Hello my fellow zam posters! Was just seeking some advice from you guys regarding gamepad use in ffxiv. Coming from FFXI on ps2 (my first MMO) I have always been more comfortable playing on a playstation remote control. Since beginning my MMO experience with FFXIV (my second MMO game) I have stuck with a gamepad the entire time. However, I have had exceedingly greater and greater difficulty with the lifespan of the ps3 remotes I use. I have gone through 3-4 ps3 remotes so far and I dont understand why. PS3 in my experience aren't native to PC use in general which is why I have had to use programs like the DS3 tool I use to use or the XBOX accessory program im using now. In the beginning the remote is fine and has no problems but as time passes it begins to go heywire. For example, anytime I want to lock on to a target and push in L3 the controller goes nuts and starts turning through a bunch of skill pages on the corss bar or makes me jump randomly, switch targets, or turn in circles etc for the span of about 7-10seconds which as you know can really mess with my rotation and dps output as a dps job. Eventually it gets to the point where the remote control comes on but wont connect to either a console or the pc its hooked up to even if you reset it from the back by pushing the very small black button with a pin. So I was wondering if you guys know of a way to either fix the issue thats causing the remote program within the controler to become useless or maybe suggest another non expensive gaming remote I could use to play FFXIV.
TLDR; PS3 gamepads keep becoming useless after extended use on the pc-- I was wondering if you guys know of a way to either fix the issue thats causing the remote program within the controler to become useless or maybe suggest another non expensive gaming remote I could use to play FFXIV.
Thanks in advance :)