Mercenaries (EQ2)  

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Wrong name on Pirate Mercenary
# May 23 2015 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
Under the AoM mercs, both the pygmy merc and the pirate merc are listed as Zelbie Whackya. That is correct for the Pygmy merc. The name of the Pirate Merc is Lady Belizabart Killigrump. She can be hired at (266.60, 7.15, -872.12) on Deathweave Island, in the Tranquil Sea.
Marketplace Mercs
# May 23 2015 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
For Marketplace Mercs, Clik-Clank Mnk 42 can be added to Common Monk category (he sold for 1mil status) and Veldra Kradane, the Lost can be added to Rare Inquisitor (the merchant offered 6mil for her coin)
IT does cost SC to unlock the feature
# Feb 18 2014 at 10:16 AM Rating: Decent

It costs 1500 Station cash to unlock the Mercenary feature from SOE shop (I just bought it and I could not hire a merc without the feature purchased) and THEN it costs the 100 SC pr. mercenary to use anywhere you are.

Edited, Feb 21st 2014 2:41am by c00lg33k
Captain Bloodstain location
# Apr 13 2013 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
The purchase NPC location for Captain Bloodstain is on the beach in Obol Plains at /waypoint 310.60, -5.28, 930.73
Captain Bloodstain location
# Apr 13 2013 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
Thanks, I'll add that. You're quite welcome to edit/add to the Guide if you like. That's the power of wiki :)
gigglegibber merc
# Jan 31 2013 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
is the gigglegibber thief a new addition or a special merc or what?
A note on finding Kenny
# Nov 08 2012 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Found something interesting when I found Kenny up on Public Test-when I first got him tracked from the guards at Nek dock his location showed him SE of NMars station. Discovering this I went to the bank to get the plats to hire him. Returning to the dock to re-track him he appeared at a different spot-he now showed up by Dire Hollow. Hopping over to find him I was surprised to find I could hire him for 12 plat, not the typical 30 I had expected. I do not know if this was due to my characters level (69) or being on test. The renew fee was 2 plat, 10 gold.
A note on finding Kenny
# Nov 14 2012 at 10:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
Miasarra wrote:
Found something interesting when I found Kenny up on Public Test-when I first got him tracked from the guards at Nek dock his location showed him SE of NMars station. Discovering this I went to the bank to get the plats to hire him. Returning to the dock to re-track him he appeared at a different spot-he now showed up by Dire Hollow. Hopping over to find him I was surprised to find I could hire him for 12 plat, not the typical 30 I had expected. I do not know if this was due to my characters level (69) or being on test. The renew fee was 2 plat, 10 gold.

Hmmm.. I'd almost bet it was level related. I'll have to try and find one of the elites on one of my lower level alts and try that out!
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# Jun 16 2012 at 10:10 PM Rating: Decent
the last two mercs listed are the same as two listed before it. These are the ones in question:
Laborine Construct - Lyceum of the Recondite at 350.68, 0.01, 40.77
Archon Ancient Mercenary - Dracur Prime at -343.03, 0.01, -20.66

there are only 3 SS mercs excluding any 'elite' ones
Helpful tip
# May 15 2012 at 12:49 PM Rating: Decent
I have noticed that you can "ask" a guard where to find the Elite Mercenaries are. Helps if you don't have tracking.
Helpful tip
# May 16 2012 at 10:10 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
niraj wrote:
I have noticed that you can "ask" a guard where to find the Elite Mercenaries are. Helps if you don't have tracking.

That's pretty funny.. added it to the Elite merc section, thanks!
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Helpful tip
# May 23 2015 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
The guards are no longer able to tell you if or where elite mercs might be--it was disabled by the devs a good while back. Tracking still works like a charm though.
do these mercs run away ??
# Dec 25 2011 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
on eq1 i have had healing mercs run away ........merc says some thing like this " you dont pay me enoff for this kinda ??" lol and then they run off

just wondering if eq2 mercs might do the same
do these mercs run away ??
# Jan 01 2012 at 8:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
lalalaLadyDay wrote:
on eq1 i have had healing mercs run away ........merc says some thing like this " you dont pay me enoff for this kinda ??" lol and then they run off

just wondering if eq2 mercs might do the same

Haven't seen it happen yet and I had mine out yesterday (a healer one) while mass-pulling 15-20 heroics in Tombs of Night. :)
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Re: Merc Questions
# Dec 11 2011 at 9:24 AM Rating: Excellent
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2,350 posts
FlameingPumpkin - You can only have one mercenary at a time. I believe for tank mercs they only get the debuff if the fight becomes overwhelming (too many mobs or the merc getting ripped through by the mob).
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Re: Merc Questions
# Oct 09 2012 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
Cyliena wrote:
FlameingPumpkin - You can only have one mercenary at a time.

Hello :) I'm trying to clarify a point to hiring Mercs and changing from one Merc to another. This being: Do we have to ante up the nominal 5 plat each time we change our preference for one to another? From what I gather, we still go back to the place we 'hire' them to make the change - except for those Mercs who were hired elsewhere and are supposed to be ever-after available to the player character at their "home" Merc market. I'm not against investing good plat, at the same time, this is one of those questions that should have had a clear answer in game, I suppose it is just I haven't FOUND it yet. Thanks!

- Also, I read in the help file in game the Game Masters indicate if a Merc isn't "paid" on a daily basis, this is the mechanic as to how they leave your employ?


Edited, Oct 9th 2012 1:49pm by MerleFR
Re: Merc Questions
# Oct 15 2012 at 6:24 AM Rating: Excellent
Empress of News
2,350 posts
MerleFR wrote:
Cyliena wrote:
FlameingPumpkin - You can only have one mercenary at a time.

Hello :) I'm trying to clarify a point to hiring Mercs and changing from one Merc to another. This being: Do we have to ante up the nominal 5 plat each time we change our preference for one to another? From what I gather, we still go back to the place we 'hire' them to make the change - except for those Mercs who were hired elsewhere and are supposed to be ever-after available to the player character at their "home" Merc market. I'm not against investing good plat, at the same time, this is one of those questions that should have had a clear answer in game, I suppose it is just I haven't FOUND it yet. Thanks!

- Also, I read in the help file in game the Game Masters indicate if a Merc isn't "paid" on a daily basis, this is the mechanic as to how they leave your employ?


Yes, you do have to pony up the hiring fee each time you change your mercenary. Also, elite mercs are not available in your home city, so if you have one and switch from them, you would have to be lucky enough to find them again in the world. The other mercs you hire, -if- they are from the opposing faction cities, you'll be able to find them in Qey or FP.

As for mercs getting paid--if you don't have enough for the upkeep (30 min intervals) they will leave!
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OH 1 more question
# Dec 07 2011 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
If a merc loses too much confidence they will panic and suffer from a stat decrease. Avoid this by keeping aggro.
from the write up

Umm this as a Templar healer would not want me to hire a Tank Dps and try a dungeon of triple up yellow epics ... this would be bad and defeat the reason for hiring a Merc maybe i'm taking this ... too literally

still excited though and hope they fill the hours when finding a group fails

Flameing Pumpkin

OH 1 more question
# Apr 13 2013 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
FlameingPumpkin wrote:
If a merc loses too much confidence they will panic and suffer from a stat decrease. Avoid this by keeping aggro.
from the write up

Umm this as a Templar healer would not want me to hire a Tank Dps and try a dungeon of triple up yellow epics ... this would be bad and defeat the reason for hiring a Merc maybe i'm taking this ... too literally

still excited though and hope they fill the hours when finding a group fails

Flameing Pumpkin

Um... yeah, in my opinion that's poorly worded. It's more that the mercenary will lose confidence, panic and suffer from a stat decrease IF you don't keep them HEALED. As an Inquisitor with a vast experience of using mercenaries, I've never had a problem with a mercenary as long as I keep them healed. Some may argue this, but what seems to work best for me and others I know, is to offset the type of mercenary based on your class. I.E.; If you are a healer class, having a tank type mercenary seems to work best and vice versus if you're a tank, having a healer mercenary seems to work better. (again just an opinion).
OH 1 more question
# Apr 13 2013 at 4:56 PM Rating: Excellent
6,786 posts
That was from a dev post ages ago :) I like your wording better.
how many mercs can 1 player have
# Dec 07 2011 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
How many mercs can 1 player have?
Are they like mounts and stay available too you at anytime?

I ask because if you are only allowed to have a couple or 1 at a time ... I would not be giving up my rare Dps for a gimp healer just because its needed in group. I foresee some extreme ranting

thanks in advance

Flameing Pumpkin
how many mercs can 1 player have
# Apr 13 2013 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
27 posts
FlameingPumpkin wrote:
How many mercs can 1 player have?
Are they like mounts and stay available too you at anytime?

I ask because if you are only allowed to have a couple or 1 at a time ... I would not be giving up my rare Dps for a gimp healer just because its needed in group. I foresee some extreme ranting

thanks in advance

Flameing Pumpkin

A player can only have ONE mercenary at a time. They are NOT like mounts and are not available to you once you "dismiss/destroy" it. Once you hire a mercenary it REPLACES any previous mercenary you may have hired, you'll only be allowed to bring that single mercenary out and can store it for future re-spawning (re-spawn times depends on the cool-down timer). Re-spawn times range from 2 minutes up to a few days depending on the type mercenary i.e.; regular, prestige versus elite. Please note that prestige mercenaries are obtained via the use of a token that seems to only be looted from RAID zones, most notably "Harrow's End" whereas Elite mercenaries are purchased off of NPC's that randomly spawn throughout Norrath and are the most expensive to purchase or maintain and have the longest re-spawn timers. There are several classes of prestige mercenaries (Warden, Bezerker, Troubadour, Assassin) and each looted token will specify which type of mercenary you can obtain using that particular token. Right clicking on the token will spawn a "purchase" NPC in specific locations throughout Norrath. Visiting the purchase NPC will offer you the opportunity to buy that one specific prestige mercenary. Once you dismiss/destroy the mercenary you'll need to go back to either Qeynos or Freeport to rehire the mercenary OR in cases of prestige mercenaries you'll have to obtain the token again and then go back to the location of original purchase. Often, you can find these "CoE loot drop mercenary tokens" for sale on the world broker if you search under the term "mercenary".

Level of mercenaries:
Elite Mercenaries (strongest - dual class)
CoE Looted Mercenaries (Prestige - single class)
Special Mercenaries (AoD Collection Edition - single class)
Ancient Mercenaries (Skyshrine - single class)
Standard (AoD basic expansion - weakest - single class)

While I'm NOT trying to re-write the article, I AM trying to bring out a bit more information about the prestige mercenaries and recap the types of mercs in a logical "lowest to highest" format, and some may argue the arrangements of levels (that is strictly my opinion based on owning ones from each level).

Edited, Apr 13th 2013 8:55am by Councellor

Edited, Apr 13th 2013 9:02am by Councellor
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