Fynlar wrote:
Also you can get fully Alex Normal geared in 4 weeks. It might not be a happy fun time lollipop process.. sure.. but you can do it.
I can also jam these sporks into my eyes. It might not be a happy fun time lollipop activity, sure, but I COULD do it!
In other words, no. I'll take the esoterics route.
That's what's so good about Alex drops and ESO weekly allowance.
I have 3 jobs @ 60 and not far away from my 4th (had over a week off and other half still working - perfect!).
I am earning LAW for my 4th job (all others are capped with at least Law)
Upgrades from seals/hunts tends to be spread between WHM and BRD.
Alex drops are being prioritised on PLD - Second (piece based)
ESO also being prioritised on PLD - Second (piece based)
After capping Law on a job its useful because of the weekly lock out on each ESO and ALEX to also have a third option for a little upgrade. It's also useful to be able to earn Alex drops and ESO's...
If you choose not to worry about Alex drops at all, I assume you either don't have many jobs to worry about or you are happy to wait a while to fully gear up just one single job?
Personally I wish sometimes i only had one job to care about, i can upgrade that from Law > Seals > Alex > ESO and reach Max iLVL as soon as possible. Then I can have people never tell me my gear is crap and then 5 days later tell me it doesn't matter because the high end content other than Alex Savage doesn't need it............