You've been warned.
So I've never had a ton of gil. I managed to scrape together enough to finish my Zeta weapon back in 2.x using acc melds to fill in the holes. Even then the whole process cost me a ton of money.
I'd wanted, in 2.x, to get in to high-level crafting and gathering but I never seemed to have enough money to get my foot in the door. I leveled my crafts anyway and used them for what I could, mostly helping me level up lower level jobs and spiritbonding as I went (mostly accessories). Gathering was done very late in the 2.x cycle. In fact I got MIN to 50 like a week and a half before HW launched.
I did research at the time to figure out what it would take to progress in that aspect of the game, and everything came down to one thing above all: Cash. Money. Dinero. Gil. Lots of it.
Then Yoshi P started talking about the scrip system for HW and I remember thinking "oh cool, there must have been a lot of people in that same boat.. want to participate but don't have the money." So here was this system that was supposed to be an alternative to paying huge wads of cash to the MB gods. You'd spend time grinding this currency that you could exchange for gear. Cool. Perfect. I can do that, no problem. After all I'd just spent all that time grinding my Zeta weapon from an Atma weapon in about 2 months. Grinding I could do.
So last week my MIN hit 56 and blue scrip was unlocked for me to gather. Awesome, let's get that started. So I look up a timer and go where I'm supposed to go, hit the node ..... unlock the item .... ok let's try that again. Wait for the next window, hit the node, now my item's unlocked already, so now I can collectablize it: Bzzzz. Nope. Not even a chance I can accumulate enough collectability to get scrip for this.
So ok, maybe I was pushing it a bit. Trying to do it as soon as it became available may have been overly ambitious. After all I was wearing NQ vendor gear. The HQ gear was entirely too rich for my blood and spending oceans of gil on leveling gear is kind of offensive. So fine. I'll wait.
Earlier today I dinged 60 MIN! Yay! Woo! Party!
Picked up the level 60 MIN quest and it asked me to go get an HQ of something that didn't appear to have an HQ chance the last time I gathered it (adamantite ore). Hmm. Ok well maybe I had to be 60 for it to HQ. The window's about open so I'll go there now and find out. I flap on over there and....newp.... still 0% chance to HQ. Well my HQ+ abilities all say they don't work on something that starts at 0% so that's a bust for now. But ok, I reason, I just dinged and I don't really have any gear. I picked up the NQ mainhand tool and the NQ offhand tool, but everything else is still basically that same level 55 set from earlier in the story.
So I head to the MB to see what I can see in the way of level 60 gear besides the mainhand.
Well that's certainly expensive.
I manage a couple of NQ pieces. The HQ prices are ridiculous. And much to my dismay, the higher level accessories are really still not better than my level 50 ones, with the exception of the earring which I'd already made. There are no level 60 accessories at all.
So! Now I must have to go out and get scrip, because I can see that the level 58 blue scrip gear is superior to the level 60 NQ crafted gear I'm seeing/wearing. So I grab some perception food this time to help me eke out as much collectability as I can and I head out for the lowest level scrip item on my list, light kidney ore. This is the same item I tried to gather for scrip the first time back at level 56 and failed.
Still failed.
Not by as much, but it doesn't really matter. Failure is failure in this case.
So I go back to doing research. I MUST be doing something wrong. Maybe my rotation is bad? Could be.. sounds reasonable.. let's see.. Every rotation I'm seeing requires 600 GP and more perception than I have. In fact they're all telling me that I should have been able to collect the scrip item at level 56... and I should have had 600 GP at level 56. Curious. I've had 575 GP for..basically..ever.
Now I could probably get to 600 GP by melding GP onto my leveling gear. But then wait. I thought the scrip system was an alternative to doing exactly that. I thought the entire point of scrips was that I did NOT have to buy HQ gear or do/buy expensive melds. That I could spend time instead of money to obtain better gear and progress in this aspect of the game.
Well it seems that I was wrong about that. It seems that the stated purpose of scrips was either a lie or so badly designed that nobody bothered to take into account the possibility that someone might not be starting out with lucis tools and penta-melded level 50 gear. I mean.. seriously.. if I have to have super expensive gear in order to get the currency that replaces the need for super expensive gear, then what is the point of that?
This appears to be the first instance I can find of a stated FFXIV design goal failing utterly to deliver on what it's supposed to be. I mean EPIC fail right here.
So I don't really know where to go from here. I have 60 MIN now. But so what? Not only can I not gather scrip, I can't even finish my class quest. The scrip system appears to be a complete failure as far as I'm concerned.