So, I'm sitting here in a bit of a bored mood and just poking around things trying to get myself "into" the mood to do something.
I was playing WoW earlier, but I did everything I aimed to do today and despite there being things I know I "should" do, I for the life of me can't really bring myself to actually "do" them. I think about em, and then just before I go to do it, I'm "blaah I don't really feel like doing this..."
1). My Alliance Shaman. My Alliance is far behind my Horde in terms of Alchemy and Inscription due to the fact I don't have any herbalists leveled yet. I did a little with my Shaman earlier, but dang. I don't know why, but Enhance Shamans seem so... weak in Jade Forest. She's wearing full 377 PvP gear, with a couple purchased 372 rings, a BoE 390 fist, and a 372 off-hand axe. I dunno why the heck she's getting half-killed, but then that area right outside Paw'don Village is kinda retarded, where they have the taskmasters + 4 orcs ganging up on you simultaneously. Got killed there a couple times earlier, and it kinda killed the mood. Mana regen is slow, the heals don't heal for very much, and I pretty much MUST have 4x+ Maelstrom before I heal, or my mana goes dry fast. So I'm kinda "bleh" with that. I want to level an Herbalist so I can finally get started, but yet Enhance isn't doing it for me, at least not 85+. 70-80 Shaman feels simply awesome, I dunno what happens between 80 and 85 that suddenly kills it for me, TBH.
2). My Alliance Skinner/LW: Death Knight, almost 86.. perhaps its because I've been playing my Horde DK so much trying to get him Revered with Golden Lotus by the time 5.1 comes out so I can get double rep with all of my characters? Not sure. I just can't bring myself to do it.
And a few other things I "should" do, but just can't get into it.
Outside of WoW, I check my usual pure-text roleplay area, nobody I know is online. Blah.
I purchased BF3 last night, after seeing countless awesome/hilarious videos on Youtube, but... my mom's currently WoW and if I try downloading anything, she'll get pings of 800+ and she will get quite angry with me for that. lol.
Anyways, I found some old videogame music I'm listening to right now, and I just had a thought:
A part of me misses the old Console RPG days, when you had awesome music to make your ears feel real good. I found these on my HDD: (warning: turn your volume down a little, the track is a bit loud) (this one, you might have to turn up a little)
And that got me to thinking.. sometimes when I'm playing WoW, I wish the peeps who did the music for WoW would stick a few heart-pounding fast-paced tracks in WoW. I mean, there's the Pandaria PvP theme and it is "OK" but I can't really say its 'heart-pounding', though. Nothing that makes me think "oh crap, I'm in serious trouble" when they start to play.
Yes, I realize one can insert their own music into WoW, but usually a piece is composed for a specific mood and style; sticking outside music into any game (not just WoW) is like having a second artist drawing something into a painting done by another artist -- it just 'feels' out of place, no matter how good it sounds.
So anyways, uh... thoughts/etc welcome, I'm just bored and looking for something to do/talk about.
Edited, Nov 22nd 2012 6:47pm by Lyrailis