Studying the Local Wildlife  

Series Name: Western Insects
Leads To: The Local Wildlife is Deadly
Start Zone: The Water-Works
Start Area: The Water-works
Start Location: The Rotting Cellar
Start Mob: Aguti
Flags: Solo
Items Needed:Reputation Increased: 700 Iron Garrison Miners
Cash Granted: 26s 25c
Exp Granted: 8685
Item Exp Granted: 6545
Quest Level: 54
Min Level: 50
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Locations with maps: The Water-Works
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    Ambushing Glass-spider
    Fell Glass-spider
    The Water-works


'I am curious to know more about what lurks in the depths of the Waterworks. I have identified three major forms of creature here: toads, lizards, and spiders -- all of them vile, creeping things.

'I want to know more about them, however, and how we might stem their growth. If you would brind me back some samples of the specimens, I should be able to determine who eats what, and perhaps I can find a way to pit them against each other.

'You can find these creatures all throughout the Waterworks. I would like to see thse vermin distracted from their apetite for my kinsmen.'


Aguti is curious as to the nature of the wildlife in the Waterworks and is looking for someone to help him investigate.


Objective 1
Collect creatures samples (0/8)

Toads, lizards, and spiders can be found all over the Waterworks in Moria.

Aguti wants to know more about the locals wildlife. He asked you to gather samples of the toads, lizards, and spiders of the Waterworks.

Objective 2
Speak to Aguti

Aguti can be found at the Rotting Cellar camp in the Waterworks.

Aguti will want to see the samples while they are still fresh, for he ho[es to learn from them.