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#1 Jun 21 2017 at 10:16 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
"DOnt wait til content is "old" to do it and you'd hve no problem getting help/finding people"

Sound advice. But using right now as an example. That's hard to do when you cant log into the game without issue for the fist 3 weeks. By that time most of the "cool kids" are done already.
#2 Jun 21 2017 at 10:30 PM Rating: Excellent
3,737 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
for the fist 3 weeks.

Stormblood's been out 5 days.

I'm frustrated too but... come on.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#3 Jun 22 2017 at 5:27 AM Rating: Excellent
3,441 posts
I waited.

I didn't throw myself at the Raubahn or the Pipin wall when they were crashing players left and right. I did other stuff, I picked up SAM, I did some crafting, some fishing, a little gathering...

And guess what?

Outside of a couple FC members who pour themselves into the game (which is fine if that's what they desire to do), I'm mostly caught up with the rest of the FC, including those who WERE scrambling to get past Pipin.

Instead of getting all frustrated about the state of the game, I ..... *gasp* played other games during some of the worst of the issues surrounding the launch and I'm really not that far behind.

See, those who spent 5+ hours trying to get past Pipin... were spending 5+ hours to do what it took me 10 minutes to do. Once the congestion clears, that short little span of MSQ that took many others two days to do, I did most of in the span of 3-4 hours. I caught up quite easily.

Now, I'm not at the end of the MSQ, but I know from past experience that the MSQ seems daunting, but yet it isn't an impassable wall like I first thought it was, and there WILL be and "end" to MSQ of 4.0, and unless you decide to not play any MSQ for large amounts of time, there WILL be a time you will reach it before 4.1 comes out.

Now, there will be a span of time when there will be people at endgame starting out in the raids, but again, you can catch up there too. Unless you're into progression raiding, you can get to max level, do whatever it is you need to do to get gear and then Q up for the "common raid". You'll be fine.

And as Callinon said, sure, there's some frustration that you can't play as much as you want when you want, but it isn't THAT bad. At least whole servers haven't been down for 24 hours+ at a time. You should have seen WoW's Warlords launch. Dear God, it took me more than a day (it was almost 2 IIRC) before I could get much of ANYTHING done whatsoever. At least with Stormblood, I was able to actually log on and do some stuff on day of release.
#4 Jun 22 2017 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Got lucky when I transferred to Chaos, I guess. Other than Rauhbahn being a roadblock for like 10 hours on the first day I've had no problems other than long queues, and those have calmed down at this point.
#5 Jun 22 2017 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
I picked up SAM right away (couldn't do the first instanced battle but that cleared up quickly enough). By the time I was 60 and heading for Raubahn, the problem with him had been solved. I went past Raubahn and Pipin with no issues.

My frustration has been with the constant d/c's after about 8pm CDT. It's seriously every few minutes I'm getting kicked off and then have to go back into the queue every 5-10 minutes of game time. You can say "go play another game" but this time frame is the only reliable large chunk of time I get to play each day. I want to play FFXIV. I paid for FFXIV. I pay monthly for FFXIV on the theory that I can play the game when I want to play the game barring the occasional maintenance period. So trying to play the game during the time I can play it and having it kick me off every few minutes just because SE can't get their act together is pretty frustrating.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#6 Jun 22 2017 at 8:43 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
I think a big thing is - When people were having issues, everyone was saying "oh just go do something else lol", meanwhile, people who paid upwards of $278 for their CE, didnt get TO play the product they paid for. Yes, it's early access, but people paid for it (and when people were getting charged, still couldn't play.) So while these days thanks to the **** people toss on Steam "Early Access" is dubbed "glorified beta test", SE seen the numbers, they seen how many sales, how many people to expect bare minimum and what measures to take. They didn't. While I only half believe the DDoS thing (why now of all times to DDoS FFXIV?) I do know they could have done something much sooner than they did.

I left my alt alone for a bit since it was on Balmung, so it was the worst of the worst, as any DC lead to a 3-6k player queue, each time. So while this isnt targeted at you or anything, this is the THIRD time it's happened with XIV and any other MMO players would demand more. Demand better, or out right exodus, which they have done. It happened with 2.0, it happened with 3.0 and it happened with 4.0. It's no secret I'm not one SE's biggest fans when it comes to XIV, but I've played so many other MMOs that seem to iron out their issues when they arise in this fashion much sooner, even with DDoS - hell XI got DDoS'd, they found the source, blocked the source. Problem solved. Yes it lead to some legit korean and chinese players not able to play without a workaround or new ISP, but it was the solution.

While my main on the JP DC was done in 2 days since they made leveling INSANELY easy + I went in with 9 levels worth of rested exp as everything was already 60, the MSQ felt kind of...short. I think its because they split it up to the point there were no actual main hub, so it just felt like you were more on a straight line than usual.

A big problem with SB is the same as HW "end-game", they threw everything at you instead of spacing it out, so no matter how one may feel about it, a lot of people will indeed be "bored" since you can only play the MSQ once and it really won't take you that long (I skipped no CS and due to the fact you gain upwards of 250-300k per fate with bonuses and 2-3.5m per roulette you're hitting 70 in no time) as it took me a solid 3 days in EA to finish 4.0 excluding side quests I have no use for unless I'm leveling more jobs to 70 or needed it for Currents/End-Game dungeon tome grinding.

Since Aether is going to be hectic, I can only get it to 70 but holding off on doing much with it while i focus on my main. I will say though, when people were finally able to play, they were enjoying it, the final trial is the PERFECT difficulty that will sadly get nerfed into the ground like Steps of Faith did once the usual group of people who complain about any difficulty in MSQ catches up. Looking at the credits for SB, I can see why I actually enjoyed some of the content, because I see very familiar names from XI and even PSO2 on the design team.

#7 Jun 22 2017 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
(I skipped no CS and due to the fact you gain upwards of 250-300k per fate with bonuses and 2-3.5m per roulette you're hitting 70 in no time)

There some kind of xp bonus for being on a JP server? That's easily 2-3x the amount of exp I'm getting for either of those activities.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#8 Jun 22 2017 at 9:09 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
Callinon wrote:
(I skipped no CS and due to the fact you gain upwards of 250-300k per fate with bonuses and 2-3.5m per roulette you're hitting 70 in no time)

There some kind of xp bonus for being on a JP server? That's easily 2-3x the amount of exp I'm getting for either of those activities.

Nope - Twist of FATE bonus. iirc baseline exp is 93-135k for some standard ones/NM ones. Twist Fate bonus scales it up to 250k-300k, especially for grandscale ones.

The roulette ones I think scales with levels, I only did roulettes when I was 68, so I was gaining 2,220,000 exp + etc bonus if new player and whatnot, I did one on my alt yesterday and got this:

[12:02 p.m.]You gain 2223994 archer experience points.
[12:02 p.m.]A bonus of 2,223,994 experience points and 10,100 gil has been awarded for using the duty roulette.
[12:02 p.m.]You obtain 579 Serpent Seals.
[12:02 p.m.]You were unable to receive all the company seals.
[12:02 p.m.]Challenge log entry “Feeling Lucky” complete!
[12:02 p.m.]You gain 583200 archer experience points.
[12:02 p.m.]You obtain 1,000 gil.
[12:02 p.m.]You gain 4226 (+83%) archer experience points.


#9 Jun 22 2017 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
So, if it's so fast and easy to level up to 70 and get to the end of the MSQ, then what the frick is the hurry!?

You say "I PAID $278 to get into Early Access!"

no.... you paid $278 for the CE, and you got all the little goodies (even if it takes awhile). I paid $39 (IIRC?) and I got the same Early Access you did. In fact, I paid the same $39 that everybody else, including those who did not pre-order paid.

Early Access did not cost extra money, therefore you're not entitled to anything whatsoever. You paid for the CE, you got the CE bonuses. I pre-ordered, I got my earring and wind-up doll.

Early Access is the icing on the cake, which is nice but not game-breaking. It gives you a little time to get a head-start, but then again, if this is the third time this has happened (I missed 2.0 Launch and HW), then surely you know better by now?

And by the tone of your post, you almost accuse SE of lying about the DDoS attack... why would people DDoS FFXIV, you ask? Lots of reasons. Disgruntled WoW players who hate people who think FFXIV is better. Disgruntled FFXIV people who take issues with anything from what a job looks like to how a job plays, or their favorite job was not included. People who just want to be a troll. People who hate SE for doing the Pre-Order Early Access and want to get some misguided "revenge" on SE for it.

Who knows.

People are idiots. This is nothing new. I don't for a second doubt that there would be some script kiddie who thinks he's Anonymous who decides to run a DDoS against SE/FFXIV. I just hope they find the little twirp and make an example of him, to teach other little kiddies that messing with giant corporations and their customers equates to jail time, fines and lawsuits if they get caught.

EDIT: Also, I'm inclined to believe the DDoS story, because a couple of those nights I played, the server would be fine... then WHAM, 5 minutes of 5+ second input lag... then 30 seconds later, it stops only to repeat five minutes later. That's not normal server load/congestion, AND the queue at the time was rather low (< 200), and other times there've been queues that size, there was no big bouts of lag like that.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2017 12:10pm by Lyrailis
#10 Jun 22 2017 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
So logging in to the servers straight up is still an ongoing issue? I want to get through Heavensward sometime soon, but don't want to have to deal with logging into Balmung.

#11 Jun 22 2017 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
5,729 posts
On high population servers maybe. Balmung is famous for having an absurdly high population so login queues at launch shouldn't surprise anyone. I'm on a relatively low population sever (Goblin) and if I have any login queue at all, it's less than a minute wait.

Edited, Jun 22nd 2017 12:38pm by Karlina
75 Rabbit/75 Sheep/75 Coeurl/75 Eft/75 Raptor/75 Hippogryph/75 Puk
75 Scorpion/75 Wamoura/75 Pixie/75 Peiste/64 Sabotender
51 Bird/41 Mandragora/40 Bee/37 Crawler/37 Bat

Items no one cares about: O
Missions no one cares about: O
Crafts no one cares about: O
#12 Jun 22 2017 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,737 posts
Early Access did not cost extra money, therefore you're not entitled to anything whatsoever. You paid for the CE, you got the CE bonuses. I pre-ordered, I got my earring and wind-up doll.

No. Early access was a pre-order incentive. And not a selfless one either. Early access splits up the crowd and helps prevent an even larger crush of people on launch day all trying to do exactly the same thing at exactly the same time. Basically without early access, the stability problems actually get worse.

When someone offers you something in exchange for money, and then you give them that money, you ARE entitled to the thing being offered. The word "entitled" has gotten a huge negative connotation of late mostly due to political rhetoric, but it has an actual meaning. If I pay you for a service, I am entitled to that service. I didn't give you money and then you're giving me the service as some kind of unrelated gift. It's a business transaction. And demanding that you fulfill your end of the transaction after I've fulfilled mine is not unreasonable.

And by the tone of your post, you almost accuse SE of lying about the DDoS attack

Actually, SE lying about the DDoS attack is FAR more likely than there actually being one. It does not take 5 days to identify a DDoS attack unless their security people and server teams are absolutely incompetent. Also a DDoS attack going on for 5 days is quite unusual. A far more likely explanation for the server and connectivity problems is that SE got caught with their pants down and both couldn't handle it and couldn't admit it.

svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#13 Jun 22 2017 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
no.... you paid $278 for the CE, and you got all the little goodies (even if it takes awhile). I paid $39 (IIRC?) and I got the same Early Access you did. In fact, I paid the same $39 that everybody else, including those who did not pre-order paid.

Speak for yourself... I paid $33.
Thayos Redblade
#14 Jun 22 2017 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
You were also able to buy Stormblood while early access was happening...and gain early access. It really wasn't much of a pre order incentive.

#15 Jun 22 2017 at 6:13 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
Callinon wrote:
Early Access did not cost extra money, therefore you're not entitled to anything whatsoever. You paid for the CE, you got the CE bonuses. I pre-ordered, I got my earring and wind-up doll.

No. Early access was a pre-order incentive. And not a selfless one either. Early access splits up the crowd and helps prevent an even larger crush of people on launch day all trying to do exactly the same thing at exactly the same time. Basically without early access, the stability problems actually get worse.

I very much understand that part, and I wholly support the practice, because as you said, it does split people up, rather effectively.

However, I still stand by my point that no extra money was paid to gain Early Access, and no guarantees were made of the quality of your Early Access experience, in fact I'm pretty sure the opposite was true, that they warned about Server Congestion before Early Access happened.

This is kind of like, I don't know, you see two boxes of cereal on the store shelf. They are identical boxes of cereal and they are identical prices. One of them has an advertised kids' toy packaged with it, the other does not. You buy the one with the kids' toy, and the kids' toy either is not the quality you expected, or maybe it's broken.

You did not pay extra money to get the kids' toy (both boxes of cereal were identical, including the price). I don't think it is reasonable to get angry about that situation.

When someone offers you something in exchange for money, and then you give them that money, you ARE entitled to the thing being offered. The word "entitled" has gotten a huge negative connotation of late mostly due to political rhetoric, but it has an actual meaning. If I pay you for a service, I am entitled to that service. I didn't give you money and then you're giving me the service as some kind of unrelated gift. It's a business transaction. And demanding that you fulfill your end of the transaction after I've fulfilled mine is not unreasonable.

They did give you Early Access. It's just... it wasn't the quality you were wanting, and their Terms of Service says that they are in no way obligated to make any sort of guarantees that the service will be available at any given time. You clicked the OK button on the ToS when you installed, but did you actually read it? If you didn't.. that's on you.

Not saying that to berate you, make fun of you or anything, but it's just the simple plain facts.uote]

Actually, SE lying about the DDoS attack is FAR more likely than there actually being one. It does not take 5 days to identify a DDoS attack unless their security people and server teams are absolutely incompetent. Also a DDoS attack going on for 5 days is quite unusual. A far more likely explanation for the server and connectivity problems is that SE got caught with their pants down and both couldn't handle it and couldn't admit it.

It was probably a mix of heavy server loads and DDoS attacks. I doubt it took them 5 days to identify it, it took them 5 days to notify us. Maybe they didn't want to give people ideas to jump in and add to the problem. *shrugs* You know as well as I do that SE does not tell you about a problem (or at least the reasons behind it) until after it has been dealt with. Such as RMT bans, they don't tell you they've banned RMT until after they've done so. And, they said that the nature of the DDoS attacks made it difficult because they were "changing frequently" or whatever they said. Could have been a few separate groups of people doing it here-and-there? *shrugs* I don't know.

Either way, at the end of the day, this should have been expected and prepared for, by the playerbase. You could say that SE could have prepared better, maybe they could have, but we don't know what kind of hardware they're using, we don't know how their netcode is coded, we don't know all the back-room stuff that goes on behind the scenes. It seems to me kinda silly to play armchair devs/ITs when we don't even know the details about their software, hardware, or anything else like that. It's about as silly as "doctors" who write articles for tabloids about celebrities' health trying to diagnose whatever might or might not be wrong with them when they've never seen them in person and have only seen pictures and heard rumors about them.
#16 Jun 22 2017 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Well i know it hasn't BEEN 3 weeks what Im saying is it will be 3 weeks by the time everything is back to normal. And yes i AM playing other games however 3 weeks from now plus however ling its gonna take me to catch upby the time i get to the stuff you cant do in duty finder itll all be "must have clear/exerience" "no binus" parties by that point. Tell me Im wrong.

Also this has happened with every major update tfxiv has had as such you would think SE would have precautions in place to avoid this (get bigger/better servers?) in the future instead of letting it repeat ever major patch/expansion
#17 Jun 22 2017 at 6:46 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
Why do we always have discussions and arguments like this? I got my early access (through the cheap option), and progressing the new expansion steadily with great fun while doing my day job.

The expansion is at least a glass half full (probably 90% full!). Relax and enjoy :-).
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#18 Jun 22 2017 at 9:09 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
However, I still stand by my point that no extra money was paid to gain Early Access, and no guarantees were made of the quality of your Early Access experience, in fact I'm pretty sure the opposite was true, that they warned about Server Congestion before Early Access happened.

Extra money? No. The extra that was given was time. You had to give them money before a certain date to get this incentive. So they got to have their money earlier than they otherwise would have.

And your cereal analogy doesn't really work. If a box of cereal advertises a toy and that toy is broken, then that's on the company. It's not my fault for not managing my expectations, and I'd have every right to complain in that circumstance. And y'know what? The company would fix it for me, because that's what you do.

The entire package is being sold, not part of the package and then you get this other thing you weren't expecting. Let me put that another way. If SE decided to reimburse everyone a week of game time for the server problems that would be something extra that we were not entitled to because it wasn't part of any transaction we took part in and according to the terms of service, they don't have to do it. So if they did it anyway, it'd be a nice bonus, but not something we'd be able to legitimately complain about not getting if they didn't.

When early access was advertised as a pre order incentive, it became part of the transaction and thus we became entitled to it as soon as we put down the money for a pre order. You're saying that there was no guarantee of server quality and you're right about that. But much like the broken cereal toy example, a functional product is assumed in this type of transaction and receiving a non-functional product instead is not acceptable and needs to be remedied.

Now, that all being said and these Zam ads constantly loading in making this difficult to write, tonight the servers are VASTLY improved. So it looks like either enough people quit or SE finally found the fairway and got their nonsense under control.

Well i know it hasn't BEEN 3 weeks what Im saying is it will be 3 weeks by the time everything is back to normal

Your powers of prophecy have failed you again.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#19 Jun 22 2017 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
3,441 posts
DuoMaxwellxx wrote:
Well i know it hasn't BEEN 3 weeks what Im saying is it will be 3 weeks by the time everything is back to normal. And yes i AM playing other games however 3 weeks from now plus however ling its gonna take me to catch upby the time i get to the stuff you cant do in duty finder itll all be "must have clear/exerience" "no binus" parties by that point. Tell me Im wrong.

Also this has happened with every major update tfxiv has had as such you would think SE would have precautions in place to avoid this (get bigger/better servers?) in the future instead of letting it repeat ever major patch/expansion

I logged on just earlier, on Lamia.

8 person queue (ooo, I gotta wait 30 seconds...) and very little lag, and DF working perfectly fine, right in the middle of EDT Prime Time.
#20 Jun 23 2017 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
11,159 posts
Just gonna say that while it's easy to tinfoil hat about the legitimacy of DDoS attacks, they have been a problem for numerous other titles over the past year. As Lyr noted, there are numerous reasons why someone may want to and anyone willing to pay a russian botnet can make the lives of gamers miserable for however long they wish. Yes, it's stupid. No, there's no moral high ground to be had in proving US net infrastructure/security is crap. We also know devs love to skimp on server hardware as much as possible. Mix all that together, and boom, frustration for all affected.

At the moment, pretty much all of Blizzard's services are suffering some degree of failure. So, it's not just SE.
Violence good. Sexy bad. Yay America.
#21 Jun 23 2017 at 9:41 AM Rating: Default
12,820 posts
But it's also SE - Maybe it's because I've played -every- one of their MMOs including their ill-fated Front Mission Online and Fantasy Earth before they sold it off that I know they're also notorious for miscalculating and poor planning when it comes to their MMOs on a technical level server wise. We don't "need to know" their netcode to know it's ridicously bad if you have even a HINT of knowledge about it because a lot of issues we have with XIV are because of poor netcode. We know what hardware they use based on an order they put in, but that doesn't tell us anything since it matter how it gets used because they could use the same setup as Blizzard and still have worse performance. (Also XIV saves at a ridiculous interval for what it's working with. Throw in the fact they added 2,320 new IDs with Stormblood ontop of everything, it's not a fun time.)

There's a reason people are skeptical about the DDoS, especially when most companies targeted by a DDoS doesn't attack a portion of the service, they seek to completely take it down. For example when PSN got targeted, it was taken down - when XBLive was targeted it was taken down, they didn't take down a part of the system since the whole purpose of a DDoS is 'denial of service.' It's not people just being conspiracy theorists since as said, it could be half-true because we literally could DDoS the game due to poor planning.

So why would the DDoS attackers not target the lobby and update servers thereby affecting everyone and get the most "bang for the buck"? It's poor planning and they didn't want to admit it. Gilgamesh and Balmung are the most populated servers on one NA datacenter - they have the sale numbers and player numbers, they could have even done more with newer server technology (basically renting out 'virtual' space as needed) but they didn't.

As I even said, FFXI got targeted with DDoS - what happened then? We couldn't play at all until they solved the problem. The difference here: JP and EU servers were perfectly fine. There was congestion, as expected, but it wasn't virtually unplayable like it was/slightly still is on NA data centers so if it's a DDoS targeted just to NA data centers, someone definitely has a grudge especially when buying out a botnet for a DDoS can run up to $400 if you're that desperate to troll.

As for the money, I didn't pay for my copy of stormsblood, the point was more there are people who paid over $270 that didn't get to play. You're not guaranteed anything as per ToS, but you were promised it after you got charged the money a week before SB went live. Then again I'm one of those weird people who would want the product or service I paid for to...actually work.

#22 Jun 23 2017 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Callinon wrote:
However, I still stand by my point that no extra money was paid to gain Early Access, and no guarantees were made of the quality of your Early Access experience, in fact I'm pretty sure the opposite was true, that they warned about Server Congestion before Early Access happened.

Extra money? No. The extra that was given was time. You had to give them money before a certain date to get this incentive. So they got to have their money earlier than they otherwise would have.

And your cereal analogy doesn't really work. If a box of cereal advertises a toy and that toy is broken, then that's on the company. It's not my fault for not managing my expectations, and I'd have every right to complain in that circumstance. And y'know what? The company would fix it for me, because that's what you do.

The entire package is being sold, not part of the package and then you get this other thing you weren't expecting. Let me put that another way. If SE decided to reimburse everyone a week of game time for the server problems that would be something extra that we were not entitled to because it wasn't part of any transaction we took part in and according to the terms of service, they don't have to do it. So if they did it anyway, it'd be a nice bonus, but not something we'd be able to legitimately complain about not getting if they didn't.

When early access was advertised as a pre order incentive, it became part of the transaction and thus we became entitled to it as soon as we put down the money for a pre order. You're saying that there was no guarantee of server quality and you're right about that. But much like the broken cereal toy example, a functional product is assumed in this type of transaction and receiving a non-functional product instead is not acceptable and needs to be remedied.

Now, that all being said and these Zam ads constantly loading in making this difficult to write, tonight the servers are VASTLY improved. So it looks like either enough people quit or SE finally found the fairway and got their nonsense under control.

Well i know it hasn't BEEN 3 weeks what Im saying is it will be 3 weeks by the time everything is back to normal

Your powers of prophecy have failed you again.

Umm no. If youre saying everything is "back to normal" now then no it isnt. Sure If I logged on right now or at midnight then yes Id get in just finer. But Im not taking about just certain times Im talking about being able to log on with zero issues ANY TIME of the day/.. like lets say in 5 hours from now when most ppl are just getting off work/school and trying to play, or at ANYTIME tomorrow or sunday when most pl are all off of work. THAT when the issues will be
#23 Jun 23 2017 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
1,104 posts
Theonehio wrote:
As for the money, I didn't pay for my copy of stormsblood

#24 Jun 23 2017 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Callinon wrote:
The entire package is being sold, not part of the package and then you get this other thing you weren't expecting.
You bought a blowfish. The risk was part of the package. Caveat emptor.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#25 Jun 23 2017 at 1:34 PM Rating: Good
3,737 posts
Umm no. If youre saying everything is "back to normal" now then no it isnt. Sure If I logged on right now or at midnight then yes Id get in just finer. But Im not taking about just certain times Im talking about being able to log on with zero issues ANY TIME of the day/.. like lets say in 5 hours from now when most ppl are just getting off work/school and trying to play, or at ANYTIME tomorrow or sunday when most pl are all off of work. THAT when the issues will be

So the only time you're allowed to play the game is when there will absolutely be no possibility of a queue? That's quite the self-imposed limitation you've created for yourself and then blamed for all your troubles.
svlyons wrote:
If random outcomes aren't acceptable to you, then don't play with random people.
#26 Jun 23 2017 at 8:33 PM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
No I can play jyst fine on my days off. But in my work days? Nope. I dont pay a monthly fee to only be able to access a game 2 days a week. I should be able to play 7 days a week aside from maintainence times or I should be playing for free until they can get their stuff together
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