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Reodh Fuil
Ritual Stone
Objective 1 Throw feathers to the wind Find Reodh Fuil Place the fish by the bay
Once you arrive at Reodh Fuil, click on the Ritual Bag in inventory to complete first part of this quest The Ritual Stone is at Loc: 15.3N, 66.7W for the second part, on the black ice, look for the Angmarim's that are fishing, it is next to them.
I tried to use the feathers in several places while the name below the radar said Reodh Fuil to no avail. It wasn't until I go to 16.8N, 62.7W and Reodh Fuil showed up as a floaty name that it completed that part of the quest.
If you can't stealth in you'll need to bring a friend. I'm 50 LM with cat and I couldn't get to it. Maybe with a bit of steady picking off but I don't know. Lots of roaming mobs too.