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Conjurer's Ring
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Latent Effect: Avatar Perpetuation Cost

  • The latent effect triggers when the player's current HP is at or below 75% and their current TP is under 100%.

Final Fantasy XI

Category: Final Fantasy XI
This page last modified 2010-05-01 14:33:55.
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Easy Test
# Jul 29 2007 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Ok so I was reading this and nobody seems to have said a definate how the latent kicks in.

First off I'm lvl 51 with HQ staffs and austers gear that being said ramuh costs me 3 a tick. I put the ring on no effect. went and got some bats to beat on me a lil bit till I hit yellow hp. I did not wear any HP+ or - gear so what HP I had was my base. When I hit yellow HP I killed bats and brought out ramuh at 2 a tick. So mystery solved yellow HP unless you have HP effecting gears.

Which kinda sucks since well most smn/whm and /whm at 50 when you can wear the ring gives you HP regen.
Latent effect
# Nov 10 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
Going back to the same latent effect and the never ending quest for smn to get free avatars....
have u guys tried: Penance Robe + HQ elemental staves = -5 mp perpetuation cost
this means u can have not only free avatars, but MP refresh from smn + stronger avatar attacks, and u dont need to worry of having to fit the latent effect from conjurer's ring, u can have 100% HP and u can take 300% TP for MB
cya have nice day
Latent effect
# Dec 24 2006 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
If you were a SMN high enough to experiment with this, instead of speculating... you would know that YinYang Robe (Refresh, aka -1) + HQ Staff (-3) + Auto-Refresh (aka -1) + Evoker's Ring (-1) = -6 Avatar Perpetuation Cost. At level 73, with all that, I still have a drain of -6MP/tick, which means that avatars are definately not free.

The only avatar I have for free is Carbuncle, which I actually have a +1MP/tick refresh with YY, NQ staff, Evoker's Ring, & Carbuncle Mitts. I've experimented with the HQ light staff vs. the regular, there is no bonus of any kind (still +1MP/tick).

With all of this gear on, I get +1MP/tick. If I take off the YY Robe, I have -1/tick w/ carby out. With Austere Robe, I have 0MP/tick. ...interesting
latent effect
# Jan 24 2006 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
sometimes latent effects arent 100% to kick in on something either. for example i have used caitiff's socks for long time and they have saved me alot but. they are not 100% to kick in. the more u get hit and the lower ur hp is the higher "chance" of it is to kick in. so this latent effect could be like that. maybe it has higher chance to kick in at times but doesnt always.
# Mar 14 2005 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Well as far as I can tell noone has really figured out how this ring is triggered since lvl 50 I've been wandering.....
I have gone outside and changed to every sub I could and tested this and got nothing. I've known people to try and take their hp into yellow and red and it still not work.
So finally my other option......
I had sold the ring quite a while back and I'm gonna try to buy another one, and I bought a Conjurer's Earring last night and I'm gonna test them out together.

wish me luck^^
RE: test
# Oct 12 2005 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
k, a little insight:

All the L70 latent earrings require yellow HP and less than 100% TP.
All the L50 latent rings require yellow HP and less than 100% TP.
All the L30 latent earrings require a specific subjob.

Edited, Wed Oct 12 15:04:34 2005
RE: test
# Feb 03 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Excellent
1,250 posts
Actually, the Lv70 earrings require under 26% HP and less than 100% TP. Lv50 rings require under 76% HP and less than 100% TP.

-- Starfox
RE: test
# Aug 29 2005 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
Have you tested it out with anyother avatar? To see if you get -1 ? Does it work ? When you use carby he still has a -.5 or 1 cost while using light staff and carby mitts. ive noticed you can not get full mp. you will always be 1 off because of this cost.
# Dec 11 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
If I had a summoner, I would test this out myself, but I don't. At least not one at 50.
This is the only level 50 Ring that has a latent effect you can actually -see- in effect. You can't tell with the Rogue's Ring if your "Steal" went up by three. You can't see Double Attack occuring 2% more often with the Soldier's Ring. But you can see your Avatar's only taking away a certain amount of mp over time. So I ask any 50+ summoner reading this to test this if they can. Find out if it works in yellow HP, <100% TP, etc. Though I have the feeling that all the rings have different ways of activating their effects... and that -really- sucks.
RE: Hmm...
# Dec 19 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
55 posts
52 smn on Ragnarok here. I just tested it. Results:

Effect procs when under 75% HP AND when TP is under 100%. I tested MP all the way below 20%, but it had no effect. ALSO: minimum MP cost for an avatar is 1!! With Carby's Mitts and Light Staff Carby is free, but my Auto-Regen has no effect. With this Ring's effect on my Auto-Regen STILL does not work.

The only case in which this is useful is if you farm with your bigger avatars, in which case you might like to get 75% HP, Stoneskin and then let them do their thing, but for farming with Carbuncle, like many summoners do, this isn't really worth your gil. Cheap, pseudo-useless versuon of Carby's Mitts. Save your gil unless you already have enough perpetuation cost -x to farm with the Big Boys.
RE: Hmm...
# Apr 12 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
With Carby's Mitts and Light Staff Carby is free, but my Auto-Regen has no effect. With this Ring's effect on my Auto-Regen STILL does not work.

That's because the order is: "Auto Refresh" is consumed by the avatar before the avatar uses up the -perpetuation. I truely wish this was backwards so we could keep Auto Refresh in such cases, but sadly, any refresh we have is consumed by avatar cost before our -perpetuation is taken into consideration. Or at least this is my understanding from other smn's. (Example, lvl 51 smn w/ carby mitts, apollo staff and austere robe... casts carby, gets refresh from rdm... the smn will still see no refresh effect). Sadly, I'm not 51 to use my apollo's staff just yet, and I don't have carby mitts either ;;
RE: Hmm...
# Apr 12 2005 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
With Carby's Mitts and Light Staff Carby is free, but my Auto-Regen has no effect. With this Ring's effect on my Auto-Regen STILL does not work.

That's because the order is: "Auto Refresh" is consumed by the avatar before the avatar uses up the -perpetuation. I truely wish this was backwards so we could keep Auto Refresh in such cases, but sadly, any refresh we have is consumed by avatar cost before our -perpetuation is taken into consideration. Or at least this is my understanding from other smn's. (Example, lvl 51 smn w/ carby mitts, apollo staff and austere robe... casts carby, gets refresh from rdm... the smn will still see no refresh effect). Sadly, I'm not 51 to use my apollo's staff just yet, and I don't have carby mitts either ;;
RE: Hmm...
# Jan 30 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Even if your Carby cost is 0 or -1 you lost your 1mp refresh from SMN.

Other with refresh from armor like Vermillion Cloak or Ying-Yang Robe. You can have Carby out with 1 mp refresh with this items.

Same with refresh from RDM BRD or foood.

Math goes in this order:

Ava cost - SMN refresh - perpetual cost equip

if it results in a minus value it counts like 0

Other refreshes are added afterwards.

Edited, Mon Jan 30 09:15:26 2006
RE: Hmm...
# Sep 07 2005 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
If we get refresh from RDMs we still get 3mp/tick even with cabby out. I think it's like someone else said that you can only cut down an avatars perpetuation cost to 1.
RE: Hmm...
# Sep 28 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Excellent
One test that would be interesting is to equip a Rune weapon. They drain 3 Mp/tick while drawn; if you have a 'free' Carby even without auto-refresh (Carby Mitts + Light Staff + this ring activated, for example) and a Rune weapon, would you lose 3 Mp/tick, or 2 Mp/tick? Anyone know?
RE: Hmm...
# Dec 22 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Default
CarbWatcher wrote:
One test that would be interesting is to equip a Rune weapon. They drain 3 Mp/tick while drawn; if you have a 'free' Carby even without auto-refresh (Carby Mitts + Light Staff + this ring activated, for example) and a Rune weapon, would you lose 3 Mp/tick, or 2 Mp/tick? Anyone know?

if you read how they said the mp goes in order, the weapon would come out last, thus leaving you with a -3mp/tick drain.
so what?
# Sep 30 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
So what triggers this ring then?
Latent Effect
# Sep 26 2004 at 2:38 PM Rating: Excellent
The latent effect on the level 50 rings are as follows:

1) You're HP is yellow or lower, and
2) You have less than 100% TP
# Jun 12 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
149 posts
Ok what's the deal with Latent on this It cant be sub-job related. I mean its only for summoners...
RE: Latent?
# Sep 14 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Latent effects usually fall under 2 main circumstances-
1.) Job / sub job
2.) Low HP - usually in the yellow range
- rogues ring gives you
+3 to steal when your in yellow
- Magicians' earring - +30 MP when your sub is a summoner
RE: Latent?
# Sep 14 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Tue Sep 14 13:36:53 2004
RE: Latent?
# Jul 09 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,070 posts
these latent effects are different and have to do with HP. if youre lower than (i think) 50-75% HP, the latent effect will kick in.
RE: Latent?
# Jul 10 2004 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
No. That's not the case.
RE: Latent?
# Aug 02 2004 at 5:21 AM Rating: Decent
What is the case?
What triggers this latent effect?
RE: Latent?
# Aug 18 2004 at 1:52 AM Rating: Decent
Latent effects are not only trigger just by low HP for every item. For most items it's a mystery, you have to keep a keen eye on things and notice the effects kick in. Only SE knows the secret, part of the fun is having to figure them out,.. if you wanna call it that, fun.
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