Rangers and Rogues  

Start Zone: Bree-land
Start Area: Southern Bree-fields
Start Mob: Chief Watcher Grimbriar
Items Needed:Reputation Increased: 700 Men of Bree
Cash Granted: 1s 5c
Exp Granted: 738
Quest Level: 12
Min Level: 8
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Locations with maps: Bree-land
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    Southern Leader
    Southern Lieutenant
    Brigand's Watch
    Saeradan's Cabin
    Southern Bree-fields


'Now, listen here. I don't much like these so-called Rangers who roam the country doing who knows what, and I'm not sure I trust them either. But still, I have to admit they do some good now and then. It may be that they know what's going on with these brigands and with this Sharkey character.

'I want you to bring this medallion over to a man named Saeradan. He has a cabin in the woods. It's a ways out of Bree to the north and a little to the east.

'Be careful. I've not met this Saeradan fellow myself and I don't know if he can be trusted.'


Grimbriar asked you take the medallion you found to the Ranger Saeradan, but Saeradan proved unable to help you. He did suggest, however, that the brigand-captains may carry evidence that will illuminate the meaning of the medallion.


Objective 1
Bring the brigand's medallion to Saeradan.

Saeradan has a cabin in the Bree-fields, north of Bree and a little east.

Grimbriar does not trust the Rangers, but wonders if Saeradan might not know a little more about the brigands. He has suggested that you take the medallion to the Ranger and learn what he has to say about it.

Objective 2
Defeat a Southern Leader or a Southern Lieutenant and search him for the Brigand's Note.

There is a small band of brigands to the south-west of Saeradan's cabin, on Thornley's land.

Grimbriar asked you to take the medallion you found to the Ranger Saeradan, but Saeradan proved unable to help you. He did suggest, however, that the brigand-captains may carry evidence that will illuminate the meaning of the medallion.

Objective 3
Bring the Brigand's Note to Saeradan.

Saeradan remains at his cabin, east of Thornley's fields.

The threat described by the note you discovered on the brigand-captain seems far more serious than either Grimbriar or Saeradan may have realized. You should take the note back to Saeradan.


A Southern Lieutenant can be found in the main encampment at Brigand's Watch 27.3S, 53.8W.

This quest MAY have been removed from the game.