Blankets from the Baying Wolves  

Start Zone: Lone-Lands
Start Area: Annunlos
Start Location: The Forsaken Inn
Start Mob: Arinora
Items Needed:Items Rewarded:Cash Granted: 1s 80c
Exp Granted: 881
Quest Level: 22
Min Level: 18
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Locations with maps: Lone-Lands
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    Howling Yellowfang
    Lurking Yellowfang
    Silent Yellowfang
    Minas Eriol
    The Weather Hills


'Too many travellers, and the nearest water sits foul and stagnant. We've the well, for certain, but water is rationaed with all the guests at the Inn. Used to be simple for me to see to the care of the guests.

'Blankets need mending and making, and no better hides in the area than those of the wolves. Wargs are too coarse, but a wolf's fur can be made soft with a comb. If you've the time, I need your assistance, as you'll not see me stomping through the brush and rocks to get to the wolves.

'There are a few places you may want to look for wolves with proper hides. First is to the south in the ruins of Minas Eriol, though there are also goblins to deal with there. Second is the east and north through the Weather Hills. Last, you could travel even furthernorth, but the wolves in the Midgewater Pass have thicker and mangier fur. When you've got the futs, return to me.'


Arinora's responsibilities began to overwhelm her when the Munces arrived at the Forsaken Inn. Anlaf is an unforgiving innkeep, or so Arinora would have you believe, and she needs assistance watching over the other help and seeing to the needs of the travellers.


Objective 1
Collect Wolf-hides from wolves in the Lone-lands (0/8)

Wolves can be found in Minas Eriol south of the Inn, in the Weather Hills to the northeast, and in the Midgewater pass to the north.

Arinora, at the Forsaken Inn, asked you to collect wolf-hides so she can make blankets for the Inn's guests.

Objective 2
Bring wolf-hides to Arinora