got mine today...only took around 5-6 hours of farming spread out over a couple a **** loat of xp while doing it too, with ring on, chain 1, 540 xp...
does anyone really ever rest to full mp during XP anyway? ussually there isnt that much time between pulls this HMP gear is really good to get that mp up faster between pulls
With the HMP gear that is presently available in the game, it is possible, without using food, to have base HMP at 50mp for the first tick rested. Considering the base HMP is 27mp with Clear Mind V, I'd say it's pretty impressive and nescessary to reduce downtime in that way.
As far as I know, these are all the items that will increase HMP:
Prepare to spend up to 40 hours of solo farming for the organs to get one of these as a BLM. Also, make sure you trade a Silver earring and a Black chip, not White. I made the mistake of trading a White chip and got the Sanative earring. -.-
You need 5 Euvhi Organs and 5 Luminian Tissue to get one. I've only had good luck getting them to drop from the T-VT Aw'Euvhi in the Garden of Ru'Hmet. Never got one to drop in the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. ; ;
Sorry. Decided to look up some things and decide what a decent person could afford and suppliment with that they could go camp/hunt/quest. One serious macro to change EQ when healing then one to change back while standing. O.O; Sorry, random thought but you could get some serious MP boost while healing if you work at it.
add the Wizard mantle if you are Subing blm and some cookie (like ginger or wizard) and you wont have to rest alot to get your mps back ^^
only problem is that all this HMP+ stuff doesnt have alot of mp bonus (beside hierarch belt), so when you change equipment to the one you use to stand up you may have only 70-80% of your MPs.
with my full MP stuff i have 1072MP
with Dark Staff + Errant Houppelande + Boroka + Relaxing Earring + Hierarch's Belt + Pachamac's Collar + Baron's Slops + Wizard Mantle i have 912MP left
and as taru² i dont have so much MP+ stuff so if you have stuff like Astral earring/ring and Zenith stuff you better do 3 macros to change EQ.. like one to switch to full HMP gear, one to switch to full MP gear but Dark Staff main, and one to finaly switch to the weapons you use (like Asklepios + Astral Shield).
(please forgive me for my bad english >> i'm french)
You're definitely right that you would have to swap back in MP stuff if you were using it, but that just means you have to change it before you're done resting. You can change pieces in one at a time, but a more reasonable way would be to just change from the rest gear to the mp gear just before you're full on mp, that way you lose some of the resting mp return, but since you've probably been resting for at least a little while, so you should still get back a good amount anyway.
How could we not use more rare/ex items for people like myself to ***** themselves out to collect them? This and Boroka would be a fun combination combination to add to the already impressive stuff at our disposal.