Test of Valor quest. It is the one that makes you earn 6k VP, and only start counting when you start the quest. It takes 6 weeks at minimal to do, if you cap each week.
And now: This!? (scroll down to Achievements). ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? It took me way longer then the normal person to get the 20 coins to advance that story to have already probably earned 3k VP before starting Test of Valor.
I'm at like 4,600/6k atm because at 2 different points I said "F this, getting to cap each week" and would only earn VP from Normal Raid that week and will (hopefully) be done with the quest before this change..but..c'mon... *smashes head into table*
5.3 can't come fast enough, so many changes I really can't wait to abuse (mainly the Q as one, get gear as something else).