For example, I have a much easier time with Star Wars than I do Star Trek. Or, something like Babylon5. That was actually very well-done as far as acceptable hand-waving goes.
The physics of a warp drive is actually pretty well explained (assuming that's the physics issue you're having a problem with). Actually the physics of interstellar travel in Star Wars isn't explained all that well. "Lightspeed" isn't anywhere NEAR fast enough to travel across the galaxy in what you would consider a reasonable span of time. Babylon 5 did a superb job with this, definitely agreed there.
In the extra material supplied with the PS2 games (the anime shorts), and in the PS2 game itself, it was implied that such condition persisted for multiple IRL DAYS. If that dude is sitting at his home, VR headset on, controller in his hands in a coma for Days and nobody found him, none of his friends contacted authorities/EMT/911/whatever, then I'd just have to ask.. uh, wtf? Maybe the people in question live alone in their houses, but pretty sure at least one of them had family. You're trying to tell me the family just left them drooling in a coma like that for multiple days?
I assumed the coma victims were taken to the hospital. I think this was actually stated explicitly in the G.U. series. I can't remember if the Sign series (which includes the games) ever came right out and explained this, but as you say it's not reasonable to assume those people were just left drooling at their computers.
And what about the game, its developers, and lawsuits? The first instance is a fluke. Second, eh... but when you get to the third, fourth, and beyond cases of this happening in the same game, under similar conditions... then you might be looking at lawsuits and the government getting involved, court cases, what-not... but I don't recall any of this happening in the anime, though?
It's explained in G.U.. There's a lot of backstory provided for what happened to the first version of The World. Basically it's what you just said. The developers were sued and prosecuted into oblivion and another developer picked the game up and redeisgned it and released it as The World R2.
Maybe so, but still. The premise behind the game itself just seems a bit boring.
The World R1 was largely a social game. There were gameplay elements to it for people that liked grinding. But the entire point of the game was a social hub to play with your friends in this online space.
Well I can agree with DBZ, as an adult I can see ppl only watched that for the fights and action... you know flashing lights and explosions.. the kinda stuff that would entertain a 12 year old not an adult seeking a rich (or even decent) story. SO DBZ isnt BAD but it wouldnt be on the list of anime Id recommend to others to watch.
If you're watching DBZ for the story, you're officially doing it wrong. It's meant to be something you can turn your brain off and just enjoy for the cool fight scenes and over-the-top powers.