well, checking any player level 80 will pretty much show that they have about 45-55% win ratio in bgs, which is balanced. however, you will constantly hear from alliance players (im alliance as well) that alliance lose 90% of their bgs.
i have yet to find a bg statistic of a player, horde side, with anything higher than 60% win ratio (and they couldve done premades).
now people will say "oh thats cuz of bloodelves" no no no. its not. there was never a difference in pre tbc.
now i never played in vanilla wow, but from what i have heard, ive finally figured out why people thought alliance sucked at bgs back then.... the truth is, they didnt...back then, alliance outnumbered horde by ALOT before bgs came out, alliance would group up and pwn horde every where, outnumbering them every time. when bgs came out, alliance were forced to fight even battles, which is what they were not used to.
its not that alliance were bad at bgs, they would win 50/50. the problem is that alliance players could not understand defeat, they were so used to pwning horde in pvp, that losing the new bgs at all was horrific to them.
alliance players would lose a few bgs, then assume that all alliance suck at bgs, just cuz they arent winning 100% of the time. those alliance players start spreading the word that alliance suck at bgs, and to go horde. so many many pvping alliance went horde, for what they thought where "free wins". so now on horde side, whenever these ex-alliance would lose a bg as horde, they would just ignore it, cuz they, in their delusional minds, thought that horde=free wins in bgs.
so fast foward to today, so many horde from vanilla (ex alliance) think that if they win 90% of their bgs like in vanilla (which was never true, it has always been 50/50) that its somehow "fair". its the same as alliance going horde just cuz of wintergrasp, and how any horde on an imbalanced server in their favor hate the idea of wintergrasp, or any bg, being balanced. why?
because so many horde are ex-alliance who used to pwn horde in pvp by outnumbering them before bgs, then went horde cuz they couldnt stand even wins/loses in bgs and went horde cuz they thought, and still do think, being horde=free bg wins. when it does not.
these people do no want fairness, they just want to win all the time. they are no different from when they were alliance pwning horde in unfair outnumbering fights in world pvp, they're just a bunch of ***** wanting to win all the time, and fair fights are unnaceptable to them.
why do these horde think that they now lose alot of bgs (aka even odds) cuz of blood elves? because THEY THEMSELVES convinced THEMSELVES that bloodelves would cause them to lose in bgs alot more. so, as we've already covered, these ex-alliance horde players are so delusional, they convinced themselves that bloodelves=lots of bg loses for horde. it made no difference, it was still just like it was in vanilla, 50/50 wins for both sides.
and that is the truth about bg win ratios.