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Power Leveling through BlizzardFollow

#127 Feb 28 2014 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
If their goal is to get old players to the new cap, then just having WoD unlock the ability to create level 90 characters would do it. Buy the expac, have 90 as the new 1 (unless you wanted a 1).

If you don't have WoD, because you're brand new, you level. Buy WoD because you're bored of that stuff and want endgame, get 90s.

That's just one example. There are so many possible ways they could do a "fast track" option. They chose the RMT route.

If this wasn't a sub game, that MIGHT be okay. I still don't think I'd be okay with it, but maybe (and I have nothing against the F2P model). But no way in hell I'm accepting that sort of RMT service-mongering in a subscription game.

If it's a gameplay-created gating mechanism that exists by design, you create appropriate in-game resources to bypass the mechanism at an appropriate speed.

For most of the game's life, that meant normal leveling. Eventually it was leveling with heirlooms for repeat runs. Now it's a pay-to-90 route, and I'm not okay with that.

An in-game "zoom to 90" option, fine. But hell no to a payment one.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#128 Feb 28 2014 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
If their goal is to get old players to the new cap, then just having WoD unlock the ability to create level 90 characters would do it. Buy the expac, have 90 as the new 1 (unless you wanted a 1).
I think that was the point of the thingy Rhode linked though. They would have people buying 5 game copies, getting 5 free 90s and then transferring them to one account. This was the lesser of the two evils, or something like that.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#129 Feb 28 2014 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
I would say it's pretty much the equal of two evils, with the obvious "implement a free level to 90 option" being the only non-evil answer.

And let's call a spade a spade, they weren't FORCED into this situation of free 90s. They made a decision to allow one free 90, and decided to implement it in a way that would allow for multiple free 90s.

You don't get to stack the cards and then pretend like this just happened to be the way things turn out.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#130 Feb 28 2014 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
I think Blizzard really missed a golden opportunity with Cataclysm, the whole theme of which was radical change. Instead of giving the old content a new paint job, they should have ripped it asunder and gone radical. The problem of too many levels and outdated content has been around for a while now. We've talked about it here before, it's a design flaw and logical outcome of the whole vertical progression scheme. It's not a new problem. It's a turnoff to existing players...even those that enjoy leveling. But even worse, it has to be a deterent to new players. I think with the jump to 90 and the pay to 90, Blizzard is just acknowledging what everyone knows anyway. They're just seeing it as a way to make money off the problem. Whatever. If people will pay it, then more power to them, I guess. I'll take a free 90, but no way in hell I'll ever pay $60 (or, any other amount) for a boost.
#131 Feb 28 2014 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
I would say it's pretty much the equal of two evils, with the obvious "implement a free level to 90 option" being the only non-evil answer.

And let's call a spade a spade, they weren't FORCED into this situation of free 90s. They made a decision to allow one free 90, and decided to implement it in a way that would allow for multiple free 90s.

You don't get to stack the cards and then pretend like this just happened to be the way things turn out.

Not really free. You still have to buy the expansion.
Buying the expansion nets the free 90.
As Blizz has said, and other have now mention, the $60 is same amount one would spend if they went out and bought the expansion (2nd copy), used the free 90 service, linked accounts and then transferred (cost money to do so) that 90 over to the "main" account. Seems Blizzard is just removing their own middle man.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#132 Feb 28 2014 at 7:59 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
You misread.

protein wrote:
[Offering the $60 service] was the lesser of the two evils, or something like that.

To which I responded:

I would say it's pretty much the equal of two evils, with the obvious "implement a free level to 90 option" being the only non-evil answer.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#133 Feb 28 2014 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
TherealLogros wrote:
lolgaxe wrote:
Goddamnit levelling is not an accomplishment. That's setting the bar so low that Harvey Elder would trip over it. Participation Medal at the Special Olympics.
First I was confused who Harvey Elder is. Now I feel bad for not knowing. Smiley: frown
For what it's worth I couldn't remember his last name and wanted to make the reference a little obscure so I had to look it up, too.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#134 Mar 12 2014 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I've followed this thread since I heard about the boosts, but as usual with cash shop items, I couldn't bring myself to get all that worked up about it. I don't really care what other people want to spend their money on in a fake world, or begrudge them whatever they wish to buy from a company they pay regularly to entertain them. I don't generally feel like it affects me. (And even with this, I'm not sure boosted 90's will add a noticeably higher level of incompetence to pugs than we already have, because the saturation point has been reached, you know?) And I have myself bought pets and account services.

As for boosts to 90, without regard to a payment model, I'm all for that. Some of us have been playing for the better part of a decade, and IMO there should be a mechanism for us to bypass replaying content for the umpteenth time. But if that was really Blizz's motivation, they'd provide that mechanism in game, wouldn't they?

I don't know, something has changed my attitude this week as I've read their announcements and looked at the big picture. $60 - the cost of an entire new game - for a boost. $50 - more than they've ever charged before - for an expansion. A year plus - longer even than ICC by the looks of it - of subscribing to no new content whatsoever. (Possibly because my sub is paying, in part, for them to develop cash shop items that they will then turn around and charge me for...) Taken as a whole it just makes me feel... milked. And nobody wants to be a cow. Not even cows, I bet.

It's not that I don't get the economics or that Protein would call me a hippie. They're in business, and they should sell products for whatever the market will bear. I as a customer am just reaching my limit on seeing this all as a value proposition. I'm not going to storm or rage or campaign against it, but I am going to stop paying for it, as a customer should when a product becomes pricier than they value it at.

I intended to cancel my sub this month anyway, and I've long since given up the illusion that canceling my WoW sub is ever permanent. ;) What all this will probably do is keep me away longer, playing ESO maybe longer than I would have otherwise (no idea on that, you never know if a new game will keep you entertained for 3 months or 12), until at least say the holiday season, when WoD goes on sale for $20. If I want a boost, I imagine there will be sales on those at some point too, as there have been on other cash items in the past. Basically, they need to bring their prices back down to a point where I feel their product is worthwhile.
#135 Mar 12 2014 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Good post Teacake. I agree and I'm also wrestling really hard with dropping my subscription. And, if I do, it'll be for good.

I wish that Blizz had incorporated this into the game somehow, rather than making it a RMT. Make it a quest, or a gold cost. Add a level restriction, like they did with DKs. Having people shell out cash, though really does kind of make it seem like milking people. They're acknowledging the fact that leveling is something that doesn't matter. But, then they're charging people a lot of money if they want to skip the part that doesn't matter to access the game content that apparently does matter. That just doesn't seem like a healthy game. Sure, it's only an option. People can slog through content that doesn't matter instead of paying for the boost. But, is that really a way to keep people interested in the game? or, encourage new players? Maybe they're just giving up and deciding to milk the cows (as Teacake said) for all they can get while the cows are still hanging around.
#136 Mar 12 2014 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
I don't know, I don't understand the angst about it being in store. A few people will use it as a catch up mechanism, as intended. It starts costing money when a person wants to go Pokemon and collect the FotM set, something that wasn't intended. For one or two characters beyond the first, the cost is steep but probably not much more than you'd end up paying through other legitimate methods. For most players, they have multiple characters at 90 or close enough to make little difference since 85 to 90 will probably get smoothed out just as older content has been.

I understand your point about costs, Teacake, but WoW is one of the only things in my life where the cost has held stable over the years and it seems likely that the same holds true for Blizzard. I suspect the guys doing the grunt work coding at Blizz expect a bigger paycheck now too. The cash shop, for all the indignation it seems to induce, has probably saved us from worse. I pay the same price for one minute of game time that I did when WoW released here, and any other money I spend is a choice. I don't have to pay to skip content because that issue is moot, I'm at the point where the only reason for me to level the Nth toon through old content is an occasional fit of nostalgia.

Make it a gold cost? No thanks. I don't want to have to spend as much time grinding gold as I would have spent blasting through LFD in heirlooms. Make it a quest? It already is a quest, a long chain that starts at level one, you keep picking up new parts of it as you level, and it ends when your XP bar won't fill up any more. A slightly different spin on that wouldn't make it any more palatable for me -- I've already gone through the DK start enough times to know that feeling. No, I'm happy enough that I can look at the transaction and decide if the cost up front is worth the value of my time and the money I'd spend for game time.

#137 Mar 13 2014 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Wait, does the store bought level-up come with a free set of gear?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#138 Mar 13 2014 at 6:18 AM Rating: Excellent
1,148 posts
483 in every slot I think.
#139 Mar 13 2014 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
Lifted off of MMO-C:

Item level 483 gear. You can quickly upgrade to the epic item level 496 gear from Timeless Isle chests.
150 gold
4 Embersilk (22-slot) bags
A stack of 20 food items
If a boosted character was already level 60 or above, their existing Primary Professions and First Aid are bumped up to level 600, as mentioned above
A faction-specific flying mount - a traditional Wind Rider for Horde or Gryphon for Alliance
Artisan flying - that’s one rank below max flight speed
Northrend, Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms, and Pandaria regional flying skills trained

Edit: Here are a few more details from their blue tracker:

Q: How does boosting a character work?
When you pre-purchase the expansion* or purchase a standalone character boost from within the game, a Character Boost token will appear on the character-select screen in World of Warcraft. Once you purchase it through either method, you can click the token to apply your boost at any time—no need to use it right away if you’re not ready. Keep in mind that character boosts are irreversible, so it’s a good idea to make sure you’re boosting the character you really want to.

If you boost a level-60 or higher character, you’ll also get an extra bonus: both of your Primary Professions will be bumped up to 600, so you’ll be an instant pro at your chosen callings. If you’re boosting an existing character and want to change professions, just make sure you train the professions you want before you apply the boost. Also, if you’re not quite level 60 yet (but thiiiiiiis close), you might want to consider holding on to your boost token until you earn those last couple of levels—your boost will still be waiting for you when you’re ready.
emphasis added

Edited, Mar 13th 2014 8:43am by Rhodekylle
#140 Mar 13 2014 at 9:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Wow, that's one heck of a boost. Smiley: eek

I suppose that solves the problem where your DK gets to the cap and can only make a copper breastplate, but wow.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#141 Mar 13 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You also get ~5k gold worth of flying skills. At least they're giving you something for your money.

I'm not sure the level 438 gear matters either way given how easy it is to gear up characters with other characters and whatnot. It's not like I don't have six plate breastplates from the TI sitting in my bank, just waiting for me to boost some paladins and DK's. Smiley: rolleyes
#142 Mar 13 2014 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
I have a RL friend who used the boost, and he kind of wishes he would have done it differently. See he didn't know about the 60+ and the instant 600 profession skill. He, stupidly imo, used it boost to get a 90 druid. He has an high 80-sumen druid already that he was leveling.
As for the gear, it is all 438, so below LFR? (or entry lvl LFR for MSV?) He had basically already had a full TI leather set (for the other druid) ready to go, so he as of yesterday when I logged on to get my Hearthstone mount, was already up to 498 and marching through LFR on his day off work.
The boost helped him get his 2nd 90, to help with crafts for the guild (we started on a new realm months back).

As for me, I'm still planning on using it on a Shaman. But I'll wait until I can pre-order a physical copy due to my enjoyment of art books, mouse pads, other goodies that come with physical CE.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#143 Mar 13 2014 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
If you guys aren't sure what to use your boost on, you should check out the PTR and play around with some premade characters. It should still be up.
#144 Mar 14 2014 at 12:11 AM Rating: Good
Just popped in to say that anyone who doesn't think the ability to boost to max level is a competitive advantage is insane; we had progression issues for about a month because we didn't have enough resto shamans back in tBC. It took us ages to level up or recruit enough. Having an instant max level button would have been a big boon to us.

It doesn't matter that leveling is foolproof. Challenge in WoW, such as it is, is entirely team-based, and this is a clear advantage in terms of group logistics.

That aside, making gold in WoW has always been foolproof, too - it just takes time. I always assumed we had, as a community, an opposition to RMT/gold-buying based off some kind of principled opposition to buying power - even the kind trivially acquired through in-game time expenditure. I guess you guys just didn't like it because Blizzard banned it, huh? Disappointing.

Edited, Mar 14th 2014 6:47am by Kavekk
#145 Mar 14 2014 at 5:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Just popped in to say that anyone who doesn't think the ability to boost to max level ten levels below the upcoming level cap is a competitive advantage is insane; we had progression issues for about a month because we didn't have enough resto shamans back in tBC years and multiple expansions ago when Agility on plate was useful and Hunters worried about ammunition and pet food.

Clams stack now.

People easily hit 90 in the early days of the expansion, and the rest of the struggle has been trying to gear up to the required levels. Being 90 at the end of an expansion is like being the last guy to finish a marathon -- it is an accomplishment, but not one that puts you anywhere near to competitive.

To get the door open for competitive raiding, you're going to need that cloak. You'll have a few months farming various tokens before that happens. If you can get into a guild, you'll probably be doing 10 man normals with the first string's alts. Enjoy that, because shortly afterwards WoD is going to hit and there will be less confusion about your place on the food chain -- ten levels below level cap and the start of raiding. Welcome to the marathon, the starting line is here.

A boosted 90 is going to give me the same feeling of power that my Harley did. Few people even know that Harley made a 50cc bike.

#146 Mar 14 2014 at 4:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Actually, I think you'll find they introduced clam stacking towards the end of tBC. Clams stacked back then, too, and good thing because those naga on BE Civil War Island sure liked to drop them. Ammo and pet food were early Wrath, IIRC.

Gearing up takes less time than gearing up + leveling; and, if you've got a guild to power run you through instances, gearing up takes less time than leveling. I'm not sure you read my last post carefully, because I'm talking about this being a competitive advantage to a guild for the purposes of raiding. That is, allowing class flexibility amongst your core raiders. It does this throughout the entirety of an expansion.

It's not about one player being the first to level cap; obviously it doesn't much help there.
#147 Mar 14 2014 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Actually, I think you'll find they introduced clam stacking towards the end of tBC.
Beginning of the slippery slope...

Smiley: disappointed
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#148 Mar 14 2014 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Kavekk wrote:
Actually, I think you'll find they introduced clam stacking towards the end of tBC. Clams stacked back then, too, and good thing because those naga on BE Civil War Island sure liked to drop them. Ammo and pet food were early Wrath, IIRC.

Gearing up takes less time than gearing up + leveling; and, if you've got a guild to power run you through instances, gearing up takes less time than leveling. I'm not sure you read my last post carefully, because I'm talking about this being a competitive advantage to a guild for the purposes of raiding. That is, allowing class flexibility amongst your core raiders. It does this throughout the entirety of an expansion.

It's not about one player being the first to level cap; obviously it doesn't much help there.

Good luck with this. I tried to get that point across, and all I seemed to get in response was "lol leveling doesn't matter."

Except, you know, it does... if you want that class at cap... and you don't have it at cap already...
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#149 Mar 14 2014 at 10:20 PM Rating: Good
1,148 posts
idiggory, King of Bards wrote:
Except, you know, it does... if you want that class at cap... and you don't have it at cap already...

you have one boost for free.
#150 Mar 14 2014 at 10:42 PM Rating: Excellent
With the crunch to HP, the next move is to crunch levels. Just get rid of them. You progress by doing content. All the boost atm does it let people see the end game content of an ending x-pack. When WoD goes live, the boost means you get to skip 90 levels of old boring *** leveling to get to the new quest to start the days of questing to get to cap.

It won't be a big thing in raiding guilds. You shave a few days/weeks off leveling? Awesome.
As a guild that means you can resume progression...after you spend time gearing that new character to be decent at w/e content.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#151 Mar 15 2014 at 12:01 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
It isn't that "leveling doesn't matter" it's that it doesn't make enough difference to be the dreaded pay to win. At one time, the Celestial Steed was the harbinger of end times because one could buy it for money and it was BtA.

I've already quoted one of the Blizz folks saying that $60 was chosen to discourage people skipping leveling, that they themselves thought that leveling shouldn't be undervalued. I'll quote it again:

Ion Hazzikostas wrote:
But why go for $60, a price point that came in higher than many were expecting? Because Blizzard didn't want to "devalue the accomplishment of levelling".

"In terms of the pricing, honestly a big part of that is not wanting to devalue the accomplishment of levelling," Hazzikostas said.

"If our goal here was to sell as many boosts as possible, we could halve the price or more than that - make it $10 or something. And then hardly anyone would ever level a character again.

"But levelling is something that takes dozens if not over 100 hours in many cases and people have put serious time and effort into that, and we don't want to diminish that."

Anyone who can manage the most primitive form of multi-boxing -- log on to two accounts, park toon to be leveled, grind -- can pay money to RAF and get various bonuses. The boost to 90 is a bit more efficient, but it is actually less cost effective.

I'm not sure you read my last post carefully, because I'm talking about this being a competitive advantage to a guild for the purposes of raiding. That is, allowing class flexibility amongst your core raiders. It does this throughout the entirety of an expansion.

I read it, you're just being sloppy with the facts. Saying something is thus and so does not make it so. Produce *current* examples of this having a significant impact on "core" raiding, because all of our hardcore raiders that I know over here already have their full kit of toons.

"Do you even lift?" Because you're seemingly ignorant of what is currently necessary for a toon to get geared to raid today. The legendary quest chain is a time sink, with few ways to speed it up. Lower tier raid drops are slightly better than nothing, but only slightly. If you don't have the cloak, you aren't going to get taken seriously.

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