abilities. Horn of Winter, Howling Blast, Plague Strike, and Frost Strike as a RP dump.
This is like the base line of what a Frost DK does lol.
Whaaaaat? They didn't mention Obliterate? You know, the one ability the whole spec is built around? *blinks* That's like trying to explain Ret Paladin without mentioning Templar's Verdict. Jeez.
Edited, May 25th 2014 6:07pm by Lyrailis