The Will of the Iron, Part III  

Prerequisite: The Will of the Iron, Part II
Requires Tradeskill: Metalsmith
Leads To: The Will of the Iron, Part IV
Start Zone: Middle-earth
Start Area: Global
Start NPC Type: Novice Metalsmith
Flags: Crafting
Quest Level: 30
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Locations with maps: North Downs | Middle-earth
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'Your journey as a worker of metal has taken you this far, (your name), but the road still stretches on before you. If you are to continue down that road, you will need better facilities than those you have been using.

'The dwarf Ottar has a reputation for fashioning high-quality weapons and armour and might agree to further your instruction. Ask him, too, if he can provide you with a better forge and anvil. Look for Ottar in the mining-town of Othrikar, in the North Downs.',Novice Metalsmith


You bend metal to your will and command it to defend those who need defending, but still you have not mastered the art.


Objective 1
Go see Ottar in Othrikar, located in North Downs.

Objective 2
Find Jaki Stonehand located NW of Othrikar near the Father-load (5.4s 46.9w).

Objective 3
Return the Amber Ore to Ottar in Othrikar without breaking or droping it.