Lucky Sling-stone  

Start Zone: The Shire
Start Area: Overhill
Start Mob: Everard Holebourne
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Cash Granted: 90c
Quest Level: 10
Min Level: 7
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    Deer Corpse


'I've lost my lucky sling-stone! I had just dropped a deer when suddenly a bear - a huge, brown bear it was, too - grabbed the kill and dragged it off! I don't care about the venison, but I need my lucky sling-stone! I can't hunt without it.

'Please, help me if you can and get back that sling-stone from the deer's carcass. The bear dragged it off into that big den to the north of here. He's probably on the slopes north of the Bolestones, feasting on the deer I killed.

'All my luck has gone away with that stone!'


Everard Holebourne lost his venison and his favourite sling-stone to a marauding bear.


Objective 1

The bear den is north of Overhill, located on the slopes above the Bolestones. Everard awaits you at his home in the middle of Overhill.

Everard Holebourne has asked you to retrieve his lucky sling-stone from the carcass of the deer he killed, which was dragged off to a bear den.


Deer carcass can be found at s25.5 w70.6, in the mouth of the north-most bear den in the area.