2/6: +50.4 in-Combat Morale Regeneration
4/6: +9 Might
6/6: +18 Fate
Gloves of the White Flame Slot: Hands Type: Light Armour Bind on Equip 139 Armour +9 Agility +9 Fate Durability: 30/30 Sturdiness: Normal Description: Armour of the White Flame. Crafted by dwarf-masters of finely-tooled leather and hardened steel from the depths of the great mines beneat Ered Luin. Usage Requirements:Minimum Level: 30 Worth: 4 90 | Helm of the White Flame Slot: Head Type: Light Armour Bind on Equip 34 Armour +10 Vitality Durability: 35/35 Sturdiness: Normal Description: Armour of the White Flame. Crafted by dwarf-masters of finely-tooled leather and hardened steel from the depths of the great mines beneath Ered Luin. Usage Requirements:Minimum Level: 31 Worth: 5 15 | Jacket of the White Flame Slot: Chest Type: Light Armour Bind on Equip 305 Armour +20 Will Durability: 35/35 Sturdiness: Normal Description: Armour of the White Flame. Crafted by dwarf-masters of finely-tooled leather and hardened steel from the depths of the great mines beneat Ered Luin. Minimum Level: 33 Worth: 5 15 |
Leggings of the White Flame Slot: Legs Type: Light Armour Bind on Equip 98 Armour +29 Power Durability: 40/40 Sturdiness: Normal Description: Armour of the White Flame. Crafted by dwarf-masters of finely-tooled leather and hardened steel from the depths of the great mines beneath Ered Luin. Usage Requirements:Minimum Level: 32 Worth: 5 40 | Shoes of the White Flame Slot: Feet Type: Light Armour Bind on Equip 46 Armour +10 Agility Durability: 30/30 Sturdiness: Normal Description: Armour of the White Flame. Crafted by dwarf-masters of finely-tooled leather and hardened steel from the depths of the great mines beneat Ered Luin. Usage Requirements:Minimum Level: 31 Worth: 5 5 |