Recovering the Lost Leaf  

Prerequisite: Lost Dog
Series Name: Missing the Meeting
Leads To: Missing the Meeting
Start Zone: Evendim
Start Area: Bullroarer's Sward
Start Location: Glass-blower's Camp
Start Mob: Ronald Dwale
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Cash Granted: 18s 20c
Exp Granted: 2170
Quest Level: 31
Min Level: 26
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Locations with maps: Evendim
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    Ronald Dwale
    Bullroarer's Sward
    Lost Leaf of Paper


'If my last task was not too taxing, I am in great need of some assistance from a fellow lover of the written word. I would hope that a Class of your reputation would be interested in assisting me.

'Not long ago, I seemed to have misplaced a very important leaf of paper while I was walking with my notes. This paper contains the beginning lines of a story I plan on writing for my children that has been conjuring in my head for some time now.

Now that most of the town has been sold off I have not been able to search for my paper. The last time I tried to have a look around I was chased off by a group of those ruffians.

'I would rewrite it, but I cannot seem to recall the exact wording. If you could find it, I would be deeply in your debt. I think I dropped it somewhere in town.'


Ronald Dwale has misplaced an important leaf of paper.


Objective 1

  • Find the lost leaf of paper
  • Ronald Dwale remembers dropping his paper somewhere in Dwaling, north of the Bullroarer's Sward.

    Ronald Dwale has asked you to find his lost leaf of paper.

    Objective 2

  • Bring the lost leaf of paper to Ronald Dwale
  • Ronald Dwale is at Hob Hillbrow's home at the Bullroarer's Sward in Dwaling.

    You should return the leaf of paper to Ronald Dwale.


    Lost leaf is location in Dwaling, near many chief's hunters and workers at 20.9S, 64.1W