OK, it has been Friday here for almost two full hours. What the heck! Let's hear some plans for the weekend.
WOW: I'll try to get various toons through the holiday boss, but a lot may depend on air quality, weather, and Pink.
RL: Irritated air ways aren't optimal for using a CPAP, bad air has been leading to poor sleep. Poor sleep makes it harder to keep a lid on chronic pain. The combination of poor sleep, bad air and rainy weather has been bringing back my usual range of headaches. One thing plays off another and it isn't fun. Somehow, Pink shows up and ten minutes later all of those things become manageable. We've become embarrassingly domestic -- she's doing a large cross stitch with roses and a pair of rings for the impending wedding -- but she seems to have fun. She has already booked Saturday, with the preliminary plan being hot pot, followed by massage and whatever else strikes her fancy.
Here's hoping that you can manage to be more interesting than I am! May the RNG smile on you.