It isn't that "leveling doesn't matter" it's that it doesn't make enough difference to be the dreaded pay to win. At one time, the Celestial Steed was the harbinger of end times because one could buy it for money and it was BtA.
I've already quoted one of the Blizz folks saying that $60 was chosen to discourage people skipping leveling, that they themselves thought that leveling shouldn't be undervalued. I'll quote it again:
Ion Hazzikostas wrote:
But why go for $60, a price point that came in higher than many were expecting? Because Blizzard didn't want to "devalue the accomplishment of levelling".
"In terms of the pricing, honestly a big part of that is not wanting to devalue the accomplishment of levelling," Hazzikostas said.
"If our goal here was to sell as many boosts as possible, we could halve the price or more than that - make it $10 or something. And then hardly anyone would ever level a character again.
"But levelling is something that takes dozens if not over 100 hours in many cases and people have put serious time and effort into that, and we don't want to diminish that."
Anyone who can manage the most primitive form of multi-boxing -- log on to two accounts, park toon to be leveled, grind -- can
pay money to RAF and get various bonuses. The boost to 90 is a bit more efficient, but it is actually less cost effective.
I'm not sure you read my last post carefully, because I'm talking about this being a competitive advantage to a guild for the purposes of raiding. That is, allowing class flexibility amongst your core raiders. It does this throughout the entirety of an expansion.
I read it, you're just being sloppy with the facts. Saying something is thus and so does not make it so. Produce *current* examples of this having a significant impact on "core" raiding, because all of our hardcore raiders that I know over here already have their full kit of toons.
"Do you even lift?" Because you're seemingly ignorant of what is currently necessary for a toon to get geared to raid today. The legendary quest chain is a time sink, with few ways to speed it up. Lower tier raid drops are slightly better than nothing, but only slightly. If you don't have the cloak, you aren't going to get taken seriously.