Protector's Reproach

2/2: On any damage: Reflect 147.0 damage

Lothlorien Protector's Locket
Slot: Pocket
Bind on Acquire
+19 Vitality
+120.0 Evade Rating
+360.0 Fear Resist Rating
-3.0% Incoming Ranged Damage
Usage: On any damage: Reflect 147.0 damage
+120.0 Parry Rating
+144.0 Wound Resist Rating
Durability: 100/100
Sturdiness: Normal

"A powerful locket given to those who stand in defense of Lothlorien."

Usage Requirements:
Requires: Kindred standing with Galadhrim
Minimum Level: 60
Worth: 59s 40c
Lothlorien Protector's Manacle
Slot: Wrist
Bind on Acquire
+19 Agility
+19 Might
+19 Vitality
+120.0 Block Rating
+162 Maximum Morale
Durability: 80/80
Sturdiness: Normal

"An ornate bracelet that protects its wearer from harm."

Usage Requirements:
Requires: Ally standing with Galadhrim
Minimum Level: 60
Worth: 59s 40c