Name | Level | Worth | Received |
| Adso's Axe | | 1 74 | Quested From: Trophies for the Walls (15) |
| Amarthdring | | 10 32 | |
| Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Arohir's Axe | | 3 59 | Quested From: Orcs of the Blood Mountain (33) |
| Atli's Axe | | None | |
| Axe | | None | |
| Axe of Endurance | 55 | 5 52 | |
| Axe of Khazad-Dum | 44 | 7 66 | |
| Axe of Mirrormere | 49 | 8 36 | |
| Axe of Stamina | 75 | 7 20 | Dropped by: Khundolar Archer, Khundolar Berserker, Khundolar Captain, ... |
| Axe of the Blamed | 48 | 8 50 | |
| Axe of the Eglan-vanguard | 32 | 9 60 | Sold by: Freagyr |
| Axe of the Mark | 23 | 4 72 | |
| Axe of the Purifier | 50 | 8 50 | Dropped by: Nengon |
| Axe of Tol Brandir | 16 | 3 74 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 14 | 2 8 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 15 | 2 16 | |
| Backed Hand Axe | 23 | 2 36 | Dropped by: Raging Tarkrip Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Backed Hand Axe | 26 | 2 57 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe | 29 | 2 78 | Sold by: Donan Finloch, Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe | 32 | 2 99 | Dropped by: Foreman Nyrad Sold by: Windle Moorneedle |
| Backed Hand Axe of Arda | 5 | 1 8 | Dropped by: Goblin Scout |
| Backed Hand Axe of Determination | 19 | 2 50 | |
| Backed Hand Axe of Extermination | 16 | 2 24 | |
| Backed Hand Axe of the Spirit | 17 | 2 33 | Dropped by: Noxious Barrow-wight |
| Backed Hand Axe of Vigour | 15 | 2 16 | |
| Bannerman's Axe | 75 | 414 | Sold by: Rohirrim Quartermaster, Rohirrim Quartermaster (Galtrev) |
| Bitbrand | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 2 92 | Crafted |
| Brogur's Axe | | 9 6 | Quested From: Book 3. Chapter 2: A Long Way from Home (54) |
| Bronwechathol | 58 | 9 62 | |
| Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Captain's Axe of the First Age | 59 | None | Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Captain's Axe of the First Age | 60 | None | Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Captain's Axe of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Captain's Axe of the Third Age | 55 | None | Dropped by: Mordor Archer, Mordor Captain, Mordor Defiler, ... Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Captain's Axe of the Third Age | 57 | None | Dropped by: Largzurm Defiler, Largzurm Marauder, Morvul-worker Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Captain's Axe of the Third Age | 59 | None | Dropped by: Globsnaga Fungus Collector, Globsnaga Guard, Globsnaga Pulpum, ... Sold by: Basil Woodhouse, Nosseron, Osgild |
| Champion's Axe of the First Age | 59 | None | Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Champion's Axe of the First Age | 60 | None | Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Champion's Axe of the Third Age | | None | Quested From: Book 1 -- Chapter 9: Weapon of the Elder Days (Champion) (50) |
| Champion's Axe of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Champion's Axe of the Third Age | 55 | None | Dropped by: Mordor Archer, Mordor Captain, Mordor Defiler, ... Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Champion's Axe of the Third Age | 57 | None | Dropped by: Morvul-worker Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Champion's Axe of the Third Age | 59 | None | Dropped by: Globsnaga Fungus Collector, Globsnaga Guard, Globsnaga Pulpum, ... Sold by: Albert Yarwood, Gragan, Mithguen |
| Cleanser of Nud-heden | | 69 48 | Quested From: Grodbog Nurses (57) |
| Common Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 8 | |
| Common Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | None | |
| Cournir's Axe | | 5 10 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Challenging the Stone (46) |
| Course Crasher | | 9 90 | Quested From: The Final Offence (60) |
| Crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 92 | |
| Crafted Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | 7 92 | |
| Creoth's Bane | | 3 42 | Quested From: Long Overdue Justice (30) |
| Curuchathol | | 1 14 | Quested From: Cutting Cords (7) |
| Cutleaf's Handaxe | | 1 91 | Quested From: Cutleaf's Good Intentions (10) |
| Delicate Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | None | |
| Delicate Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 5 82 | |
| Divider | 48 | 8 22 | Sold by: Coldfells QuarterMaster |
| Dori's Saviour | | 5 70 | Quested From: Chapter 4, Part II: Freeing Dori (35) |
| Double Bladed Axe of Strengthening | 41 | 4 34 | |
| Double Bladed Battle Axe of Vigour | 23 | 2 83 | |
| Drake-biter | | 8 36 | Quested From: Chapter 6: Thror's Hammer (48) |
| Dunlending's Broad-bladed Axe | | 6 95 | Quested From: Evil Things (72) |
| Dwarf-craft Axe | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Dwarf-made Axe | 56 | 5 60 | Dropped by: Dark Spirit |
| Dwarf-make Axe | 44 | 21 36 | Sold by: Authun |
| Elder's Doom | | 2 92 | Quested From: Elders in the Shadows (26) |
| Elven-Steel Axe | 42 | 4 68 | Crafted |
| Enduring Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of Stamina | 49 | 5 2 | |
| Enduring Long Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 36 | 3 92 | |
| Exceptional Axe of Deep Wounds | 40 | None | |
| Exceptional Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | None | |
| Faechathol | 60 | 10 4 | Sold by: Gurdagnir |
| Fargraf | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Feeble Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | None | |
| Feeble Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 5 40 | |
| Felling Axe | 5 | 90 | Sold by: Cooper Basilleaf, Hodor Thornberry, Karl Quickfire |
| Fine Axe of Deep Wounds | 30 | None | |
| Fine Axe of the Stalwart | 30 | None | |
| Fine Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 74 | Crafted |
| Fine Gondorian Axe | 27 | 5 70 | Crafted |
| Fine Iron Axe | 10 | 1 99 | Crafted |
| Fine Steel Axe | 16 | 3 74 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Axe of Combat | 60 | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Flawless Galadhrim Axe of Tactics | 60 | 14 85 | Crafted |
| Forged Dwarf-Craft Axe | 31 | 3 76 | Crafted |
| Forged Elven-steel Axe | 48 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Forged Steel Axe | 16 | 4 16 | Crafted |
| Gaerol | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Galadhrim Axe of Combat | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Galadhrim Axe of Tactics | 60 | 9 90 | Crafted |
| Gisli's Axe | 6 | 1 2 | |
| Gleaming Axe | 55 | 5 52 | Dropped by: Gazathrug Enforcer, Gazathrug Lurker, Gazathrug Shadowbrand, ... |
| Gleaming Spiked Hatchet | 29 | 3 34 | |
| Golden Axe of Might | 66 | 6 44 | Dropped by: Dievlig Wight |
| Gondorian Axe | 27 | 3 42 | Crafted |
| Goodbody's Axe | | 1 45 | Quested From: Bears on the Greenfields (11) |
| Granger's Axe | | 78 | Quested From: Stolen Treasures (4) |
| Guardian's Axe | | 3 60 | Quested From: A Blade of Renown (15) |
| Guardian's Axe of the First Age | 59 | None | Sold by: Bragi Stoutclub, Frothi, Laechenn |
| Guardian's Axe of the First Age | 60 | None | Sold by: Bragi Stoutclub, Frothi, Laechenn |
| Guardian's Axe of the Second Age | 56 | None | |
| Guardian's Axe of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Frothi, Laechenn |
| Guardian's Axe of the Third Age | 55 | None | Dropped by: Mordor Archer, Mordor Captain, Mordor Defiler, ... Sold by: Bragi Stoutclub, Frothi, Laechenn |
| Guardian's Axe of the Third Age | 57 | None | Dropped by: Morvul-worker Sold by: Bragi Stoutclub, Frothi, Laechenn |
| Hand Axe | 5 | 90 | Dropped by: Southern Warrior Sold by: Aglinn, Duri Bold-hammer |
| Hand Axe | 8 | 1 26 | Dropped by: Blackwold Lookout, Gramsfoot Advancer, Gramsfoot Piercer, ... Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Cooper Basilleaf, ... |
| Hand Axe | 11 | 1 52 | Dropped by: Dourhand Warrior, Foul-arrow White Hand, White Hand Pillager Sold by: Aglinn, Albryc Long-Foot, Cooper Basilleaf |
| Hardened Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 4 86 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bright Steel Axe of Tactics | 28 | 5 84 | Crafted |
| Hardened Bronze Axe | 7 | 2 90 | Crafted |
| Hardened Iron Axe | 10 | 3 32 | Crafted |
| Hatchet | | 54 | Sold by: Hodor Thornberry |
| Hatchet | | 1 | Quested From: Skip Tutorial (Dwarf) (3) |
| Hatchet | 14 | 1 73 | Dropped by: Barrow-wight Warrior, White Hand Guard |
| Hatchet | 17 | 1 94 | Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Jess Fairchild |
| Hatchet | 20 | 2 15 | Dropped by: Nishruk, Nurzurz, White Hand Battler, ... Sold by: Dolph Boxthorn, Donan Finloch, Jess Fairchild |
| Hatchet | 35 | 3 20 | Dropped by: Hillmen Skirmisher |
| Heartrend | 46 | 7 94 | |
| Heavy Bright Steel Axe | 21 | 2 92 | Crafted |
| Heavy Bronze Axe | 7 | 1 74 | Crafted |
| Heavy Iron Axe | 10 | 1 99 | Crafted |
| Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 37 | 4 1 | |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe | 21 | 3 16 | |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe | 34 | 3 76 | Dropped by: Deadly Wight, Fell Wight, Twisted Wight |
| Heavy Spiked War Axe of the Goblin-Wars | 21 | 2 66 | |
| Heavy Steel Hatchet | 45 | 7 80 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Hefna | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Heronhathol | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Hooked Axe | 28 | 3 25 | |
| Hunter's Axe of the First Age | 59 | None | Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Hunter's Axe of the First Age | 60 | None | Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Hunter's Axe of the Third Age | | None | Quested From: Chapter 14: Khazad-dum At Last! (51) |
| Hunter's Axe of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Hunter's Axe of the Third Age | 55 | None | Dropped by: Khil, Mordor Archer, Mordor Captain, ... Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Hunter's Axe of the Third Age | 57 | None | Dropped by: Largzurm Archerer, Largzurm Defiler, Largzurm Marauder, ... Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Hunter's Axe of the Third Age | 59 | None | Dropped by: Globsnaga Fungus Collector, Globsnaga Guard, Globsnaga Pulpum, ... Sold by: Durphent, Frithor, Hrutur |
| Iornaith's Bane | | 1 74 | Quested From: Spider-bane (9) |
| Iron Axe | 10 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Iron Axe | 13 | 1 45 | Crafted |
| Keen Heavy Spiked Hand Axe of the West | 47 | 4 85 | |
| Laerdan's Axe | | 8 50 | Quested From: Book VIII, Chapter 1: The Flickering Flame (49) |
| Limlaer's Axe | | 8 50 | Quested From: Drawing the Enemy (50) |
| Long Handled Axe | | 2 30 | Sold by: Hagan Storm-Sword |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe | 13 | 1 99 | |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe | 18 | 2 41 | |
| Long Spiked Hand Axe of Vigour | 49 | 5 2 | Dropped by: Gadhup |
| Maethathol | | 4 18 | Quested From: A Better Sort of Giant (40) |
| Malledhrim Axe of Defence | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Force | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Striking | 100 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Malledhrim Axe of Warding | 65 | 10 32 | Crafted |
| Master-crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 40 | None | |
| Master-crafted Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | 11 28 | |
| Mathi's Axe | 5 | 90 | Quested From: Frostmantle (5) |
| Mirrored Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 12 71 | Crafted |
| Mirrored Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Munce's Axe | | 2 50 | Quested From: Hunters Become Prey (23) |
| Numenorean Axe of Stamina | 65 | 6 36 | |
| Old Forester's Axe | | 1 66 | Quested From: Free the Tree (10) |
| Old Hatchet | | 1 | Dropped by: Goblin, Goblin Prowler |
| Orc-slasher | 30 | 5 70 | |
| Othathol | | 8 36 | Quested From: Raid: The Master of Imlad Balchorth (49) |
| Pick-axe | 44 | 3 83 | Dropped by: Blogmal Captain, Blogmal Defiler, Blogmal Skirmisher, ... |
| Pick-axe | 47 | 4 4 | Dropped by: Dourhand Gem-seeker, Dourhand Gem-seeker |
| Poacher's Cleaver | 60 | None | Quested From: Poaching: Protected Deer in Lorien (60) |
| Polished Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 8 50 | Crafted |
| Polished Forester's Axe | 20 | 4 30 | Sold by: Austar, Classic, Curugardh, ... |
| Polished Gondorian Axe | 27 | 5 70 | Crafted |
| Polished Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Precise Ancient Steel Axe | 47 | 12 75 | Crafted |
| Precise Westernesse Axe | 35 | 6 82 | Crafted |
| Refined Dwarf-craft Axe | 31 | 6 26 | Crafted |
| Rothgar's Axe | 7 | 1 26 | |
| Sambrog's Bane | | 4 86 | Quested From: Evil's Final Chapter (24) |
| Sarnemil's Doom | | None | Quested From: Sarnemil's Flight (43) |
| Sharpshard Axe | | 4 26 | Quested From: The Last Ingot (45) |
| Shining Axe of Stone-cutting | 65 | 6 36 | |
| Shining Steel Axe | 21 | 4 86 | Crafted |
| Silefalas's Axe | | 3 8 | Quested From: Insect Menace (27) |
| Skillfully Crafed Axe of the Stalwart | 30 | None | |
| Skillfully Crafted Axe of Deep Wounds | 30 | None | |
| Smithsof | 50 | 8 50 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe | 20 | 2 58 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe | 38 | 4 9 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Arda | 20 | 2 58 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Might | 38 | 4 9 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of Ruin | 33 | 3 67 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of the Hunter | 12 | 1 91 | |
| Spiked Hand Axe of the Mountains | 27 | 3 17 | Dropped by: Wretched Wight |
| Spiked Hatchet | 19 | 2 49 | |
| Spiked Hatchet | 43 | 4 51 | |
| Spiked Hatchet of Inspiration | 48 | 4 93 | |
| Spiked Hatchet of Stone-cutting | 42 | 4 43 | |
| Spiked Hatchet of Wounding | 29 | 3 34 | |
| Steel Axe | 16 | 2 24 | Crafted |
| Stone-biter | 50 | 12 75 | Dropped by: Helchgam |
| Stormhaft | | 12 33 | Quested From: Raid: Storvagun the Traitor (50) |
| Strong Axe of Torment | 35 | 6 82 | |
| Superior Axe of Deep Wounds | 40 | 11 70 | |
| Superior Axe of the Stalwart | 40 | 11 70 | |
| Swift Great Oak Club of Stamina | 42 | 4 43 | |
| Swift Long Spiked Hand Axe | 22 | 2 74 | |
| Swift Long Spiked Hand Axe of Ruin | 50 | 5 10 | |
| Swift Spiked Hatchet | 11 | 1 82 | Dropped by: Dour Ingo |
| Swift Spiked Hatchet | 23 | 2 83 | |
| Swift War Cleaver | 45 | 4 68 | |
| Tarchathol | | 8 50 | Quested From: Aklash, the Leader of Soldiers (50) |
| Tempered Elven-steel Axe | 42 | 7 80 | Crafted |
| Thain's Axe | 58 | None | Crafted |
| The Judge's Axe | | 4 42 | Quested From: Swamp-Dweller (44) |
| Thickfist's Thick-axe | | 8 64 | Quested From: Sealing the Gate (51) |
| Toronn's Axe | | 1 14 | Quested From: The Days Ahead (7) |
| Turchathol | | 1 74 | Quested From: The Third Gear (12) |
| Victory at Minas Caul | | 8 50 | Quested From: Balak, Emissary of the White-hand (50) |
| Warden's Axe of the First Age | 59 | None | Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the First Age | 60 | None | Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the Third Age | 53 | None | Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the Third Age | 55 | None | Dropped by: Mordor Archer, Mordor Captain, Mordor Defiler, ... Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the Third Age | 57 | None | Dropped by: Morvul-worker Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the Third Age | 59 | None | Dropped by: Globsnaga Fungus Collector, Globsnaga Guard, Globsnaga Pulpum, ... Sold by: Tess Cotton, Tinuloth, Wulfhild |
| Warden's Axe of the Third Age | 63 | None | Dropped by: Tham Umdur Artifact-master, Tham Umdur Blood-warrior, Tham Umdur Ritual-weaver |
| Warrior's Axe | 56 | 9 34 | Crafted |
| Watcher's Axe | | 1 66 | Quested From: Spiders in the Midgewater (8) |
| Weakened Axe of Deep Wounds | 10 | 5 82 | |
| Weakened Axe of the Stalwart | 10 | 4 98 | |
| Well-made Axe of Deep Wounds | 20 | 7 50 | |
| Well-made Axe of the Stalwart | 20 | 7 50 | |
| Westernesse Axe | 35 | 4 9 | Crafted |
| Worn Hand Axe | | 90 | Quested From: Intro: A Guardian's Shield Swipe (2), Intro: A Strong Shield (2), Intro: A Strong Voice (2), ... |