Catwho wrote:
It depends on the fight.
Coil Turns 1-5 can be done with DF, as can all hard mode primals and some Ex primals. Duty finder is not recommended for Coil Turns 6-13.
From experience, a strange phenomenon happens from T10-T13. Assuming you can get in a group, DF for T10-T13 are actually just as good as most party finder groups (downside being you can't change jobs to fill a need and may get odd combinations like all ranged on T10 or all meele or all magic on T11). You need two tanks for all of those. T9 is a giant hurdle for most of the population, and you can bet that most who have cleared that (without being carried) know how to watch a video before jumping into a fight, and/or pick up things really fast. I beat T10 in a DF just the other day.