"Virtual realms" sound a lot like realm merging. I personally don't mind it, but some other folks might.
Proving Grounds sounds more like what I had hoped the Brawler's Guild was going to be originally. I hope there are still some kind of prizes, even if they're only achievements or pets.
Scaling enchants should be interesting;
Flexible raid difficulty doesn't hold much appeal for a loner like me, but I can see it being good for small guilds or groups of friends.
Vengeance is nerfed Looks like I may need to switch to Feral on my druid to make dailies bearable (heh, bear-able, as I'm a bear now). Some interesting changes to druid talents and abilities, but nothing to offset the DPS loss Guardian tanks will see. Probably for the best, but a nerf is a nerf.
Pet stones will be simple to get after the next patch; trading in three of the same family will give you a BoA Flawless stone. I'm wondering if there aren't some additional restrictions, like "turning in three rare pets"? Several pet racials were buffed. I'm wondering if they still plan on switching some of the advantages/disadvantages as had been talked about before (like how any elemental is a perfect mechanical counter)? Didn't see it listed.
Edited, Jun 12th 2013 7:18am by LockeColeMA