A Salve For Stings  

Prerequisite: Honey-bears
Leads To: Long Live the Queen
Start Zone: The Shire
Start Area: Tookland
Start Mob: Polo Proudfoot
Flags: Solo
Quest Level: 10
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Locations with maps: The Shire
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'Sorry to say, but I got more bee problems. You saved the one hive, but the queens in the others were killed by the bears, and I need new ones. But it isn't that simple.

'First of all, the wild hives are off in the woods to the south...that's right, where all them bears live in the first place. Second thing -- and we'll deal with it first -- those wild bees don't take kindly to being moved, so you'll need to protect yourself from their stings. Now Gammer Boffin up in Overhill, she's got some kind of balm that will protect you from stings, so you just go and get some of that salve from her.

'Overhill is almost due north of here, the other side of Hobbiton, so it's a ways off. Hurry back...I need those queens!'


Farmer Polo Proudfoot needs new bee queens to replace the ones killed by bears. Before you can go hunting wild hives, you'll need to get a salve to protect yourself from bee stings.


Objective 1

Gammer Boffin is in Overhill, some considerable distance north of Tuckborough, on the other side of Hobbiton.

Before you can collect new queen-bees for Farmer Proudfoot, you will need to obtain the means to protect yourself from the stings of the wild bees. Proudfoot told you to get a special balm from Gammer Boffin.

Objective 2

Collect Toad-stones

Toads can be found in Rushock Bog, west of Overhill, beyond Hobbiton, and also in the marsh just north of Frogmorton. Gammer Boffin is in Overhill, a town nestled in the Bindbole Wood.


Many of the Toads can be found in the far southwest corner of Rushock Bog