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The Truth About Alliance and Horde PvP win ratiosFollow

#1 Aug 30 2010 at 6:07 AM Rating: Good
well, checking any player level 80 will pretty much show that they have about 45-55% win ratio in bgs, which is balanced. however, you will constantly hear from alliance players (im alliance as well) that alliance lose 90% of their bgs.

i have yet to find a bg statistic of a player, horde side, with anything higher than 60% win ratio (and they couldve done premades).

now people will say "oh thats cuz of bloodelves" no no no. its not. there was never a difference in pre tbc.

now i never played in vanilla wow, but from what i have heard, ive finally figured out why people thought alliance sucked at bgs back then.... the truth is, they didnt...back then, alliance outnumbered horde by ALOT before bgs came out, alliance would group up and pwn horde every where, outnumbering them every time. when bgs came out, alliance were forced to fight even battles, which is what they were not used to.

its not that alliance were bad at bgs, they would win 50/50. the problem is that alliance players could not understand defeat, they were so used to pwning horde in pvp, that losing the new bgs at all was horrific to them.

alliance players would lose a few bgs, then assume that all alliance suck at bgs, just cuz they arent winning 100% of the time. those alliance players start spreading the word that alliance suck at bgs, and to go horde. so many many pvping alliance went horde, for what they thought where "free wins". so now on horde side, whenever these ex-alliance would lose a bg as horde, they would just ignore it, cuz they, in their delusional minds, thought that horde=free wins in bgs.

so fast foward to today, so many horde from vanilla (ex alliance) think that if they win 90% of their bgs like in vanilla (which was never true, it has always been 50/50) that its somehow "fair". its the same as alliance going horde just cuz of wintergrasp, and how any horde on an imbalanced server in their favor hate the idea of wintergrasp, or any bg, being balanced. why?

because so many horde are ex-alliance who used to pwn horde in pvp by outnumbering them before bgs, then went horde cuz they couldnt stand even wins/loses in bgs and went horde cuz they thought, and still do think, being horde=free bg wins. when it does not.

these people do no want fairness, they just want to win all the time. they are no different from when they were alliance pwning horde in unfair outnumbering fights in world pvp, they're just a bunch of ***** wanting to win all the time, and fair fights are unnaceptable to them.

why do these horde think that they now lose alot of bgs (aka even odds) cuz of blood elves? because THEY THEMSELVES convinced THEMSELVES that bloodelves would cause them to lose in bgs alot more. so, as we've already covered, these ex-alliance horde players are so delusional, they convinced themselves that bloodelves=lots of bg loses for horde. it made no difference, it was still just like it was in vanilla, 50/50 wins for both sides.

and that is the truth about bg win ratios.
#2 Aug 30 2010 at 6:37 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Your logic and math escape me but was a good read, I've been drinking, so +1 Internets to you.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Aug 30 2010 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
well the point is its all a huge misconception. also combined with the fact that alot people generally want to win all the time anyway, and hate losing. even tho in this game, in bgs, it has to be a 50/50 win ratio for both sides, which it is, for it to be fair. and balanced.

alot of alliance from vanilla went horde because they were so used to winning in world pvp against the horde before bgs by outnumbering them, so when bgs came out, and they were forced to win only half the time in FAIR FIGHTS, which is what they were not used to, they went horde, and deluded themselves into thinking horde wins all the time.

which is why you see so many vanilla horde players wishing that it could be like vanilla again where they could win bgs all the time, which in their minds is fair. (despite the fact that both sides have always only won 50/50, these ex alliance vanilla horde think winning 90% would be fair.)
#4 Aug 30 2010 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Pretty true. Just checked my best geared horde character on the battlegroup people assume horde win 90% of the time. My win ratio is 56% and not to brag but I'm a pretty effective healer when I BG.

Its like people who say "my transmutes never proc!". They probably do prcc, about 15% of the time just like for everyone else. You might have hot streaks or cold streaks but over time its pretty even.
#5 Aug 30 2010 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
1,912 posts
The alliance doesn't usually beat Horde by outnumbering them because the almost all of servers where the alliance outnumber the horde are PvE servers. On PvP servers it's usually the opposite.

You are assuming the Statistic counter can be used as a reliable counter for Victories and defeats. I am not sure how it works but I remember at one point I had more AV victories than AV battles. You obviously can't get 2 victories in a single battle. So it's not a very valid source for the number of defeats.

There's also another thing, my undead warlock for example, new char, had been played in BGs since level 10, and those victories went into the statistics together with the level 80 results. So it's showing ownage winning ratios when in reality level 80 WSG is alliance dominated (Nightfall).

There's a few things that I have noticed that tend to impact on which side dominates BGs.

- If a certain population has a lot more healers they will tend to dominate Warsong, AB, EOTS and tend to lose in AV rushes but win on AV turtles.

- If a certain population has 1 team mostly composed of PvE server population while the other team is mostly composed of PvP server population the one with PvP server population tends to dominate all but AV. This usually favors the Horde team.

- For whatever reason alliance players seem to make a lot more alts. So they play on their main a lot less, don't PvP seriously on their main, or simply are on BGs with all of their random ungeared alts more often than on their geared main.

The element that makes AV rushing opposite to Warsong is that AV rushes work in a way that both teams allow each other to get past all lines of defense and just rush trough a weak defense of NPCs that doesn't require any healing until the last boss, this favors the team with more DPS and less heals.

Edited, Aug 30th 2010 3:46pm by xorq

Edited, Aug 30th 2010 4:33pm by xorq
#6 Aug 30 2010 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I checked my Human Warlock, who recently hit 66. I have 11 wins out of 35 battlegrounds, or 31.4%.

I'm sad now. Smiley: frown
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#7 Aug 30 2010 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
1,087 posts
My Tauren druid(80) has a 62% win ratio.(Area 52)
My Alliance paladin(75) has a 34% win ratio.(Whisperwind)

Since, they're both not level 80 I suppose my numbers are incorrect, but that's only on two servers. I think the BG data on (Not linking) is a fairly good indication of whats happening.
#8 Aug 30 2010 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Druid- 57% wins.
Paladin- 50% exactly.
Warrior-0% (3 AV played, 0 won)
DK-0% (6 combined played, 0 won)
Mage-0%(1 AV played. I'm shocked)

Rogue- 69% wins. Amazing record, I thought she was doing terribly.
DK- 50%
#9 Aug 30 2010 at 3:55 PM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
Random is random and everything pretty much balances out in the end. Just checked all my characters and they all have a win/loss ratio pretty close to 50%. It's pretty even across all BGs too.

Though there is an interesting blip on my paladin. 80~% wins in AV and 75~% losses in EotS. Only on that one character though.
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#10 Aug 30 2010 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
thats interesting jay, and ya, i have a friend who plays horde side (not sure if he plays anymore) who always said he was horde cuz "allies suck at pvp and are teh bad", he also claimed that as horde he wins 90% of his bgs.

funny thing is? i checked his character on the wow armory. checked his bg statistics, ran a percentage calculator, and found out he literally only wins, literally this is the exact number, 50% of his bgs, he only wins 50% of his bgs.

whats worse, is that he says being horde and winning what he thinks is 90% of his bgs, is somehow worth it to spend 15 mins in que.......poor soul......tsk tsk tsk.
#11 Aug 30 2010 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Between all of my toons I've had a total of 574 BGs entered (I think that number should be higher as some stats are REALLY low, like my main supposedly only did a total of 39 BGs) and 296 won for a 51.56% win ratio with my BG toon pulling an impressive 58.54% win ratio.

So statistically speaking over all, the ratio is effectively even (figure a 3% normal deviation).

I do agree though on whatever side is used to zerging the enemy being at a severe disadvantage though when it comes to an even fight. The Allies on my server become worthless cowards in WG when they've got less then T3 stacking - they wont even show their faces at the walls till they hit at least T2 - and whenever they encounter odds that are less then three to one they flee.

Being used to pack tactics you see the exact same behavior in the BGs - they travel in large groups and tend to avoid single combat whenever they can (unless of course they're either geared to the teeth or have the element of surprise).

I'm sure that Allies on outnumbered servers/battlegroups can report the same behavior from the Horde there but feel free to pipe up if I'm wrong.

The real trick will be whether or not these groups can/how fast they can adapt if the WG patch comes through before Cata or if they simply throw a tantrum and start screaming that Blizz nerfed their side.
#12 Aug 30 2010 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Remember, the stats only correlate to post 3.0 bgs, they don't track bgs done before then.
#13 Aug 30 2010 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
yes but he started his druid in wotlk. so thats all his bgs that it shows on the statistic.
#14 Aug 30 2010 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
mmmk, my stats:

AV: 44 battles 22 victories. 50%

AB: 75 battles 25 victories. 33%

WSG: 72 battles 31 victories. 43%

EoTS: 88 battles 34 victories. 39%

SotA: 92 battles 33 victories. 36%

IoC: 72 battles 32 victories. 44%

Typical Alliance side numbers on Shadowburn.

#15 Aug 30 2010 at 7:28 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
The thread title lied to me. I'd like my 90 seconds back please. =P
#16 Aug 30 2010 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with you logic today. but back in vanilla wow. Horde did win most of the bg but Av. Most of the better PvPer went horde and since there was less horde. they group more often together then Alliance did. So they Had better teamwork. But BG begin to balance out in win ratio when Battle groups was formed. and the fact many alliance went horde to lessen the skill pool of the horde. But know it all about perception the player see when joining a bg.

Like a pugger that keep going up against premades. so the pugger will lose more often. Or like on my server where horde has WG 90% of the time.

I kind of like the old day when horde rolls over us all the time. made me a better Player.
#17 Aug 30 2010 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Pelacha wrote:
I agree with you logic today. but back in vanilla wow. Horde did win most of the bg but Av. Most of the better PvPer went horde and since there was less horde. they group more often together then Alliance did. So they Had better teamwork. But BG begin to balance out in win ratio when Battle groups was formed. and the fact many alliance went horde to lessen the skill pool of the horde. But know it all about perception the player see when joining a bg.

Like a pugger that keep going up against premades. so the pugger will lose more often. Or like on my server where horde has WG 90% of the time.

I kind of like the old day when horde rolls over us all the time. made me a better Player.

Depended on your server and later, on your battlegroup. Because Alliance has always been dominant on Draka, though Horde has—overall—been more dominant in our battlegroup.

Though anytime you get Korgath players, you're pretty well set. Same with some Mug'lol players.
#18 Aug 31 2010 at 1:37 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Druids are feline, not lupine, at least not until Cataclysm arrives.

Also, the Shift-key is RIGHT THERE... try it! Smiley: mad
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Aug 31 2010 at 2:08 AM Rating: Excellent
1,996 posts
Druids are feline, not lupine

Not ursine either? Maz, are you saying some druids are unbearable?
#20 Aug 31 2010 at 8:28 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
My main (Ruin, Art of Ruin, Garithos, Vengeance, Horde) isn't showing up on Armory, but my stats about a year ago were:

From main, Horde on battlegroup Vengeance:

48% won in AV (100 won out of 231, bleah)
75% won in AB (241 won out of 320)
68% won in EotS (198 won out of 288)
61% won in SotA (140 won out of 228)
75% won in WSG (240 won out of 319)
65% won in IoC (24 won out of 37)

I'm pretty sure my IoC percentage is in the 70-80% range now (I ran premades until mastery), AV's over 50%, and the others are probably holding steady.

And as I've said before, my stats are honest because I don't AFK or queue-hop out of losing battlegrounds. It's trivial to get 95% or better victory ratios if you're willing to AFK out of any match that you're losing, and many people skew their stats without realizing it by doing that.
#21 Aug 31 2010 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
Interesting - found "Archavon's Log" inside the WG fortress in front of VOA - is a big book and it's got your server's WG stats.


Defended - 306
Captured - 534


Defended 1366
Captured 533

And as a side note to prove the point about numbers last night we had an even odds offensive WG and we rolled the Allies then just now we had an even odds defensive and held the fort.
#22 Aug 31 2010 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Rhodekylle wrote:
Druids are feline, not lupine

Not ursine either? Maz, are you saying some druids are unbearable?

OK, Sum durids is bare. Tehm whos bare durids, can B 4 tank -- ONLY DURID DONT HAF SUM PEEPS IN THE HEAD AND A GUNZ LOL!

1) OK now sum durid is cat
2) Cat durid, tehm dosent heel.
3) Cat uis for fite
4) Cat durid dosent talk about fite

Okay? Good. I'm glad we got that sorted.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Sep 01 2010 at 2:26 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
durids are 2 halp oth3r durids lol =P
#24 Sep 01 2010 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Druids always hunt in packs.

Clever girl...
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#25 Sep 01 2010 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
How do you find those win loss statistics?

I agree partially with the OP, but I disagree about the reason alliance went horde. I think many who did go horde went undead for their racial. Which is very useful (or was- aren't they nerfing it in cata?)

I do believe the ratios are most likely around 50%. It's just people's views are skewed by streaks and unluckiness somtimes (sometimes people think more bad things happen on a full moon or friday the 13th). So they only notice when they lose, but don't really notice when they win.

Edited, Sep 1st 2010 3:46pm by thrashering
#26 Sep 01 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Default
i am however having a problem with one bg as alliance, altho not all people in my battlegroup are having it as alliance.

i used to, just a couple months ago, win eye of the storm at a 50/50 ratio, but then all of a sudden i started losing it everytime, and now i never win eye of the storm as alliance.

the other bgs are fine, but eye of the storm? it keeps popping up, and every time, i lose. what happens in eye of the storm now is every time the same thing. horde will ALWAYS be getting the flag, but at the same time, while holding the flag area, they also hold 3 bases.

so horde in eye of the storm now, every game im in, hold the flag, and 3 bases, and beat us horribly.

why? every time, in eye of the storm, half the horde team is healers, they usually have 5 healers in eye of the storm every time now, when we only have 1-2 normally. its impossible for us to win, they have healers, so many, and everywhere, they're healers have healers.

so i dont know, we cant win eye of the storm anymore because each time horde has too many healers.

they just need to limit the amount of healers that can be in the small bgs, to 2 or 3. but the horde in eye of the storm now always have 5-6 healers, and will hold the flag, and 3 bases, and win. every time.

the other bgs are fine, just shocked how a couple months ago this started happening.
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